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    • I like this a lot. I'm always amazed at how a few simple lines can express so much character. This was definitely me as a child, clomping around in rubber boots to play in puddles and ponds.
    • Combo time: 3 & 4 - Boots & Exotic (though the latter's a little thin, but it's all I could come up with). It feels slightly incomplete, but a weather headache kicked in 1/2 way though and I've lost the thread by today.    
    • I kinda love those days when my "lift heavy stuff" box gets ticked doing Regular Life Activities. Way to go, moving the headboard! And yeah, under the bed is second only to behind appliances for those "have I literally EVER cleaned this???" moments.   I hope a lot of those little tasks chain nicely into a productive putter and you find yourself at the end of the day going, "yep, I did good."
    • Congrats on getting the redress sorted. It helps to know there's something coming, even if it is a ways in the future.   I've also had a lot of low phases over the past few years, and it's been hard to find the activity-nutrient that my plant-soul is missing. Or rather, every time I think I've dialled it in, it changes? Anyway, I feel your woe, and I hope you will happen upon something you can get deep enough into to recharge, whether that's just literally resting more (I have a friend who is so much more vibrant since they started napping!) or revisiting a beloved activity you haven't made time for recently.
    • Seems like you're on a real roll this week, including rolling with challenges like your back.    I still love that you're reading The Hobbit to your horse. Whereabouts in the story are you?   Wishing you speedy stair stringing so you can thumb your nose at the rain.
    • I love your witchy boots SO MUCH! Ribbon laces make everything cooler.  Your bujo spread is awesome too, and I looooove that door.  But I think my favourite photo you shared this week is the blackened branch poking up from the grass.  It looks like it could be about to rise and intone something spooky at any moment, or like it might mark the boundary between the mortal world and somewhere spookier.  You stayed on the right-hand side of it, I hope? Or carried some rowan for protection?
    • When I read a mostly truly excellent poem, while someone is hosting a poetry thread, I would be remiss not to share it, even if said host introduced me to the source of the poem.     The part is bolded particularly spoke to me on this reading. I've decided to paint a painting to put it on. I'll start it today, but it might take a few sitting to do. And agreed with the spoiler. 
    • That... that is the way it is worded. That is the only way to word it. I'm so confused.     I would like strength training to be that for me, too, but I can't really ignore the data and sheer convenience of walking.     Ugh, I know. I need so much more of it.
    • Thank you!  Just trying to find ways daily to make life feel more full and beautiful.    I tried just journaling and it never offered me enough structure. The book was helpful in guiding me  in finding at least a purpose on why I am doing this.  As for it being a commonplace book for you, I think that is amazing and actually is one of the sections the book references (they are called collections).   Unfortunately a large portion of my collections are digital and I haven’t dug into the digital version of the Bullet app to see if it integrates well with my current commonplace.  
    • Did not call the electrician yesterday. I had every intention of doing it, but then got sucked into a project and forgot until dinner time
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