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    • After training for around six months, the progress you should expect varies based on factors like your fitness goals, workout consistency, diet, and initial fitness level. Generally, you might see improvements in strength, endurance, and muscle tone. For strength training, you could experience noticeable gains in muscle size and strength. In terms of endurance, you should notice enhanced performance in cardio activities. Weight loss or body composition changes might also be visible if that's part of your goal. It’s important to remember that individual progress can vary, so focus on personal growth and maintaining a consistent routine for continued improvement. #runpost
    • Jumping in for a really quick update: Car sale fell through, because the buyer was told they won't be able to find spare parts for this model. That's ok, there were already others waiting in the wings, so it should go through with someone else getting it. Had the papers served for the case of my friend who'll be looking after my cats Case 2 involves a close person who stresses a lot; it came to me back in February, so with the moving, new job, visa stuff etc I could only work on it weekends and late at night after work. As a result, it's dragged on. I'd promised it would be done by the end of last week, but telling my employer he'd be taking over, he asked to have a look at the lawsuit first. I spent way too much time last night drafting up an email to my client about why the papers haven't been submitted yet, about my departure and how things will go from here on. It was quite stressful, as was knowing I got a response from him this morning. Fortunately, it looks like he took it ok and just like I thought, I was making it a much bigger deal inside my head than it actually was.
    • Considering how long it took me to respond,  you're not kidding!    
    • You are so right, I just feel in looking back I've had my head buried in the sand for so long 😕 I saw it, but didn't really acknowledge it or realize what an issue it had the potential to become.
    • Push (80kg bench) 5,7,9,11,13 Core (toes to bar) 11 Read: DoubleTrouble's challenge   Losing a bit of motivation. Hopefully it is was the rain (and tax meeting with the accountant) today that got my mood down, and I will bounce back tomorrow..
    • How is the driving practice going? Have you done any highway driving yet? Good luck with your challenge... a solitary and single goal, but a good one   I'm booked in for some driving practice of my own next Tuesday!
    • Dang….I love it!  Soo purdy.
    • Hey Sal!! 😍    Lecturing used to be the most terrifying part of the job for me when i was first starting out, but the department kept assigning me giant high enrolment classes so I got over the fear. Mostly. I still get an adrenaline spike just before, but it’s mild enough my body interprets it as “oh I’m really excited to share this cool idea or run this awesome activity today in front of such a big group” not “aaaaaaah yikes!” And when a giant class goes well (& they usually do now that I have many years of experience) it’s such an immediate high. By contrast we never get immediate positive feedback for research, I mean it’s exciting but everything we write up has to go through slooooow peer review then the reviewers (rightly) concentrate on what needs changing or fixing up. But give a great lecture and it’s a total rush. Best part of the job, maybe.   Legs are a little stiff today but not too bad. I probably over did it yesterday with walking during commute, sitting for several hours in a meeting, then dancing in rehearsal 😅 but have physio at the clinic this afternoon and get to do the cryo compression treatment at the end of that!!   Really thinking about trying a (gentle) yoga class on the weekend. I could do with some stretching! I would need to modify a lot of the poses as it’s hard on my new knees to be on all fours (like for cat/cow) and nearly impossible to do kneeling poses like hero or… well, a lot of the poses are kneeling. But I could probably work with the instructor to figure out poses that are more accessible to my current state, and how great would it feel to streeeeeeeeetch!?   Busy day today: back to back lecture, starting at 930, and apparently the already dire bus commute situation may be even worse today thanks to an accident, so i probably have to leave super early. I will be happy when I get back on my bike! Then meet my grad student to run through practice questions (he’s defending tomorrow!!!) then physio… then gym or straight home and CHILL OUT.  
    • I get this too. And i agree, it’s intensely frustrating. But socialising takes energy too, so its all pulling from the same well im afraid. breaking it into smaller chunks and rests in between can help (two solid hours of nothing but talking would floor me for the day also). Even being in a room with other people can be a bit much when I'm tired so I've basically explained to the family if i say i need space just to let me be quiet and recharge. If you have a room people wont walk through, this is a good spot to pick.  when out, sometimes finding a quiet cafe or park to sit in can help. Possibly getting the people you’re with to go do something else (like wander round a few shops or something) for 20mins can be a good thing to try. Or explain you just need to chill for a period and get them to bring a book.  not sure if any of this is helpful for you, but its how i juggle it. As usual, pinch of salt with everything.  had to work hard at not feeling like an inconvenience when i do this. But putting your energy constraints first is so important.    hope you have a lovely time with your dad over. 
    • Cozy season! Love this for you!!!   NGL i’m a little jealous of your cooler weather. It’s only about 12C now here but going up to 29. TWENTY NINE!! That is okay in summer when it’s expected to be running around the beach in tank tops and short pants but in September, trying to dress professional enough so we don’t look like we’re trying to mimic the students, it’s bananas.   Good luck with your list! I kind of feel like I’m too busy today to even make a list, which of course means that I really need a list of my own.
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