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    • Glad both you and your dad were alright.Yay for strong Walmart guy!   Way to slay those spiders1
    • Rezka is feeling a little tired after exploring. Maybe on some of the other days, she'll harvest more herbs, but for now she's content with the minimum.   Monday: 10 squat holds
    • Don't worry, @Harriet, we're not expecting you to tell us about the secret plan. Telling us that you're okay would be appreciated though.  
    • Ooof, nightmares are the worst! I hope they go away soon.
    • How are you, Harriet? 💜
    • It really is.     Yes, it's good to have things remind you that the margin of error on calorie measurements is huge. You can ballpark it, but I'm sure that it's easy to be a hundred calories out either way for the average meal. You just sorta figure it balances, because not all the errors go the same way.     Okay, but black is always the new black. Just saying. On a good day, my underwear is black, too.     I agree, and have now added it to my library holds for October. I doubt I'm going to like Interview With the Vampire much, so I need another witch and vampire option.     Excellent call. Although personally, I'm not sure I'd call it dark academia. It's so gold and teal and white and sandy.
    • Woke up  aand got out of bed this morning, and our house was cold. This was the first night since spring where the temperatures had dropped below 50. And apparently, sometime this summer, our heater's thermostat automatic timer had reset to a weird time. So,  even though the house was cold, the heat hadn't turned on, because it thought it was 3 am. Fixed that.  I was a bit reluctant to get going this morning, but I did make it. I was past my goal time, but still in my grace period time. Pretty proud of that win. It was the first fallish morning, with grey skies, and a cold house.  Later on in the day, the sun came out and it was a lovely fall day.   Today was apple picking day. In the spring, we put panty hose footing on them to keep out apple maggots(yuck) so picking apples means not just picking the apples , but taking their socks off! It worked pretty well, with about 3/4 of our apples being worm free, Had a couple of conversations with neighbors, who were walking by, and wondering what I was doing.  The apples are big, and look gorgeous! I didn't get as many steps in , but I am tired.
    • Grewynn, in all her 200 years of life, has never seen anything like the strange parcels on the ground. With her hand at the sword prepared to fight if needed, she bends down  to peer more intently at them. Besides here she sees the bear begin to fight the spiders. Grewynn is thankful that Ursina is keeping the spiders occupied so that  she and Shava can study the strange objects  .   I will do the good mornings.  I did a few this morning. I was hoping to do more, but now I'm tired and it's unlikely anymore will happen. Tomorrow is rest day, so  I can do some sets for a good stretch.
    • Week 2 Plan This week, I'm planning workouts for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Weekend. Technically I could fit something on Friday as well, but I kind of like leaving that open so I can just do some bouldering for fun if I feel like it.
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