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    • I love swimming but I cannot find a good trainer for this task.  Your post makes me excited.  Please post more on this topic.  Visit: Professional Painting Service In Montclair, NJ
    • I need to practice doing both of these more. i find myself going over things again and again. Even over a year later. I know its down to not really understand why things happened the way they did. But sometimes we do not get an answer to the questions that are left hanging when things in life end. I want it out of my head, at this point i feel like whenever im tired i pick at it and thats getting in the way of moving on.  so, letting it lie when it pops up in my head and not going round in wellworn mental spirals seems like a good goal. Reminding myself that some things don't have answers. 
    • Nice deck!   Keep up the good work!
    • Hmm.  That's not a bad idea. 
    • Keep up the good work!  I hope the elbow is better soon.
    • How's it going? How are YOU? 🦋
    • @Laghail Welcome aboard!   It's a mindset challenge but it is mostly geared toward action. I may find a way to summarize my goals in a more digest way before the end.   I seem to have been too optimistic for the first week. It's not a problem, I'll track things properly and adjust for week 2 if necessary.   Day 09/15 09/16 09/17 09/18 09/19 09/20 09/21 Success% 57% 63% 78%         Walk Yes Yes Yes         Body measurements     Yes         Breakfast     Yes         Hygiene routine Yes Yes Yes         Form checks               Workout Yes   Yes         Progress pictures               Taxes Yes             Decluttering Yes Yes Yes         Batch cooking Yes             Architect contact Yes             Engineering practice               Financial accounting Yes Yes Yes         Contacts database               Financial spreadsheet consolidation               Professional files consolidation               To bed by 10 pm   Yes          
    • Dang, girl, did you decide to stay in Cancun?   Edited to add: Whoops, my bad. It only feels like Friday. I hope you are having a brilliant, relaxing time.
    • Glad they're going to get that sorted out for you. That would not be fun as a recurring problem.
    • Glad you enjoy them, i do enjoy taking them. I did take some today but have to get them off my phone yet.   And @Everstorm   thanks guys. Its great that its finally feeling better. Trying not to overdo it and make sure to rest it in the evening. Fingerscrossed it wont be too much longer til i can walk on it more normally
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