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    • Forgot to mention that I bought a new lock for my gym locker and decided to leave some few things in it today. This feels brave, and also a bit sassy. I know someone is breaking into my locker and stealing (probably outright just throwing away) my things in an attempt to harass me, and mostly it works -- I am inconvenience and I feel violated, as intended. But I am not swayed nor do I feel daunted. I did, and now I'm over that. Will they break in and throw away my things again? Possibly. Probably, even. Assholes are going to asshole, and I'm going to go to the gym.   ❤️
    • Heidi rests from the morning's walking and gathering and consults her notebook of random knowledge. She finds a random tidbit about how to modify squats for those with knee issues. She widens her stance and collects five more herbs, then settles in to do research and writing, sipping tea. The Universe loves us and wants us to be happy and strong, she thinks to herself. 
    • Tuesday   Lifting - no - we'll call it a rest day.  I'll still get 4 this week.  1/4 Calories - yes - much better decisions were made 2/7 Kneehab - no - looks like the bed-time idea is not working out.  There are too many variables.  I'll have to think of something else to tie it to.  Possibly I might bring the foam roller and yoga mat to work and do it here.  It only take10-15 min, and I could easily do it on a break. 0/5    
    • I made it to the gym again, and wow, I love it. I took the long way to the gym, walking around the block that has a 40' hill at the far end before going into the gym and finishing my mile on the track. I like this.  I rowed 250m, then hit the steam room and sauna, about 7 minutes each. Very nice. As I was showering, I felt like I had won the day.  This also seems to be just the right schedule. I started the walk around the block at 6:40 and finished rowing about 30 minutes later. I came out of the steam room just as the chatty ladies were finishing up, and dried off and got dressed after they left. I like this very much.   Work is of course ridiculous, as work has been and will likley continue to be, but that's all good.  Also found a New York Times article about how to modify squats for those of us with knee issues. I had already been doing the "widen the stance" modification, and I'm glad to see the others as well. Feels like the Universe loves me and wants me to be happy.  
    • Yesterday I did, indeed, finish up the laundry. Poked at a small sewing thing, and dove into a deep rabbit hole of vintage sewing machines. Also had a phone chat with a good work friend for a bit of a vent session and catch up, which was nice, and necessary.   Italian sausage is defrosted in the fridge, so once work is done, I'll get after that. Not too much else to report, at the moment.   Oh, elbow is feeling essentially 100% so lifting tomorrow should be good to go.
    • Thank you TG. I just washed the dishes, had my overnight oats and fruit, and a glass of water and my meds.    Its very strange. I honestly feel drunk?! Like i cant remember the last 2 hours properly, its a blur!?   A little scary......   I need to collect my prescription and Roxy's prescription. Plus get some more almond milk and butter. Cant decide if to go before or after i do some work.    Maybe i could do work for 1 hour. Then go collect bits and pieces. And once i get back, take Bronze out somewhere, before the school and work end rush.    I would LOVE to just be able to sleep all afternoon.    x
    • Hey Sal! Unexplained anxiety sounds like no fun. I hope it lifts quickly. Maybe watching Bronze play and goof around will help. Though I’m sure it’s frustrating when you had plans to be productive. No advice, just solidarity ❤️
    • 😳 a lot of my Monday tasks are still tasks awaiting me now on Wednesday 😳    So far, the week’s been good! Rode my new bike in to campus Mon and Tue, and plan on doing that today too. I LOVE MY COMMUTE riding this thing. The contrast is especially keen with the previous week, waiting for the city bus and crowding on and then getting dropped off a long arduous sweaty walk from where i need to be ‘cause of the picket lines and changes to bus routes. Now I just zip along and have the best time ❤️ At work, too, one of my newer grad students has been REALLY impressing me with his programming skills, which is great.   Physically, Monday was a little inactive except for the bike ride; not even a single round of physio much less the day’s workout. Yesterday I made sure to get home a little earlier and knocked off some physio, coaching workout, plus a plank and set of assisted squats… too wiped out to make it two sets of those though.   Food: calories were over on Monday (boo, poor planning) but a little under Tuesday. So okay, on average. Strategy I worked out with coach for last week and this week is just to track meticulously and see how scale and body measurements react or don’t react to the status quo, to figure out where maintenance level is; then adjusting workouts or diet or both after this coming weekend.    Today, zero meetings  but a lot of science to get through, so I’ll need to make a list to keep me somewhat on track! Coming soon! 
    • Morning 11.30am here.    Bronze is meant to be out with the dog walker today but she has had to assist with a family health issue so no walks for Bronze with all her pals.    Means i have to take her out today which is annoying as i tried to plan the day to get bits done without her needing me.    I am feeling very anxious this morning. My heart is pounding and i am very nauseous.   I am unsure exactly what is going on, im not totally sure why i feel so anxious.    Its horrid.    x
    • ❤️      ❤️    Thank you! haha Bronze is so good these days with other dogs. So much more confident x
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