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    • I woke up at 7:30 to find my cat in the shower, meowing weakly and pitifully, in a small puddle of yellow drool. I brought her water, which she couldn't drink, and tried to make the tap drip for her, but this was just an effort to make her more comfortable. Seeing her like that, it was clear that she was suffering and it couldn't go on. There was no hope of improvement. We managed to get a euthanasia appointment at 9am. My son was able to be there too, to say goodbye to her. Goodbye, my sweet pretty kitty girl. I love you.   So I'm feeling less than amazing today.   This appears to be a season of letting go. Much like fall itself really. Some things die. Some creatures fly away elsewhere. And the world begins to look grayer, harsher, and more hopeless.   As the Earth turns, fall becomes winter becomes spring. The excess of summer is purged, the essential and important preserved, and new buds can spring forth in the space created. Life returns, either newly born or returned from its journey. I can only hope that this holds true for the metaphorical turn of seasons as well.   1. & 2. I am going to struggle with this today.   3. I needed this to get through the day, as I had to go straight to work after the appointment. I had a babytime to run in the afternoon too. It did not take a genius of meditation to feel the sadness in my body today.   4. I spent my breaks outside, and that is all that is going to happen today. I barely have the energy to type this post. I definitely do not have it for anything remotely active.   5. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I need a chance to process my own feelings first.
    • Made my water goal yesterday, but not the morning start goal. I wasn't too far off.   The water goal is getting harder. I want to try for the entire challenge. Just so I can really tell if it helps anything vs my method of not tracking, or tracking but not quite as much. So far I have not developed super powers, so I am getting a bit tired of having to pee all the time, without the benefit of actually being able to turn myself into a parachute. My skin does seem to look less wrinkly, which may be it's own superpower, since people pay a lot of money for skin creams to try and diminish wrinkles.   Workout happened today. A short walk happened. I'm going to go on another short walk now (it's evening here) I'm walking solo, as Mr. Incredible is picking the apples I was too short to reach.
    • It's a lot of water . And  yes, everyone needs cozy socks.😀 Our tree is a bit earlier. It's actually just one tree, but still very cool. And an amazing amount of apples from one small dwarf tree. We are!
    • Your feelings are valid.  I hope you can find some relief soon. 💜
    • Do you think you may need to get your glasses checked? That blurriness is worrisome.  I am seeing a lot of other check marks, so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself on this one. But it may be that this simple task has grown teeth, so you may want to sneak up on it. Be super stealthy! You got this
    • I read this initially as "smooshie" and I thought it sounded delicious. LOL   YAY for Zumba! High  fives!
    • That does not look comfortable. I don't think I would want clothing rubbing against it either. 
    • My leaches!  I need my leaches!     Ok, fingers crossed that things are a'changin'.  It's been a long 6 weeks or so.  The note of incoming autumn is resettling me a bit.    The path to healing progresses if I keep my eyes open to the subtle signs.  Last week I saw a recipe and was excited to try it.   I haven't been excited by a recipe in a while.  And I was excited to engage my 'everyday superpower*;' I can turn leftovers into a dish you wouldn't know was leftovers.  I'm starting to think about meeting people socially again, generally not dating.  I looking forward to spending time with my nerds here.  I'm finding the energy to do the things that I need to do, like updating vaccines and seeing doctors and getting an oil change without being overwhelmed by the notion of doing them.  And sleep is amazing.   Just normal things that are normal, but haven't been normal for a hot minute.  It's lovely.   So, what does that mean for the challenge?  Eh, who knows? 😆   Vague, not pushing myself too much plan.   1.  keep up with careful strength training.  continue with the same amount, but push the effort.  When that becomes relatively easy, increase the amount/time. Minimum 2 times / week 2. continue with 5k buddy training.  Doing couch to 5k with her has been helpful to keep my overtraining under control.  We have our B-day 5k on Oct 6.  Form a new plan after that. minimum 2 days/ week 3.  for now, continue with familiar nutrition plan.  There might be a "dinner club" with a friend soon-ish.  the plan is each of us cooks a recipe and we share it, so cook once, eat twice with variety.  4.  create a 4-6 week meal plan for when I'm alone in a few weeks.  Vague goal to knock of a small handful of pounds, maybe 3-5 pounds.  Acceptable is not gaining. 5. Focus on Halloween costume.  Crocheting wings is taking forever.  But I will have roughly a 5.5-6ft freedom unit wingspan.  Still on the docket is a possible corset top and a skirt.  Need to find my teeny tiny horns too. 6.  continue my quest to sidequest madness.  Still working through the interesting book that Whisper suggested to me.      *A bit ago, former Mr and I realized we each had a "superpower" for everyday, not exciting tasks.  his was for pill dosing a cat in one go, and I could do things with leftovers (or pantry purging) that were interesting.  Obviously I've asked around what everyone else could do.  Answers were 1. put a baby to sleep. 2. always find it on sale, whatever it is 3. summon someone random by speaking their name- works best if you don't want that person 4. Memorize ridiculous things in one go (in that case the Vogon commander's poetry among other things.)   What's your everyday superpower?
    • I feel seen.  And I don't like it     With all of the celebratory beverages you may need the company to help balance your bike   following
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