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    • a few nice autumnal pics i snapped yesterday. Leaves are starting to pile up anywhere the wind doesnt get to them first. Crunching through leaves is one of my favourite autumn things, but the blustery weather usually tidies them away in many places down here sadly.    had a look through the “one line a day” book i bought yesterday. Apparently it is some sort of comparative 4 year journal thing, where the intention is to “write the important events of your life and compare” or something. am i going to use it for its intended purpose? not in the slightest 😆 it is incredibly pretty and very tactile though with a cork cover and gold edges to the pages, so i thought it might be nice for a gratitude diary. I have been intermitedly putting them in my weeklies, but they get lost, so ive been considering making them their own page as i feel they would have more impact on mass. Giving them their own book also seems like a nice idea, as i will have them all together even when i change bujos
    • I watched doc martin to death when i was at uni. It is not the best sit com but i was there mostly for the fact its filmed in cornwall
    • Thanks it was super. Definitely feeling less cabin fevery now.  thought the boots where a great villain addition to my wardrobe.  trying to find more edgy clothing is proving challenging down here. Need some awesome waist belts and things
    • UPDATE   Thank you to my wonderful fiance @DarK_RaideR for keeping me accountable and telling me my challenge had dropped to the last page through inactivity. It feels like that's the lowest bar I should set myself. NEVER BE ON THE LAST PAGE.    Work is still utterly mental. The way the work has been split across the remaining members of the team is grossly unfair, with three of us baring the brunt of the work that was done by 12 people when I joined. And I am still running that project on the side. If this was a private company I would be speaking to my union and taking action. It is acknowledged what we're doing. And they're trying to find fixes from this point on, But there are deep rooted problems.    I haven't been exercising still, predominantly because I just don't have the energy to drag myself out of bed before I have to. And after a day at work in the current climate I can't bring myself to do it afterwards either. Similarly with housework - I am doing the bare minimum to keep everything ticking over. Food is fine. To the point where I am maintaining my weight while not really calorie tracking or working out. Greek lessons have also been adhered to. I cleared out a wardrobe for D_R and hung his stuff up in there that he left here last Christmas. That was nice, And he will be here in two weeks time. I'm looking forward to not having to worry about visas and wedding and one of us moving halfway across the world so I have bandwidth for other goals. Things have been in extreme flux since the immigration rules changed last December.    I was contemplating all the things I have achieved this year and it's actually crazy. Probably my most successful year, on paper, in terms of the way I have had to rise to things. I should probably write down all this stuff, but I have learned a lot about what I can achieve and what kind of person I am. 
    • I personally rewatch the three New Zealand landscape epics every couple of years.
    • Thumbs pressed for a positive result!    Noice! You can't hurt yourself easily with just the bar, even if you fail a lift (I mean, unless you drop it). You can just lower it slowly, then roll it down to your hips, then sit up. Uncomfortable but not deadly. Less safe with heavier weights, of course. But with experience you'll get an idea of how close you are to failure. For me, I notice my lifts slowing down noticieably when I'm one or two reps from failure, at least in the 5-8 range on the bench or squat. Anyway, I'm super happy you're enjoying the lifting ❤️ 
    • I'm sorry about all the horrid anxiety and symptoms. I don't know why that's happening but it sounds shit.   Just to check the basics, have you had some nice nourishing food, enough liquids and some salt? I get heart palpitations when I have too much or too little water and/or salt. And I sometimes get massive anxiety and other symptoms from what seems to be a drop in blood sugar after a low fat, low protein, high carb meal like oats and fruit.    I hope you feel better and the weightlifting class goes well. 
    • What benefits are you hoping for from drinking a lot of water?
    • It's good to hear from you. You and your family are still on my prayer list.
    • Hey all   I drove with loud music. After pharmacy I parked up at a cemetery and walked around. Sat on a bench and cried.   Then went home. Via the shop for a few bits, then dropped that at home and took Bronze out   45 mins playing in the field. Both tired as it's hot   Home. Bath. Pizza. Football. Film.   I then started to feel very poorly. Sick, headache, aching. I felt faint. So went up to bed. Fell asleep quickly.   It's 5.30am here now. I'm in bed just resting. Defo don't feel as bad as I did. The sleep prob helped.   Bronze is laying next to me so close and her body is warm and soft against my legs 💚 I love her.   Today I have work to do - learning new coding for the website stuff. Apply for that women's business thing, emails and general stuff.   Then I have the weightlifting class at 3.30.   Might get an another hour kip xx
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