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    • This is a downside to my challenge format that I've found: once I've missed a goal, no reason not to keep making bad decisions. For example, if I'm on my phone at 9:45pm I've already taken the psychic damage, so no reason not to keep scrolling until midnight. Which obviously is faulty thinking, but so it goes. Excellent job remembering that the challenge mechanics are there to serve real life habits, not vice versa.
    • Ooh, this'll fit well with my wrist mobility exercises! 😊
    • Sorry you're feeling off. It seems to be going around. The changing seasons throwing us off our stride, perhaps? 
    • This sounds super helpful. I'm always overly ambitious with my to-do lists, often because I think in terms of how many items are on the list and not how long individual items take. Interested to see how this app works for you, may have to check it out for myself in the future.
    • Thursday Report! Retreat prep done on my lunch break yesterday and the final deck board laid! As I had hoped, that didn't take too long, so I considered doing some class work, or retreat prep, or continuing on with more barn work. But I've been feeling a bit slow and off this week, so I decided the heck with it all and I got out The Hobbit and started reading it to my horse. He enjoys the sound of lyrical writing, and we've been in an epic poetry phase. We struggled to get through Dante's Inferno, but he really liked The Iliad. Beowulf was supposed to be up next, but I was in the mood for something a little lighter in tone, so The Hobbit it is. One of the things I most appreciate about Tolkien is the sound of his prose. It's one of the reasons my hackles go up when anyone criticizes his pacing for being too wordy and slow. If you want a fast-moving plot, you've got countless modern fantasy novels at your disposal. Let me have my thick, heavy, Tolkien that I feel like I need to chew and I can almost taste it as it rolls off my tongue. When audio books started becoming more popular, I was really hopeful that more authors would start paying attention to the sound of their stories, but unfortunately it doesn't appear to have really taken hold, at least not yet.   So anyways, read some of The Hobbit and then decided that since I've been struggling to focus on reading in the evenings, maybe what I need is an old reread. So I dug through some of my old J.D. Robb books and spent the evening curled up on the couch with one of them. I think I shall be doing a lot of rereading in the near future. Not the most productive evening, but I needed it, and that counts as a short rest as well.   Today's Plan: Gym at lunch. It's already feeling like a slow Friday at work, so if that holds true I might use up some of my comp time and get out of here early. I need to do a bit of retreat prep, and at 8 need to meet the rest of the team at the church for set up, but I'd like to have a little more time in the afternoon to either do some barn work or class work or just read some. Have done well on my goals so far except for calling the electric company, but I dug my contact's number out last night, so after I knock a few tasks off my work to-do list, I'll give him a ring.
    • Hey that sounds like a great workout area. I'm so pleased with you! 
    • Slowing down a bit on the back half of this week, no good mornings done the last two days. Back to the gym today, though, so will make sure to slip at least one set in.   Shava paused, stretching her back after hunching over the mystery parcels. Was this really accomplishing anything? Perhaps she could slice one open and finally get a good look at whatever was inside. She saw Radost scouting ahead, creeping low on the ground, and Ursina continuing to hold back the wave of spiders. Maybe she would examine just one more parcel before doing anything rash.
    • Hey Rookie! More below ❤️ x         _________________________     Hi, its Friday, 1.30pm.    Bronze is back from her walk with the other dogs, and I will give her a bath soon once shes finished her dinner!   Ive had a slow morning, been feeling kind of down  unsure why.    Maybe work going slower than i hoped (business work)    I have a lot to get on with though, website build and application edits. I just cant be bothered with them today.    Im also really tired and worn out.    Anyway, weightlifting yesterday..... it was so good!!!!   Its in the trainers own garage,....she has a whiteboard on the wall with polaroids of each client and their PB for squat, DL, overhead press and bench press!!!   Fairy lights, radio on, just a lovely welcoming space.    She was very lovely too. Kind and encouraging.    She said i have very good form, even though ive never done it before....! I enjoyed it a lot. And going back next week in between these sessions i will be doing Kettlebell exercises at home and walking Bronze in the week.    I have slight DOMS today, mainly thighs.    But felt really good  xx
    • 1 more sleep until I get to go home to my person and doggos.    Today is going to be very long. I've been up since 5:30, there's a couple thinking meetings today and we have a party after work that goes until midnight usually then I think it's an hour drive back to the hotel.     
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