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    • Aww thank you ES! ❤️   Today is beautiful, blue sky, warm but not too hot (yet), and the TiogaBabies are here for the weekend! Kid 2 got in late last night, Kid 1 will get to town early tomorrow morning. It's bike to work day, which I was happy to honour (although didn't make it to campus in time for the 8 am festivities, lol).   No meetings today other than physio in a couple of hours, so just working through spreadsheets doing science *happy dance* Working with pomodoro technique today, and trying to be diligent about actually going outside for fresh air and a bit of a quick stroll in the break parts of the pomodoros. I just realized that when the weather is nice like this, almost all my physio is super amenable to being done outside in the little arboretum by my office! I did get some questions from colleagues and students passing by but don't mind. So, one set of physio is mostly knocked off.
    • TimovieDaughter has started a "speech and diction workshop" at the local arts academy, in preparation for drama / theatre classes. Three of her classmates are doing the same. I went to pick them all up after the workshop. It starts immediately after school, and since I work in the office on Thursdays, I'll never get to take her there. But I *can* bring her back home, so we've worked out a parenting carpool system. I'll get all 4 home from the workshop every two weeks. 🙂 I arrived fifteen minutes early to pick them up, so went for a little walk while waiting, to increase my step count for the day.   Did my wrist exercises in the evening, as well as the DailyDare and an elbow plank hold. I'm thinking of adding a couple of extra core exercises to get my daily 0.2 workout average up. Got into bed a tad late, but still an acceptable hour.   Office day again today. Bike to work, lunch break walk, bike back home. Brother-in-law is coming over this evening, so it'll probably be takeaway dinner and board game night.   Log so far:   Week 2   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Coffee consumption               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 5h45 Steps               Avg. steps 12.9K Distance 20.33 km Wrist mobility               Workouts 3 Days with (mini-)workouts 0.6       Unto Others released a new album today. I've listened to it this morning. They're becoming a favourite since seeing them live at the Alcatraz festival. They're an excellent blend of Type O Negative and Sisters of Mercy. The following song is not from their new album, but from a previous one. The riff and chorus have no business being so catchy, given the dark child abuse themes of the song...   Unto Others - Hell Is for Children   And holy friggin' hell, I just found out that this is a Pat Benatar cover!!! 😱
    • The overtraining beast came for you too, huh?  I see you are respectful of it and allowing for the necessary healing.  I did the same sort of path turning to protein supplements and vitamins to help me through it, and, for what its worth, I found creatine to be helpful too. 
    • I'm prone to this as well. "Oh, that'll be a red mark on my log. OK, all bets are off then." 🙄 Kinda like "Oh, I have a flat tire. OK, might as well slash the others now too..." 🤦‍♂️
    • Wait....   You read aloud to your horse??     That's absolutely beautiful x
    • Instagram messaged you a pic xx
    • This is a downside to my challenge format that I've found: once I've missed a goal, no reason not to keep making bad decisions. For example, if I'm on my phone at 9:45pm I've already taken the psychic damage, so no reason not to keep scrolling until midnight. Which obviously is faulty thinking, but so it goes. Excellent job remembering that the challenge mechanics are there to serve real life habits, not vice versa.
    • Ooh, this'll fit well with my wrist mobility exercises! 😊
    • Sorry you're feeling off. It seems to be going around. The changing seasons throwing us off our stride, perhaps? 
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