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    • The same budget is also allocated to the neighborhoods of Maraști and Grigorescu. For the cazare bucuresti in Cluj residents are willing to allocate 300 euros for monthly rent, and for Zorilor the price reaches 370 euros per month. Case de vanzare in Bucuresti si in tara sunt mereu dorite. Iar modernizarea caselor mai vechi duce la plus valoare. Cu toate acestea, cei care își doresc case de vânzare în București și în țară au deja pretenții, mai ales când vine vorba de eficiența energetică a clădirii.
    • It was nice of my friend to let me leave a hoard of possessions lying around long enough for me to get the new island started. I also had her pick up and put down everything I previously owned in case I need her to order something that could be bought later if I forgot to bring it over.   I messed up on flowers, though. I brought flower heads picked from the plants, not dug up flowers. 😅 So I'll have to breed from scratch. Which is fine. I just need Leif to show up again so I can buy more to please the overlords and get a three star rating. 😂    This last session had been fun thanks to being more Shakira than songs about butts. Unfortunately, my training takes me the wrong direction to easily go to the same gym, but I should be able to convince myself yo visit one in the right direction instead. 👀   I'm presently in a blah mood, though Cid tried helping. But look at what I got done before the mental lethargy hit: I decided to tightly outline the swirls for the white background so it would be separate from the dragon pattern. I may have burned out by insisting I complete what was left. CR was on in the background, and it was cool, but I wasn't entirely enjoying myself. 🫠 I'm also slightly concerned that my piecework isn't exact enough, and thus the white areas making up the perimeter of the quilt will have triangular gaps when I'm joining the chunks at the end of this project, due to being a centimeter or two narrower than the inner side. 🥺 I recognize that's an exaggerated perception of a small problem, but it is a real possibility... I'll sort it out when I get there. Just like I've figured out how to avoid the backing material from inevitably showing through the white section. Oops. 😅   Wins for today that my brain isn't admitting but I know are real: I read Mosque (in Built to Last) by David Macaulay (I grew up on his Castle and Pyramid books - it has been fun revisiting his books) before turning on any electronics Cid and I got groceries (including tilapia, which is not a usual meal choice, because our new bottle of soy had a recipe on it that interested us) I made a yummy re-fried rice with added eggs, chicken, and veggies to round it out from its existing state  I vacuumed the floor before settling in to play ACNH I quilted (as shown off in a Look at this Stuff) I tidied up a bit to try to bypass my existing fugue state I went on a walk with Cid (per his suggestion) and tried to contemplate my current state I expressed my current state in a hope for support and encouragement 👀   Thanks for being here  Maerad
    • So much wisdom in this! I just perused your thread - so sorry to hear that health challenges have been such a struggle. I'm impressed with your realistically positive approach - doing what your body allows and still seeking the joy in life.
    • Still in the game here. Meditation is happening each day. I try to make a point to stop and sit more than once per day, but that's any easy one to forget. It can be hard enough just remembering to sit once per day. I'll take the extra credit as it comes, to the best of my ability.   I've been messing around with a lot of stuff these past few days, which is a good way to avoid hyper focusing on any one thing. As I've established before, hyper focusing on the rope dart tends to wear me down physically. I've been mixing it up with my taijiquan, which is always accessible, regardless of my physical and mental state, and also some nunchaku practice. Specifically, I've been playing around with a short nunchaku routine only using one hand at a time (see below).   https://youtu.be/W0mn0RKNieQ?si=10VukCB3wd557amy
    • That's to be expected when you've been traveling.   You'll get back into the swing of things in a bit. 
    • Yes, but sunset is getting earlier, so there's not as much daylight after work. The gym has plenty of light until 10pm. I do suspect the reason it was so quiet last night was because people were planning on doing outdoor adventures today. The weather was really nice.   I'm glad you're enjoying hearing about bouldering! I has been very helpful for getting me to do some exercise on weekdays as I have been struggling more than usual to do outdoor exercise on weeknights for the last year or so.
    • I'm glad you had a good day with Georgia!
    • Fall is so good for outdoorsy things though…. Sigh….   I am enjoying hearing about the bouldering! I had to look it up and I learned a lot! i’m very impressed. Not that you need me to be, but I am!
    • Omg, I am stealing this idea!!!     glad you are taking care of your feet! I also really love the photo of the black raspberries!
    • My mom calls those Bird Dogs.. i never asked why. D_R’s name is pretty badass though.   I love this for you! Those kind of days are wonderful. But especially if you can have a slower day afterwards. 💜💜💜 
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