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    • I learned that you can set a task in the Finch app for multiple times a day.  So I've added another set to my daily exercises. One set in the morning, one in the afternoon. Right now it's just doing squats, holding a plank, and then crunches. My hand has recovered nicely, so I'm going to add a short set of weights too.  That feels like a good step.    Mom made molasses crinkles and I ate 4 of them. I have no regrets. 
    • Long time, no type my Friends!   It has been super hectic. Summary of my time away:   I didn't get any workouts in during my 3 day travel. I did, however, wake up and get to the gym Thursday and Friday last week. I was dehydrated and cramping about 3am this morning so I decided to switch back and leg day (back day is usually Tuesday so I'll aim for legs tomorrow) and hit back today to give my cramping legs a rest. I took some magnesium and am pushing plenty of water to get back on track and recover.   Food has been... not awful, but not great. I hadn't tracked much of anything all last week. I actually think I only managed to track Thursday fully. We ended up doing a Costco run on Friday which took the majority of the day between the travel to/from and the shopping itself. Saturday we went to a concert and beforehand stopped at the All Hallow's Market by the local metaphysical store there in town. I went to the market last year for my birthday and loved it. It was super hot and I didn't have much water. Sunday I was better, but not perfect with water intake which probably isn't helping the leg cramp situation.   As far as spiritual routines, I've been slacking. I did stir in my intentions this morning and pulled a weekly Tarot card. Other than that, not much else. I failed at just about everything the entire week otherwise. I did manage to write in my journal and my daily mantra so that'll have to suffice.   The Man has one more week of big homework (finals, in a sense) this week (due Sunday) and next week should just be smaller loose ends if it's anything like his prior classes. Thankfully we won't have anything during vacation week.   Work is so hectic, especially as I try to knock out as much as I can to make up for being gone for a week. I'm not looking forward to coming back to work - that's going to be a nightmare.   Alright, another call. Miss you guys ❤️ 
    • She better! I'm tired   Thanks! I'm not sure what it will be, but I just need to not be in this house. Even just sitting in a coffee shop with a good book would feel really amazing at this point! <4
    • I am so tired that I almost fell asleep during a KACE reboot. Okay, Universe, I hear you.   We've had rain in the afternoons and evenings most of the month, and it looks like we're in for another stretch of wet weather. Hurricane Helene is forecast to come our way, but then take a decidedly hard turn to the west when it gets close to the mountains. I love my mountains. Also, I've been missing the heck out of my farm. It's definitely going to be a week of instroversion and quiet rest, possibly with a mystery novel and a large cup of tea.  I know there are a million things on the calendar, but they are just distractions from the main event, which will be to become my churchmouse self and hide away in my Library Loft.
    • I haven't been on the NF discord in forever , and now I'm trying not to spend all day scrolling through the history.   Oh, sweet Zeus. The temptation is so real. I'm going to need those links. . .   
    • THe  Incredibles were hanging in the fight with Godzilla. At first, the strength was waning, but they hung in the fight and were able to get some good hits to Godzilla.   Water canon of destruction: 4 days=250 points The surprise element:starting my day on schedule 4 days - 250 No bonus total for  this week 500 Week 1  550 two week = 1.050   I have not made a goal tracker sheet, so I am relying on memory. Obviously, not ideal. After I finish this I will fix that.   This week was harder than first week(no surprise) I did adjust my scoring. If I track food more than 1 day a week, I can earn a bonus, which will help if I struggle with my other goals. I like having the big stretch goal. I'm not a fan of how I set up my goals to not get any points unless I had reached my goal at lest 4 days.I wish I had given myself some points for 3 day of success on my goals.   I wanted it to be tough, and I also wanted to experiment with the idea if having that high a standard would cause me to really reach high, or to just give up.  But then it's tough if one day is off schedule due to life, then I don't have any room for error the other days. Just plotting out how to adjust for next challenge.   Also, because it's my challenge, and I write the rules, I give myself leewya on Thursday. I was having friends come over for lunch. and then someone was sick, and then 100 text messages trying to decide if we wanted to switch plans. Which resulted in me starting the day later than my goal time. But, since I didn't dawdle or scroll media, but got going right away, I counted it as a success.     Weekend happenings:   Did a sprint workout on my rower. Helped hubby with the big garden task I was having him do. Then Sunday after church, we went to the botanical garden with friends  
    • Really hoping you guys are back from Cancun, given the storm that's heading that way. Also hoping that the trip was restorative, and that the re-entry isn't too rough. ❤️
    • My health insurance does virtual therapy sessions, so I just signed up for that. waiting to hear back   Over the weekend I did my hometowns 5k for the 29th year in a row. If I can stay healthy :knockonwood: I hope to keep running into my 80's like a few other local runners, which would put me close to 70 years if not over, as along as they keep having the event. 
    • Another day that I took real slow:   Day   Week   Sunday Monday     09/22 09/23             Success%       63% 50%             Walk       Yes Yes Breakfast           Hygiene routine       Yes Yes Workout           Cleaning           Batch cooking           Financial accounting       Yes Yes Alumni meeting       Yes   Hike           To bed by 10 pm       Yes  
    • Hey you! How's it going? Did you win the Jackpot and end up taking off on an adventure?   We're going to want pictures. 
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