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    • Steps: 🚶‍♀️ ended the day with 3500 steps!    Deficit: ❌ had a bit too much at lunch   Spending: 👀 we decided to travel to my work Christmas party so I'm slowly booking stuff 🙃❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ this is going to be expensive. It will probably be the first and last time I go just because it doesn't make sense for me being out of province. 
    • It's back up to summer weather this week apparently! 26C for them.    I personally love this weather where generally its 22-26 during the day and maybe 16-22 overnight. Just lovely ☺️
    • 2024 - Year of Progression Word of the Year: Consistency  Sleep: 9 Hrs Weight: 237.9 lbs. Water: 1.5/4   Meals:  9:00am - Coffee, Cereal 12:00pm - Diet Soda, Bratwurst roll 4:00pm - Coffee, cookies 6:00pm - Sausage and pasta, broccoli   Fitness: 1/4 Walk   Meditation: 5 Min   Notes: Things continue, working on accepting that work is just going to be like this for a while. Going to just do the best I can.
    • Date: 24/09/24   All is solved by walking Total min exercise   20 Walk 30-60 min   20   Good job. Keep going. 0.5   The strong anvil 5 min Hindu pushup     5 min Hindu squat     5 min  bridge             Clothes maketh the gender-neutral man Jacket and tie   P A nice close shave         0.5   Dawn is friend to the muses Kept 8-10 schedule   N Kept 10-12 schedule   P Kept 12-2 schedule   P Kept 2-4 schedule   P Kept 4-6 schedule   P   An improvement. 2   Rest is the best medicine 6-8 hours of sleep   Y In bed by midnight   N AM writing exercise   N AM meditation   N PM writing exercise     PM meditation     Interoception meditation         1  
    • Reading in bed is good, but also, enough quilts make any place you sit pretty cozy. One really plush one is a start, but two is better. The floor can be pretty cozy...  
    • Explore for Tunnels if you're traveling further into the hills works! 
    • Sadly, no.  My library chair got commandeered for downstairs use and my window seat dreams have not yet been realized.  I will have to settle for reading in bed.
    • I have done some stuff, and it is now time for my nerd-themed evening activity, at which you may join me if you like:   (Cut for politics.)   Hosted by Lynda Carter, with Mark Hamill, LeVar Burton, Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins, Sean Astin from Lord of the Rings, Bill Nye the Science Guy, several astronauts, and Wheatus. (And probably Wil Wheaton. There's always Wil Wheaton.)   ETA: That's a yes on Wil Wheaton. Also on Jeri Ryan, Jonathan Frakes, and George Takei.
    • Do you have a cozy corner?     We can probably remind you...  
    • Scientia potestas est Society of the Wise • Est. 1775   The Folly Russell Square London, WC1B 7ZF     24th September, 2024   Dear Sara, I'd say your first week went moderately well, and your second week rather less well. I put much of that down to your sleep schedule.   Rather than simply suggest you fix it, which is obvious, I'm going to recommend an emphasis on more exercise and more mental rest during the day. (I'm sure there's a popular-science reason for this as there was in my youth, and Abdul could no doubt tell you that it was. The Newtonian explanation isn't simple at this point in your training, but roughly speaking, it's correcting an an energy disregulation.)   I'm also redoing your daily schedule to reflect a change I suspect will help. I suggest that you take this as a starting point, and focus on the small things.     Yours,   Thomas Nightingale   Detective Chief Inspector, Metropolitan Police Acting President, Society of the Wise    
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