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    • This happened to me the other day so I had a shower for my lunch break at work 🤣 (luckily I live alone and work from home so there was nobody to offend except myself)
    • Week 5 Weight 187   Lift 1 work sets SQT 3x5x80 DL 1x5x270 Press 3x5x115 <- First time hitting 3x5 on this. Expect smaller jumps here for a while.   Lift 2 work sets SQT 3x5x165 DL 1x5x225 Bench Press 3x5x190 Was anticipating Taekwondo testing two days after this... was canceled for unforeseen reasons and is rescheduled until next week. Lift 1 next week will be a bit lighter for a taper prior to testing again. Don't like to overly stress recovery leading up to something like that.    Lift 3 work sets SQT 3x5x185 DL 1x5x285 Bench Press 3x5x210 <--All clean. could have gone heavier this round. Improvement from last week.  Also did some unplanned press work starting at 117.5 since I had time to try to break through there.    Solid week. Next week coming up hoping to actually test for martial level in Taekwondo. A bit tweaked from Jiu-Jitsu last weekend and hoping that doesn't get in the way. But perseverance is a key tenet so we'll push though.  
    • Also, I've been smelling a weird smell all over the house, and just realized it's me. 
    • It's time for a weekly review!   Saturated fat and Fiber: I liked not tracking, but after the last couple of days,  I think I need to keep doing it. Next week I'll track weekdays and just relax over the weekend.  Strength training sessions: Adding another set to my mini-workouts turned them into regular workouts and I needed more rest days. So I think it's time to activated the original plan of 2x a week.  Fun activities: Mom and I danced to Shakira while we were making dinner a couple times this week. That was a LOT of fun. I also caught up on yard work which wasn't as fun as dancing, but really satisfying.    Things I’m not going to do. Brooding - Minimal brooding!! YES! Not weighing in:  Successfully did not do this, and I think that really contributed to the lack of brooding. No perfect weeks:  This was not a perfect week! YAY! I learned a lot about needing time off this week.    What I loved about the past week: Meditating has been really helpful.  Mom and I went shopping on Friday and I bought some slacks and jeans. More importantly, we did NOT run any errands. It was nice to have a day off from caregiving and housework. Bert is driving on his own now, which really frees up my schedule. But it also means I won't have my car during the weekdays. THE PLOT THICKENS.!   What I'm looking forward to Next week: I'm looking forward to seeing if the 5 days a week of tracking my food is a good compromise. I'm looking forward to apple festivals and digging out some Halloween Decorations.    
    • I was going to put off washing my sheets until I read this, and now they're in the washer!    Also realizing my feet are chilly and I can wear socks LOL   I hope you have a fun night of tacos and friendship. That really sounds perfect!!
    • Thank you for all these recommendations! I’ll pass them along!  I am going to read tonight! I’ve got my tea things sitting out with promises of a quiet night.   *high fives, then collapses from exhaustion* 😂   Thank you!!  It is a work in progress. I feel like I need a pin that says that or a sticker. Work in progress. 
    • Give your guilt to me. i will burn it and toast marshmallows over the flames 💜💜💜 i’m glad you are embracing the chill vibes
    • Amazing photos! Thank you so much for sharing! Hope your are having a great time!
    • Thank you, Friend. ❤️    Thanks! It was really special.    I am glad to hear you say it is a good thing. I am still getting used to what things “should” feel like in this circuit style workout, it’s so different from what I knew powerlifting.  Me too! Yay fancy tea! What kind?  You’re welcome! ❤️ It’s nice to share with great people.    Thanks, AP. It was good and I am glad that things have improved in my head, too.  It was delicious.  I am so glad you got ambushed by a beverage.       Hi Friends! Happy Saturday!   I am feeling much more myself today. Thankfully I don’t have to work today, so I have been taking things as they feel urgent and it’s working out for me so far. I slept in a bit, had coffee while watching some YouTube and coiling Christmas washi to send to my bestie, then I packed up the white dragon I painted into its original packaging and put together the parcel I wanted to send to her. Then I got dressed (my chain lightning tights fit again, which is a fun discovery), put Sax in the car, and headed out to run some errands. Dave got paid yesterday so there was finally money to get dog food and my meds, which was good because both were going to run out by Monday which is theoretically when I get paid. So that is a relief. I think I was only out for 20 minutes but I got everything done and then came home. I did Bujos and Tarot and now I have caught up on the forums and am composing here. It’s good. In an hour I will meet out of town friends for tacos at our lovely local place and then later tonight I have a hang out call with my bestie because we aren’t gaming tonight as everyone else is busy. I am a little relieved that we aren’t gaming tonight. I can use the break.    I seem to have pulled something in my groin while I was sleeping last night? It is super weird. I have never had an ache/pain/sensation like this before and I was absolutely fine when I went to bed last night. So strange. I am hoping it eases up before the gym on Tuesday.    I hope that you have fresh sheets to crawl into tonight and that your socks keep your feet at the perfect temperature. Thanks for being here. ❤️ 
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