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    • 20 toe rolls - 🐝  (had to steady myself regularly to not fall on my ass, especially during the first 12 or so) 20 sit-up punches - 🐝
    • https://futureeducationmagazine.com/is an exceptional source of knowledge and resources for those looking to choose the right path in education. Whether you are a student, parent, educator, or education enthusiast, our magazine is committed to providing you with insightful and valuable content.
    • I got two vaccinations, so this actually is me right now. Bandages on everything.
    • CyberPro Magazine is a digital business magazine dedicated to providing comprehensive and actionable cybersecurity news, analysis, and research. 
    • Elastigirl was able to  pump up the water cannon, blasting Godzilla with a powerful enough force to send him reeling. But, Godzilla quickly recovered, and was able to  sneak in some big lizard punches to Elastigirl , zapping her strength.   Water: Yes Four ut of 5 days 250 hit points earned Surprise Element: getting started by goal time on mornings: nope only 3/5 Thursday night I slept horribly and decided to hit the snooze. A good choice for my sleep and energy, a sad choice for my goal.  0   Tracking 0 days = -100. I only need to do 1 day a week, but I was just feeling meh about it and it didn't happen.   It was really the week 3 grind! And with a boss challenge, with not much room for error,  it was tough. I  said it last week,  but it's reminder; I like my stretch goals, I don't like how I didn't give room for some error.   Total points earned this week 150 Total so far 1,200 I need  1,500 points by challenge end to keep Godzilla from winning In order for Elastigirl to win I need 2,500 : I could achieve that by hitting my goals 4/5 days and tracking  my food 2  x a week, and hitting my strength goal.  I will try the strength goal this week.  Not impossible . It will be a tough fight, but I  think I may pull it off.
    • Woke up at 5, decided to sleep more. Woke up close to nine and thought I wasn't going to have time to dye my hair before going to a new church. I've decided that I want myself as fully put together as I want, as was causing "distractions" when I try a new church. I am clean, I am neat, do you have a problem with my presentation?    While the dye was setting, I got the chili going in the slow cooker. In the shower, worried about time, I decided that if it was after 10 when I got out, I wouldn't go. Service was at 10:30 and about 15 minutes away. Got out of the bathroom at 9:46.   Got dressed in my fancy flowing clothing, did my hair and got out the door. Was still nervous the whole drive there, but felt somewhat reassured by the pride flag in their window.    Went in, was greeted warmly. There was actually someone there with whom I'm acquainted. Mother of the youth minister at (what do I call the church I'm thinking about leaving?  "My church" "my old church"?) She didn't recognize me at first, but did as soon as I confirmed that she was who I thought she was.   Ended up sitting next to some other first time visitors to the church; a mother and daughter from Japan. The daughter is going to university here. It was a little bit funny, the liturgy and hymns were familiar enough to me that I was able to help them follow along with the service.    Small congregation, mostly older. Was pleasantly surprised that it seemed like everyone was actually singing and it sounded nice. Current church it is often hard to get the congregation to actually sing. I think I could see myself playing violin there.   The Japanese mother was the only person to comment on my appearance; she called me "fashionable". A few people were complimentary of my singing after the service. I think I'll go there again next week.     I took a walk through Michael's after church. Needed more titanium white, and wanted to try some fabric markers. Picked up a few other seasonal items to combine with the festive gourds I got at Wal-Mart yesterday and put together a little window display. I don't normally bother with seasonal decorations, but I'm really happy I did.   Rinsed and washed the tie-dye items. Happier with this round than the last, but still learning.      Chili sin carne turned out fairly well. Decided it would be better with rice, so final result is chili sin carne con arroz. Portioned out into 6 2 cup servings. 3 in the freezer, 3 in the fridge for lunches the first half of this week.   Got things situated and my alarms back on. Should be good for a walk before work tomorrow. 
    • To be fair I didn't get this challenge up intil after the first week was already over.  Also, thank you.  One of the reasons I even did a challnenge this time is because I heard you had asked about me.     ---------------------------------------------------------   This wee has been pretty good challengewise.  I have had sugary sacks a few times but much better than it has been recently.  I actually made it to the park 5 times last week, but one of those days I was only there for 10 minutes before Ghostlet called me and told me he needed a ride to soccer practice.    Food has been good, and I have been, for the most part, only eating when hungry and stopping when I am full.  The scale is starting to reflect this as I am now at 83kgs but still at 27% body fat     
    • That made me literally laugh out loud. I'm picturing how y'all tried to test this.
    • Hello everyone!   Inktober 2024 is just around the corner and I wanted to see who all was doing it this year! I'm posting a screen shot on this post, but the official Instagram has more information and junk. I don't promise that I'll post a drawing every day, but I'd love to see what everyone is doing when they finish their pieces! Remember All Art is Good Art.  Don't feel like you have to be spectacular or anything to create things that make you happy!   And for those of you who don't like tiny text, here is the full list: BACKPACK DISCOVER BOOTS EXOTIC BINOCULARS TREK PASSPORT HIKE SUN NOMADIC SNACKS REMOTE HORIZON ROAM GUIDEBOOK GRUNGY JOURNAL DRIVE RIDGE UNCHARTED RHINOCEROS CAMP RUST EXPEDITION SCARECROW CAMERA ROAD JUMBO NAVIGATOR VIOLIN LANDMARK   HAPPY DRAWING, EVERYONE!
    • AND ON THE SEVENTH DAY SHE RESTED I want to say that I rested today, but realistically I did a few things that were good for me. Went to the grocery store after going swimming and cooking dinner being some of those things. Today was a chill day. I was going to go to my friend's church, but I literally spent all weekend with people and my autistic brain decided that was Too Many and I needed to take a me day away from people. Anyway! Here's the update (possibly gif free because I'm being lazy and resting and I don't wanna search for the perfect image.)   GOAL # 1: HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE With week 1 under my belt, I'm starting up week 2 today so let's see how we did. Here is a friendly reminder for myself to remember what it is that I'm doing The goal here was: WEEK 2: 64 ounces of water a day. 16 of those ounces have to be raw water. I gotta give my poor kidneys a dang break and quit drinking what is the equivalent of sugar-free KoolAid.    As of 10:00 PM I am still one bottle of water away from finishing off my water goal today. Again, I haven't gotten my flavor packets so we've been drinking raw water all day. I did, however, get a Dr. Pepper Zero, which I am not counting as water because THAT IS NOT WATER. DIET SODA IS NOT WATER. I have to remind myself that because, when left to my own devices, that would be the only thing I drank.    GOAL # 2: ALONE TIME AT THE GYM Week 1 was a success and now I'm starting Week 2 off strong. Here's a reminder of the goal: WEEK 2:  Go to the YMCA 2x this week to exercise without a class. Thirty minutes minimum, but brownie points if I do more.    Guess who went swimming today without feeling like I was being guilted into exercising? THIS WIIIIIIITCH! I would say that I spent about 30 minutes of the time I was there actually exercising and 30 minutes talking to whoever would listen to me - which I think is basically what you do when you go to the YMCA and don't have headphones in. I talked to my mom on the phone and she's interested in going to water aerobics with me and I'm trying to get her to join so we can go exercise and have fun together. She turns 60 this year, and I assure her that the water aerobics class wouldn't be hard on her joints or Judge McJudgiepantses  because everyone there is older and trying to be gentle on their joints. Plus I want my mom to meet Jan because I really think she needs positive people in her life.    GOAL # 3: HOOKAH IS FOR FUNSIES, NOT ANXIETY Oof, this is the self-reflection week. I'm not looking forward to this, but here goes: WEEK 2: Rethink the routine: Really try and figure out why the Hell I'm smoking at the times I'm smoking. Am I tired? Am I bored? Am I hungry? Write down those feelings and look at them later. There might be a pattern.   I don't know how much I smoked today, I think I'm on my 4th bowl because I really wasn't paying attention. What I've found is that I do this primarily when I need to do something with my hands at my desk because I am incredibly bored and want to taste something. Originally, smoking was something that I did so that I wouldn't binge eat. I smoke instead of being hungry, but when I'm awake and ready to do things and occupied, I don't really crave it. It's the down time where I go "Ya know, I could go with a flavor right about now." I should probably consider switching to chewing gum.      IT ISN'T A GIF, BUT HERE HAVE SOME ART THAT I MADE A LONG TIME AGO! Back in 2021, I worked an overnight job and I had time on my hands so I tried to do the Inktober challenge. It's where you draw in ink only (but a light pencil layer is acceptable as well IIRC.) I really enjoyed it, so I'm thinking I might try some things for Inktober this year as well. I usually end up abandoning it because I don't know what I'm going to do or I get art block or I don't post what it is I'm doing and I'm too embarrassed to try and catch up. BUT! Here is Inktober Day 6(?) 2021: Spirit Artist tip: Pompoms mean I don't have to draw hands
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