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    • Hey Sal, I don't think there's any reason to feel guilty about taking a day off for your birthday. Can you combine a break from coding with either taking Bronze out or some kettlebell work? Some movement and fresh air might be just what you need after a morning of hard computer work.
    • Hey all. Tuesday 2.20pm.    Yesterday was nice, i relaxed and tried not to feel guilty about no working....!!!   I didn't get to any painting unfortunately but hey ho.    Today ive spent the last 4 hours deep into web building. Im exhausted and my head hurts a bit. Learning new coding and stuff isnt helping my head hahahah Its looking good though i think.    Its a huge project.    I need to clean the kitchen, eat something, drink something, pick up meds and take Bronze out.....   Id also like to do some kettlebell exercises.    Maybe i should take a break?? ugh xx
    • Yeah, I was real tempted to screw it in place once I had it up, but I'll trace it on my second board first so that they match.     Back felt better as the day went on yesterday, then woke up a little sore again today, which is making me a bit trepidatious about my new mattress. Still, I'll get adjusted at the chiropractor tomorrow and then give it a couple weeks to see how the mattress holds up when my back starts out good. Got my psych eval scheduled for November 15, so there's Ceremony points. That was about all I did yesterday, though. The house is getting real cluttered again, which always affects my ability to be productive. I've been slipping stuff out one at a time, but I think it's time for a harder push.  I thought my mom was on the verge of a big cleanout on her own, but it seems all she's really done is rearrange the piles, so Turn Undead is a big priority this week.   Today I think I'm going to go to the gym on my lunchbreak. Should be able to do some shoulder and arms, but even if I just do a little stretching and leave again, the important thing is that I don't want to lose my habit of going.   Realized I haven't done any narrative in a while, so here we go.   Artemis Prime grimaced, shifting her feet slowly to maintain her stance without straining her back. She was keeping the Vampirate at bay, but she needed to do better than that if she was going to have an opening to go get help. Hefting her mace, she advanced once again, determined to finish this.
    • Inktober #1   Dissatisfaction - I must change my tack It isn't material goods that I lack I can only find peace When I roam 'neath the trees All I need is a well-stocked backpack.
    • Very nice! Sets the tone from the first line, hooks you in with a mystery right away, and leaves you wanting answers almost desperately. Everything a drabble should be!
    • Hmmm...I shall have to think about this. Unfortunately, while getting into the local gaming venue for an evening would be the perfect quest for this, the owners are on vacation this week and the place is shut down. It will be open again on Sunday, maybe I'll squeeze a visit in then, but that's rather leaving it to the last moment. I'll see if I can come up with a good alternative before then.   Shava closed her eyes and breathed deeply, shutting out the external noise and sifting through the internal noise. There had to be something she could act on, but what?  She knew there was something right in front of her, she had only to identify it.
    • Man, it sucks that they were being picky about the laminate. Over here, if you don't like the policies at one DMV, you can try another because they don't all stick to the rules the way they should. 😅   I'm glad you like your new haircut. I've been contemplating the same for myself. 😃
    • MONDAY FUN DAY! Just as a quick run down the day after. I did a good job yesterday - I met with some friends, found out what it'll cost to bring my mom to water aerobics with me, and I actually caught up on my reading. There wasn't much going on, but I also put in my grocery order at midnight. I have been handling my domestic nonsense - go me!   GOAL # 1: HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE WEEK 2: 64 ounces of water a day. 16 of those ounces have to be raw water. I gotta give my poor kidneys a dang break and quit drinking what is the equivalent of sugar-free KoolAid.  Oof, I did not succeed yesterday, like, at all. I didn't even get to 64oz. I put ice in my big water bottle, thinking it would melt and I'd have nice, cold, 50oz of water and then I'd just need to drink 16. Well, guess what - the ice didn't melt. So I had no idea how much water I drank so I am calling it a wash. I know it wasn't 64oz, that's for dang sure.    GOAL # 2: ALONE TIME AT THE GYM WEEK 2:  Go to the YMCA 2x this week to exercise without a class. Thirty minutes minimum, but brownie points if I do more.  I did not go to exercise by myself yesterday because I went to my water aerobics class! I got to see my friends, upgraded on the weights I used (which was a struggle but I did it!) and? JAN INVITED ME TO SCRABBLE ON TUESDAY! I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet her friends.    GOAL # 3: HOOKAH IS FOR FUNSIES, NOT ANXIETY WEEK 2: Rethink the routine: Really try and figure out why the Hell I'm smoking at the times I'm smoking. Am I tired? Am I bored? Am I hungry? Write down those feelings and look at them later. There might be a pattern. Another day, another moment of not tracking how much I smoked. I definitely noticed that I reach for the hookah when I'm either bored or I want a flavor. Sometimes, when I feel the urge to binge eat, I reach for the hookah instead. My monthly goal for October was to cut down to 1x per week - which will be sad because I enjoy the people at the smoke shop. Maybe I can still go by and buy some stuff so I have a nicely stocked little personal hookah bar at home.    FOR FUNSIES UPDATE! Today is the first day of Inktober! Yaaaaaay! This year's theme seems very travel and wanderlust-flavored. Stay tuned, I might post some cool art on here, too!   TOTAL WINS: 2/3  
    • Last night I got Kneehab done, lifted weights, and stayed on target for calories, so it was a pretty good day.   I've developed an unfortunate eating habit, wherein I'm getting 1/3 of my daily calories from ice cream and mixed nuts.  I should probably stop doing that.  Or at least cut it way back.  
    • not sure if ive sent this one. But nice tune for you
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