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    • I’m tired of reinventing this challenge so I’m just going back to Post One and following those goals. They’re good goals. I don’t need to constantly reinvent things because I’m having an off day. 
    • In the end, they believe that it’s the windows. They also discovered that the waterproof wrapping doesn’t go the whole way down to the deck. They also found that theres no sealing around the vent, it’s literally just stuck in. So some of the water is actually from the vent, but most of it is from a window, They’re going to come back and fix the waterproofing, properly seal around the vent and fix the issue around the window.  We like these guys, they were really thorough and they reminded me a lot of my Fix It Uncle in like “Okay, this is a mystery, let’s solve it.” Which is a lot better than the Gutter Guy that came before. He was super defensive and twitchy and we wouldn’t let him in the house. These guys didn’t have any ego attached to the problem.      It’s such a pain, right? We liked these guys though. They’ve set up a temporary fix and will be back for a permanent fix with their team. Hopefully in a couple weeks, we’ll have some fizzy water and laugh about all of this. ‘Oh la! Remember when everything was leaking?”     You don’t have leaks anymore, right?
    • Mild regret at the new job, but I think that's just first day whelm. It was fine, feel like I don't know what I'm doing etc. No one wanted to pub after singing this eve which is a good thing tbh as I couldn't really sleep at all last night. Yesterday was no scrolling but did do physio, also actually attended a Pilates class for the first time this term.   Yesterday: 2pt Total: 42pts
    • Ugh this hurts my soul.  Just went through all of this last month.
    • I recently found out that the 2007 movie The Last Mimzy was based on a scifi short story from 1943. (The base concept itself takes ideas from Alice in Wonderland.) I am always very interested on how ideas and stories have evolved over time. I managed to track down the 1943 short story: "Mimsy Were the Borogoves" by Lewis Padgett. For anyone interested in finding it these days, it's in The Road to Science Fiction Volume 3: From Heinlein to Here edited by James Gunn.    I haven't had a chance to read it yet; I'm hoping to get there in the next week. I'm thinking it might be time to fully embrace this path and finally read the original Alice in Wonderland books after this.    Does anyone else like tracing stories through time?
    • You braved the page!!!    And the sketch looks good so far 😃
    • This is Wisdom, thank you. It helped me have the gumption to say “no, not this week, thank you.” Appointment rescheduled.   The appointment this afternoon went well. Having my hair washed and trimmed is something I don’t do often since the pandemic, and it felt like pampering. I’m very glad I went. I had some good pre-court conversations after the hair appointment, and I feel centered, but also very wrung out. FitBit says that I’ve walked nearly 6000 steps today, and that might be all I get today.   I’m glad I did laundry and dishes and house things this morning. I came home from appointments and some strange BMW was parked in my space, and I felt a bit like a jerk calling to have it towed, but that’s what we’re supposed to do, and I did wait for over 30 minutes to see if the owner would come and fetch out their car, which they did not.   I’m going to make a pot of tea and see what’s what with the knitting. This is all I’m up for tonight.
    • Today I did knee exercises and 10 minutes of rowing on my lunch break.   I looked at my likelihood of doing exercise after work compared to doing zen after work. I am fine with sitting zen in the evening. I say I will exercise later, but I never do. Points for getting it done.   This is the first rowing I have done in months. I was tired after 10 minutes. I wasn't even going fast. That is further proof that I need to do more cardio.   Yesterday evening I did not do anything on my list. I got home, sat down and re-read a novel. I think I hit my limit for doing useful stuff with no personal down time. Hopefully I will be able to tackle more of the list tonight.
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