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    • @Laghail I lied. Apparently I can't post pictures to a message. NO ONE ELSE LOOK! This is his consolation prize for listening to me ramble.  
    • Today was wonderful. Nothing much happened. I did get some things done on my to-do list, but it wasn't hard. It all felt good. I went for a walk with Mom and we talked about fun stuff, and it went by quickly. I got some chores done on my list and it went really well. I also sat on my rear end a lot, and I listened to podcasts, drew a silly spooky comic based on a conversation I had with my Mom... I feel relaxed for the first time in a while. Not tired, not exhausted. Relaxed. It's really lovely!  
    • Yeah ❤️     Quiet day on Sunday. All the dogs got baths then I went to a really great gentle yoga class! That was… pretty much it?  Really cooled down during the night, but we were prepared with the coziest flannel sheets out of the dryer.    Today, I woke up super early stressing about my newest student’s thesis project. Checked my email and he was stressing and second guessing it too! So we met up today and hashed out a new project that I feel a lot better about. Had a productive lab meeting too, a bunch of writing (paper revisions) then met up with two progressive minded colleagues for scheming (we are in a massive minority on Big Important Superconservative Board). Rode my bike to campus (in the rain, boo) and home (sunshine, yay) but otherwise not a lot of exercise. Still, felt good to have a productive day and some troubleshooting.   Was meant to go to alto practice, but that got canceled, so I got to have dinner with hubby then we cuddled up with hot cider spiked with nonalcoholic spiced rum and watched some Pride & Prejudice. Boy, Mondays take it out of me, but I love a Monday evening at home! Peak coziness!!
    • Intake for the day   Brekky- 2 cups of loaded coffee, 1 peice raisin toast with pb, 2 eggs with hot sauce Lunch- Yogurt and granola Snack- 1 loaded coffee, chocolate milk  Supper- Pork chop with bbq sauce, potato with sour cream, carrots Snack- Fruit bar   Total- 1928 Protein- 74g   Afternoon   I used to always need a mid morning nap but since eating more and fueling my body properly, I haven't needed one. Which I'm glad, I have energy all day now!! 😁   Ate yogurt and granola for lunch, it was good! Then I read on here for a while, then made muffins for my hubby. I won't be eating any, I can't justify the calories, they smell good tho!   So I pace a lot in my house to get lots of steps. I enjoy it, it keeps me active. So far I have 10k steps. My goal is 23k. I burn about 2300 cals a day doing this, which is why I can eat a lot. Last week I lost 2.4 pounds. But I know that was probably some water weight, so I'm hoping for .5 lbs a week loss from now on. I only want to drop 10 lbs, paired with working out, I should attain the body I want!   ----------   At 1 I had a coffee and watched biggest loser. At 2 I paced to get to 21k   ----------   MIL picked up my kids from school then took them to a pumpkin thing, so I got extra time to myself today! It's 5pm and I have 25k steps. Honestly, I'm tired of pacing so much, I've been doing it for so long and I want to increase my fitness level. So I've decided to start jogging on my treadmill starting tomorrow. 30 seconds running, 1 minute walking, for 20 mins. My goal is to run for the full 20 mins.   My sister, who is a doctor but very obese has starting running and that triggered me. I don't want her to be fitter than me, although I'm glad she's taking some measure to get her health under control, for me, it's about increasing my fitness. I know it shouldn't trigger me... but sadly, it does, that's reality.   I've spent a long time concentrating on the scale and I'm tired of it. I don't care what I weigh anymore, as long as I'm slim and fit. So I have decided to stop weighing myself. I will go by how my clothes fit, I have 4 pairs of pants that are snug and my goal is to get them to fit comfortably. Also a cute pj set that is a little snug.   ----------   Supper tonight was a hearty meal, pork chops, potatoes and carrots. Yum! Since working out by body craves protein. I dont get a lot of protein (70g is average). But I try to have a little protein with every meal.   MIL left, got the kiddos in bed, hung out with my hubs a bit then bed. Nighty night!
    • This is a new word to me. This is a word that I am extremely happy to have. Thank you
    • I looooooove that you seem to enjoy the lifting so much! How great that you've found your Thing! You're so strong already and will only get stronger 🤩
    • For the fitness portion of things I have this, it's like a planner with daily workouts in it
    • As much as I would like to, I don't think I am ready to start running again this year.  I want to do more of what I spent the summer doing (strengthening a weak shoulder for swimming) but for my feet/ankles/posterior chain.  I think I need to do a lot of auxiliary strengthening before I start running this time, rather than start running, expose a weakness, and try to rehab while increasing run mileage.  
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