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    • I had an energy crash around 2:30, and called the dentist to reschedule. When I spoke with a friend who is a therapist today at lunchtime, she brought up the words Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (which looms in my past) and Burnout and I took note. She's not wrong to call out both of these things.    I'm tired. I am apathetic to my core. Nonetheless, I read the Dewey essays and made good notes. In the coming weeks, I'd like to get the readings done on Thursday and Friday instead of leaving them to the last minute on Tuesday (James and I meet on Wednesdays at lunchtime to discuss the readings). Yes, I know that's what the last minute is for, but even so, the whole thing is arbitrary, so I can set the "deadline" whenever it is most helpful for me. I only had two Fux by the time I logged in this morning, and I think they were both depleted. I have rescheduled the dentist appointment, and that's okay. Probably won't make it to Zazen tonight, since I can barely make it downstairs out of the Library. ❤️ 
    • I bet! Congrats on finishing the project!   But, ahem, where are the gym updates?
    • I tried a few curly specific, even hair salon recommended shampoos and unluckily they've all been garbage. Or maybe luckily, as now I don't have to spend the extra cash. 😄
    • Honestly I haven't even thought about it, it's such a very future maybe thing! Definitely not slippers, I don't like 'em. The socks I'm picturing are 1) very tall socks as they're hard to find, 2) socks that are kinda slouchy, 3) generally socks with nice patterns. When I said for lounging in it's mostly because I absolutely wreck socks. 😬   How do those even work? Doesn't the pattern have to be exactly matched for it to work?
    • It kind creeps me out, but most likely I wouldn't run screaming from the room.😉
    • Yes, but I'm not ready to discuss them yet. 😅
    • Goorgeous piece! Lordy. I know the author is dead and I'm not supposed to ask about what goes into a piece, but what all went into the piece?      Solidarity!! If you want to join the patreon, you can get access to 5-10 chapters that are ahead of where you are, but that just resets your problem by 5-10 chapters and then AGONY again. https://www.patreon.com/Sleyca Liam, the Serial Fiction pusher / fiancé, has titles to suggest that could make the hurting stop, but he wants to know what you enjoyed about Super Supportive before he throws anything else at you (he stole that move from the queer ladies who work at our local comic store. Expert pushers, all of them).    
    • This sounds soooo so cozy. I feel you on the coat vs no coat thing, especially if when I'm walking to shops and I don't have a car back seat to hold my coat when I know a certain shop will be a sauna.      Sounds like rest is very much the vibe?      Hopefully you had a pocket book with you??     That sounds soo so good. Pics plz n thnx??     We need to throw you a party when you're finished mending. I feel like if you could have scheduled that sprain for deep winter, the healing time would have been more bearable?
    • Morning   Waked and baked (cbd I quit pot cuz I don't like the high feeling anymore), did chores then worked out my lower body with 5 lb weights. I was tired and 7 lbs seemed too heavy. Then I did interval training on the treadmill, 1 min walking, 30 sec jog. I almost quit a couple minutes into it cuz my legs were tired, but I stuck with it and actually enjoyed myself! I'll be doing that 5x a week. My goal is to jog 20 mins.   Then took my kid to the dentist for a filling, he was a champ! 
    • Been a while since I posted here, becuase it's been a while since I read anything other than PhD things. This past week, I discovered the delightful Thursday Murder Club,  and spent some time with it all week long. I finished it last night, and I'm looking forward to reading the next set in the series, probably starting that this evening if I finish the PhD essays this afternoon.
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