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    • Tdee from yesterday   
    • Yes, you're right, as you were before. I guess I still have anorexic tendencies. I'm happy to eat 1800 cals!    Cool, I'll read it today!  Thank you for your advice 😃  
    • Fell asleep around 9:30 and slept very well. Woke up at 4:30, which is fine, and then just stared at the ceiling in the dark again, which is also fine. I thought it was just for a minute or three, but it turned out to be over two hours. Okay, Universe.   I got up and made tea. I did not go to the gym or even leave the apartment. That's okay, I think. There's a restoration that's happening, and even so, the goal is regular gym visit, and regular walks. I would certainly tell any friend of mine that 3-5 days a week is a solid success, so I think I can start treating myself the same way.   I ate well yesterday. I'm glad I made the Senate Bean Soup and the apple-pear sauce. I had a bowl of soup for a late lunch, and around 7:30 last night I made a sandwich on the wonderful fresh bread from the Farm Share (a honey whole wheat that I would love to have as a staple) with a layer of fresh spinach as well, just to give a nod to all those dark leafy greens categories of nutrients. Of course there was milk. All of this is helping the rest be restorative.     I'm thinking about what it means to prioritize rest, and how, as Mistr observed, I have been doing All The Things even though they are all good things. Perhaps I need to limit my availability, even for good medical appointments. Next week is the neuro-audiologist, and maybe that's all I can do in one week, even though I also have massage and acupuncture appointments. Today I'm meeting with James. Tomorrow is band boosters, then Friday is a whole raft of appointments and goings-on: therapy, driving an hour to get my new glasses, driving back, acupuncture, and then the football game. WHEW. When I write it all out like that, it's pretty clear that I've been doing a lot.   Definitely something to take forward as I craft my next challenge.
    • I like knitting hats. They're fun, they go on your head, you only have to make one of them. There are a couple ways to cast on, and you tube has some great videos for starting to knit.  I enjoyed this chunky knit hat  on ravelry when I first started knitting hats. This is the next hat I want to try.    I'm excited for your hatventure!    
    • I get that.  The one I have now doesn't foam and feels like it just dissappears into my hair.  It's very strange.  I don't have tangling issues at this length, but I could see where it would be a problem for longer hair.  Have you ever tried co-washing (at any price point)?  It's a cleansing conditioner instead of shampoo, so it glides quite nicely.  I can only use it every other wash because my scalp tends toward oily, but maybe it would help you with the detangling?     I am still at the beginning of exploring my options of course, but my absolute favorite product so far is a premium brand curl refresher that totally revives my hair between washes.  I have no idea if it could be done as well with a drugstore brand, but I love what it does for my second-day hair.     I am kind of getting that feeling as well.  I have tried a cheap gel and an expensive one and I don't love it.  I know of some lighter hold creams and stuff I want to try, though.  I have to do something to fight the frizz.  The humidity here is a hair killer.     I have to wash more frequently also for scalp health.  I really can only go 2 days between washes.  I have heard that CG method is very slow and can take months before you get your hair the best it can be (partly, I think, because you have to grow and cut off damaged hair).  But who wants to look like a scarecrow for 8 months in the hopes that in month 9 it's miraculously better?  It's challenging.      That's the tricky part, isn't it?  Way too many things to choose from.    My hair definitely looks smoother and shinier now than before I started the curly girl stuff, but since I didn't go about it very scientifically, I have no idea if that's about the products or because I actually handle my hair differently (no dry brushing, bedtime pineapple, using gels when I previously used no styling products, diffusing, etc etc).
    • squat hold twist plank walk out plank step out hooks archers bounce   🐝 swarm of posting, not all done in one day
    • we've all been busy...   Monday   Tuesday   Wednesday
    • There are a few that are repetitive imo
    • What even. 🤯   I'm sure with a bit of trial and error and fitting while knitting you could do it. But why? If you want something you can't find it makes a lot more sense to start with something similar than go in completely blind.
    • I was being so careful to not overdo fitness that I wasn't careful doing other things.   I hurt myself crocheting .  🤣  I spent too much time too hunched up and now my neck, shoulder, arm, upper back are paying the price.    Seriously....  this is silly   so adding breaks, movement, and time limits but also adding chest stretches and upper back repositioning strength to these last few days.
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