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    • This is from last Friday - forgot to post it in this thread:   Weekly weigh-in   Weight: 92.45 kg (-0.05) Body fat: 22.2 % (-)   Status quo, but the previous weekend had contained heavy eating, and the Thursday before the weigh-in had a lot of treats at the office. My neighbouring colleague had even got me my own pack of crisps, because it's a brand I didn't know and he suspected - correctly - that I'd like them:   Considering we had fries on Friday evening, made our own mini-pizzas on Saturday, and had a lot of cake on Sunday, I actually did *really* well this weekend. Didn't bother counting calories, but I suspect I even avoided "red" days. So I'm hoping the scale will tick a bit downwards this week.     Actually, I hadn't logged anything last week, and I haven't been in the mood for logging this week either. Curfew's been a bit more hit-and-miss (because a couple of missions in Cyberpunk 2077 proved FAR longer than I thought they'd be), but nothing detrimental. And frankly, as long as I keep paying attention to my calorie intake, and I'm doing my wrist exercises and the likes, I may forego the logging for a while, see how that works out. Most of it was just my Fitbit numbers anyway...   That said, here's another thing I hadn't updated in a few weeks:   Walk to Mordor   Distance walked/swam last three weeks: 86.77 km (53.92 miles) Road to Mordor: total 1411.7 miles - Rauros to Mount Doom - Mar 1 - Day 6 since Rauros Climb down to the bottom of another ravine. Cliff still too steep and high. Look out toward Mordor. Can smell the Dead Marshes. Go further back. Camp in a stony hollow surrounded by “great jagged pinnacles of weathered rock.” Cold. Cliff has now turned almost due north. Go close to the cliff, in hopes of seeing a way down. Must swing far back, then east again. Stop to listen for signs of Gollum. Return to cliff-top, but rough “scored and weathered rock” forces them away. Cliff face is now lower, but they do not notice as they are not by the edge. Scramble into a deep cleft and out again. Stop briefly. Eat. Another cleft. Still scrambling along back from the ridge. Reach the deepest ravine thus far – a rock fault. Far wall is “many fathoms high.” Frodo climbs down. Finds a few gnarled trees, mainly firs, but only for about 50 yards. Stumps continue to cliff edge. As cliff is lower, Frodo decides they should descend: the rock has “slipped and cracked.” Storm arrives just as Frodo starts down. He slithers down to a rock ledge below. Sam remembers his rope and pulls Frodo up. After the storm they use the rope to descend. Dusk falls. Head east from base of cliff, picking their way through wet boulders. Reach a great fissure with a stream inside. It curves north: bars way. Head back toward cliff, angling south. Too difficult to go far. No spot to hide. Stop next to a boulder. See Gollum crawling down cliff. Capture Gollum (ca. 8 p.m.). STOP, but have no rest while they watch Gollum. Late night, Frodo extracts pledge, then releases Gollum. Start again ca. 2 a.m. Gollum leads them back north. Reach the rift they had seen before, but farther north where sides are lower. Climb down into it (15 feet deep). Follow it south beside a “shallow stony stream.” Gollum recites ‘Fish’ riddle. Gully turns east, broadens and grows more shallow. Dawn. Camp in gully (day of Feb. 30) on a wide flat shelf of stone. Gully now only 6 feet deep. Frodo and Sam plan to watch, but both sleep. Set out when dark. Gully more shallow and less sloping. Gully bottom less rocky. Creek enters from north. Eat. Floor still more muddy. Sides dwindle to mere banks. Stream begins to wind. Sky grows cloudy. Banks reduced to mossy mounds. Stream gurgles over a stone shelf into the bog. Dry reeds all around. Mists rise above the Dead Marshes just ahead and on both sides. See Mountains of Mordor far ahead: wreathed in fog, lit by dawn. Rest briefly.   tl;dr version: The list over at Éowyn Challenge contains a February 30th. Frodo and Sam have captured Gollum, and he's now guiding them out of the cliffs towards the Dead Marshes.     And since I hadn't posted a song yesterday, but did talk about one, here's that one:   The Cure - Alone   I'm amazed at how Robert Smith's voice doesn't appear to have aged. He's 65 and still sounds exactly like he did in the 80s!
    • Cant really do extra walking due to ankle. Not managing normal level of walking as is.  did use the bravery thing to ask my hairdresser to take more off after she was done and dried. She is great but still has a habit of not taking enough off (it grows very fast). 
    • Tuesday Report!   Bad news first - my truck did not pass inspection. Silver lining - I have the money to pay for the repairs, but it is going to make it tight to get a horse this fall. I still might be able to swing it, but with my new one-step-at-a-time approach, I'll get my truck fixed, get my fence ready, see which of the horses I've bookmarked are still available, then take stock of finances and see what's feasible.    Better news from yesterday - got a good workout in, landed a decent hit on the Shadow, got Morning Prayer points and the Shadow failed its save, made arrangements with the electrical company to run a line to my barn, and cooked dinner for my sister for Create Food and Water points which is a 3rd level spell! I am 279 points away from my goal and have a Shadow sitting at 2hp.    Today's Plan: Got Morning Prayer this morning, have Spiritual Direction at lunch, helping my neighbor tonight. Was really hoping to land a better hit with Word of Radiance and finish off the Shadow because Guiding Bolt is one of my best damage dealers and seems like such a waste on a Shadow already so close to death, but ah well. The math rocks weren't feeling it this morning.
    • Haikus by Richard Wright   O finicky cat, Forgive me this spring rain That disgust you so!   I grant to sparrows The telegraph wires that brought Me such good tidings!   In a misty rain A butterfly is riding The tail of a cow.   Across the river Huge dark sheets of cool spring rain Falling on a town   In the falling snow A laughing boy holds out his palms Until they are white.   Just enough of show For a boy's finger to write His name on the porch
    • The 11 acres is closer at 3 miles, the 25 acres is roughly 6 miles I think.
    • So I read Stacie's article and she is definitely goals! That's the type of body I want! And she weighs more than I do now.   10 years ago during college, I used to hit the gym 5x a week and gained a lot of muscle. I did not concentrate on nutrition at all and everyone thought I weighed no more than 130, but I was 145. So I know I can gain muscle and look slim and toned at a higher weight.   When Staci said sometimes she has trouble sleeping cuz she's excited to workout, I felt that last night! I just couldn't wait to fall asleep so I could workout and do interval training the next day!   So I've decided to leave the scale behind and solely concentrate on fitness and strength and making sure I eat enough 😃
    • Tdee from yesterday   
    • Yes, you're right, as you were before. I guess I still have anorexic tendencies. I'm happy to eat 1800 cals!    Cool, I'll read it today!  Thank you for your advice 😃  
    • Fell asleep around 9:30 and slept very well. Woke up at 4:30, which is fine, and then just stared at the ceiling in the dark again, which is also fine. I thought it was just for a minute or three, but it turned out to be over two hours. Okay, Universe.   I got up and made tea. I did not go to the gym or even leave the apartment. That's okay, I think. There's a restoration that's happening, and even so, the goal is regular gym visit, and regular walks. I would certainly tell any friend of mine that 3-5 days a week is a solid success, so I think I can start treating myself the same way.   I ate well yesterday. I'm glad I made the Senate Bean Soup and the apple-pear sauce. I had a bowl of soup for a late lunch, and around 7:30 last night I made a sandwich on the wonderful fresh bread from the Farm Share (a honey whole wheat that I would love to have as a staple) with a layer of fresh spinach as well, just to give a nod to all those dark leafy greens categories of nutrients. Of course there was milk. All of this is helping the rest be restorative.     I'm thinking about what it means to prioritize rest, and how, as Mistr observed, I have been doing All The Things even though they are all good things. Perhaps I need to limit my availability, even for good medical appointments. Next week is the neuro-audiologist, and maybe that's all I can do in one week, even though I also have massage and acupuncture appointments. Today I'm meeting with James. Tomorrow is band boosters, then Friday is a whole raft of appointments and goings-on: therapy, driving an hour to get my new glasses, driving back, acupuncture, and then the football game. WHEW. When I write it all out like that, it's pretty clear that I've been doing a lot.   Definitely something to take forward as I craft my next challenge.
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