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    • Excellent! Who voices the audiobook for this one? I can't quite imagine the chap who does the main series doing justice to the voice.   Relatedly, this is the book that has most convinced me that I should read for audiobooks. I'm absolutely convinced that I could pull off exactly the tone that Aaronovitch was going for.   Spoilers for Masquerades of Spring:       I definitely won't get to it this month, given that I need to catch up on Dracula. Finished The Merry Men by Robert Louis Stevenson last night though. I wouldn't recommend it; it's more a bleak story than a horror one, and I found it a bit hard to follow, but nonetheless I'm keeping with the horror vibes.       I've been ok, thank you both for asking! I was travelling for work in week 4, which was busy and tiring, and then last week I was off work but driving around seeing people and doing fun things. I had a good time, but I somehow ended the week more tired than I started, and then this week work has been an absolute whirlwind whilst I try to catch up on work and do a load of public speaking that I don't usually do. All of that to say, good stuff is going on, but while I've absolutely had some time to catch up here I haven't really had the mental energy for it.   Definitely intend to write a new challenge to start next week though. I might even wrap this one up first!
    • Rails with no logs?  What sorcery is this?   Following for knowledge! 
    • Interesting, interesting. Will have to do some digging before I can report back, but I suspect you may be dealing with a crafty beasty who either has some spellcasting prowess or some innate ability that replicates a form of Feeblemind. A very intriguing puzzle, I look forward to getting my teeth into this and seeing what I can find for you, as well as what our fellow nerds come up with!
    • Welcome to my challenge.   As always, I've set up a Roadmap for what I want to accomplish in 2024.  Mine is posted here in my battle log.  Every challenge is aimed at accomplishing some part of the roadmap or furthering my adventure towards this year's goals.     My plan to finish out the year was to take it easy during last challenge and then kick it into gear for this challenge and ride that until the end of the year.  I ended up going hard core chill last challenge so I guess I need to kick it up hard core for this challenge.  I am using week zero to reset and wean myself from all the extra snacking, sweets, and just basically eating like a dickhead.   It's definitely time for getting back on the rails.      FIT AND FABULOUS FALL FRENZY   Food:  Daily Goals are no longer on autopilot.  The only one that stuck was starting the day with water.   I need to be diligent about tracking and more importantly, actually doing these.  Start the day with water Fast 15 hours Eat freggies.  At least 1 a day; 2 is nice, 3 is better.   MOST IMPORTANT: Log food daily, preferably with an actual deficit based on my target calories in the Lose it app.  It gives me a target around 1550 but I do better keeping it under 1400.   I keep their target so I have guilt free wiggle room.     Fitness: Threading the needle here to make sure I'm setting the bar high enough but not so high that I get skittish.   Cardio - a minimum of 90 minutes of cardio a week.   it's crucial to get back in the habit of going out for walks before it gets cold.  It's one thin to try and maintain the habit under less than ideal conditions, it's another to start over.  Strength - Gym session at least once a week Stretching - Stretch/yoga/mobility at least twice a week.     Let the frenzy begin!      
    • Dried cranberries in cookies are amazing. Highly recommend
    • Ive only seen it in terms of lunar gardening (which i have considered trying. It apparently does work)
    • Ok, important questions. What level are you? Does your DM homebrew?
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