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    • Jarric gets going Last challenge I dropped off for the final 2 weeks - I had a week of work travel and trying to clear my plate, then a week off work which involves quite a bit of driving round the country to do various things (though we did get to drop in to see @DarK_RaideR and to meet the lovely @deftona for the first time, which was an absolute treat). This week has been full of public speaking on top of trying to catch up on absolutely tons of work, but I didn't want that to stop me getting going on this challenge.   I will, hopefully, come back and format this post properly at some point in the week, but in the meantime here are the goals.   The decisionist  Eat 3 pieces of fruit every day. I'm bulking at the moment, and the temptation is to do that through doughnuts and beer (which, to be fair, is a very easy way to eat enough calories to bulk). I have also ended up throwing away too much fruit recently because it's gone off. This goal should ensure that there are at least some vitamins in my diet, and reduce food waste.   The hoardsperson  Spend no money. I'm spending far too much at the moment, so cutting out all of the discretionary spending would be good, particularly in the months leading up to Christmas.   The documancer Read for pleasure every day, unless I'm playing Pathfinder. I've been enjoying reading recently, and I'm on a bit of a classic horror kick, so I'd like to stay on a roll with that. Pathfinder nights are going to be an impossibility for this goal, hence the exemption.   The cartographer  Paint 5 minis in 5 weeks. I have an ever-growing backlog of lovely minis to paint, so I want to average 1 per week. Last challenge I managed 4 in 6 weeks, which is ok, but let's aim for 5 in 5 this time.   The timekeeper Leave work (within 15 minutes of) on time. Inspired by the talk of burnout in the tavern this challenge, I thought this would be a good thing to track. There's a lot going on at my work at the moment, some good, some tough, some who knows, but I don't need to be giving away time I'm not getting paid for.
    • Allow me to suggest: "ankle crankle".
    • The drawback of being ready to face trauma is that it’s ready to face us. The good news is that we’re stronger! Cheering you on.
    • Ugh I feel like I live in burnout/ on the edge of burnout.  Pretty sure I don't know how to spell "no", much less enforce it. 
    • I did not make my screen goals or evening care goals because I decided to numb out on screens after Bert ran into the bathroom after we watched a movie and took a long shower. And then Ernie took a shower and got water ALL over the floor. And this morning, I found dirty dishes everywhere, so I made the boys clean up after themselves. They're getting along so well, which is great. They never got along when they were little.     Did I mention the local community college has a ukulele class for Tuesday nights in November? I can't remember if I did. I'm  thinking about signing up for it. I dont' think I'll learn anything new, but it would be nice to get out of the house and have a night off. 
    • Following! We've been getting Oddbox for a few years now and I'm a big fan.
    • YAY! Glad you are here! I love this. I typically work out in my bedroom, so will make faces in that mirror!     Thanks! I definitely enjoyed it yesterday!       Ernie wanted to play tag, but this is clever too.  
    • In case you're curious where that comes from...    
    • Figured this gif was pretty much obligatory.   Those persimmon monsters are absolutely horrifying, thanks for that.   Look forward to seeing you smash these workouts.
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