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Hey everyone... I'm 32 married with no kids and have struggled for years to lose weight by doing everything "right" only to keep gaining. I have PCOS and recently learned about insulin resistance and have been researching the effect of carbs and processed foods on my body. Now I have an answer as to why, despite a steady workout plan and eating in all the "right" ranges, I was unable to lose weight. I'm starting to eat more paleo/primal and am feeling so much better.

I could probably stand to lose about 50 pounds, but I mostly just want to feel strong and healthy!

One confession... I have the palette of a 5 year old and HATE the majority of veggies out there. I am always looking for a way to make veggies tasty and get more into my diet without miserably choking them down.



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Welcome, sarcasticgirl! Yeah, going the more primal route does wonders for feeling better. I understand the whole icky veggies thing - for years the only way I would eat them was with spray butter and cheese on them. Or season salt, if we didn't have cheese (or if you're trying to avoid it, like most doing paleo). You can also puree them into other things and not taste them at all, although I haven't done anything like that in years...anyway, hope you find some tasty veggie variations :) Best of luck to you!

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One confession... I have the palette of a 5 year old and HATE the majority of veggies out there. I am always looking for a way to make veggies tasty and get more into my diet without miserably choking them down.

Bacon is, as always, the answer to your problem. Throw a slice of bacon in with some greens and they are instantly better.

If there is a question on this board that can't be solved by either more bacon or more squats, I have yet to see it.

You ever see those guys who look like they totally used to be in shape?
I'm working to get back to that...

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Seth is correct. Squats and bacon are the answer to the. Set majority of lifes problems. But if you don't have any bacon handy, you can also do a nice chicken stir fry. My favorite is diced chicken thighs with mixed veggies fried up with a olive oil and garlic, onions and lemon for flavor. It's delicious and the are awesome, especially if you don't turn them to mush.

Best of luck :)

"Oh, fear not in a world like this, And thou shalt know erelong, Know how sublime a thing it is, To suffer and be strong."  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

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Glad to meet you and welcome to the forum!

I'm a veggie hater too. Bacon and stir fry certainly help. Chili, soups, and stews are helpful recipes for getting veggies to taste better.

If anyone has any tips to get fruit to taste less overpowering and get rid of the texture issues I have, then I'm all ears.

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thanks for the advise guys! mmmmmbacon! Why hadn't I thought of that? I've hidden them away in soups/chili, but during the summer, I'm less inclined to eat a hot bowl of soup. I'll certainly try sauteing some veggies up in bacon... or pancetta. And I'll try out some stir frying.

JediNick: I almost wish I had an issue with fruit. I love it ALL except grapefruit and bananas. I could eat it all day everyday... but the carb/sugar level prevents me from doing so. :(



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