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How long is everyone holding their planks for?


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What would be the best way to do this anyway? Keeping the shape for as long (45 seconds plank, 25 seconds side...) as we can or trying to make the same time for each set (30s plank, 30s each side...)?

Nuala, level 13 Robot mistress of pain, Assassin Guild leader


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It all depends on where in my workout I am doing them. At the beginning? Usually a minute +, middle to end? I'm luck for 30 - 45 seconds. But side planks I can hold much longer.

I have back issues, so I go as long as I can, but if I feel by back start (I've been dealing with it forever so I can recognize true back issue from just workout pain) I have to stop, let it rest for a few seconds and try again.

It has gotten SOOOO much better since I've started training but still very sensitive to core work, so I accepted that I just have to go slower and not have the great numbers.

Also, my trainers try to keep it festive, so I do a lot of different variations. Last week it was the up up/down down plank (I never know actual names) - start with normal forearm plank, then raise on right hand. then left. then put right back down, then left back down (all while keeping rest of body in strong plank form) and repeat, going as fast as you can manage comfortably. Holy crap. It looked so simple, but takes a lot outta you.

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Those are brutal. My trainer had me doing them for a couple weeks and it nearly killed me. Of course it improved y regular plank time by about 15-20 seconds so I can't complain too loudly. Lol. I pay her good money to hate me and she earns every second of it.

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If you don't already have a 6 pack rippling, you'll have one soon with that core workout. WOOT!!

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Also, my trainers try to keep it festive, so I do a lot of different variations. Last week it was the up up/down down plank (I never know actual names) - start with normal forearm plank, then raise on right hand. then left. then put right back down, then left back down (all while keeping rest of body in strong plank form) and repeat, going as fast as you can manage comfortably. Holy crap. It looked so simple, but takes a lot outta you.

I hate those, mostly because we usually have to do them on a hard floor and it's torture on your elbows/forearms but they're pretty tough all round. One variation we often do that can be pretty tricky is to start in a standard plank, down on your forearms with both your forearms and legs close together, and then do an explosive little jump and land with your legs and forearms wide, then rinse and repeat. Good fun!



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or the "side walk". Start in regular plank position and then tip toe your lower body all the way to the side. then back. and then to the other side.

last week, we tried the ones where my feet are up on the wall.... but with my disproportional legs/arm ratio, it takes me forever to find a comfortable balance, and then my feet always slide down. more comical than anything that i cannot master these.

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Nope, no six pack for me. I might have the beginnings of one hiding under my belly fat though... Lol.

Right there with you on that one lol.

Currently I go 3 sets of 40 secs each. First set is not bad, second set starts to burn at about 25 seconds, third set hurts pretty much right from the start lol.

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Loren Wade did a 10min plank back in the day

^^ mind blown.

I've got "improving plank time" as a part of my current challenge. I just do one plank everyday and hold it as long as I can. I'm currently at 48 seconds, but I've heard from other workout routines that 2 minutes is a good goal. Once I get there, I'm definitely going to try the RPoD. Sounds awesome! Thanks Spezzy.


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Doing 3 minutes of plank, left-side plank, and right-side plank. Or 5 sets of 2 minute planks.

Dragon flags are the only one I take to the limits though, I try to keep my abs away from failure since I need them strong for practically everything I do.

So that's what Rocky was doing in Rocky IV.

Always looked damn impressive to me. Like

, I love that movie. Maybe I'll work on dragon flags for the next 6 week challenge...


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Why not do the revolving plank of doom?

Right side plank


Left Side Plank

Reverse Plank

Hold each one for 30 seconds, and do the circle as many times as you can.



Actually, Spezzy, you could not have posted this at a more perfect time for me. I, n00b that I am, am still struggling with keeping in the habit, and the most recent thing that kicked me off the wagon was a really bad sinus infection. (Asthma and sinus infections do not mix.) I was about to post for suggestions on a good "sick day" workout, but I think this would work for me...

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Actually, Spezzy, you could not have posted this at a more perfect time for me. I, n00b that I am, am still struggling with keeping in the habit, and the most recent thing that kicked me off the wagon was a really bad sinus infection. (Asthma and sinus infections do not mix.) I was about to post for suggestions on a good "sick day" workout, but I think this would work for me...

Try the neti pot for nose issues. Best thing i ever did.

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