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Build my routine.


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Ghost here,

I can decide how to build my workout. I use bodyweight only exercises, with the exception of a Slosh Pipe.

I have been constantly experimenting with my routine and I can't find something good.

I can never seem to get through my workout, 3 sets of 6 exercises. I could do it physically, but it was too much mentally.

So I broke it in half, 3 exercises for 3 sets on one day, and the rest for 3 sets the other.

But I'm still stumped on what to choose. So maybe you guys can help me.

I've been loosely using CC, only the exercises really. I do towel pullups, and as I have said, use a Slosh Pipe.

I'm not weak, but I'm not superman. So I can do 30 pushups consecutively (don't put that in the workout),

5 towel pullups, and about 3 handstand pushups. This is to give you an idea of my strength/endurance.

Even if all you do is just suggest modifications to my current routine, that still helps.


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You could do what you normally do, but mix it up with variations.


Day 1

Push ups

Towel pull ups

Handstand push ups

Day 2



Calf Raise

Day 3

Spartan push up

Wide grip pull up


Day 4

Pistol squat

Step ups

1 footed angled calf raise

"You don't life for be sad, no?"

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I just couldn't push myself through; like climbing a mountain there is always something telling you to quit.

I find it hard to put into words, but repeating this circuit over and over just seemed like a monumental feat.

It sounds silly, I know.

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I've been working on this same topic. My approach has been to pick a routine, and do it for a week. I want to optimize the workout, but I'm only giving myself one modification (changing exercises I mean) per week. That way I can stay somewhat focused but still allow for improvement in the routine. If something is too easy, I don't count adding reps as a modification.

I would also suggest adding some plank work for core strength, just 35 seconds for 3 sets is enough to make me tired! Maybe something to swap in sometimes to keep your mind entertained (and therefore less likely to want to do something else).

Level 14 Elven Blacksmith

current challenge - yearlong quest

14 13 12 11 10 9.1 9.0 8 7 6 5 4,2 4.1 4.0 3 2 1

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Well, if your goal is strength and muscle, you'll want to be working out in the 5-10 rep range with hard bodyweight exercises (do exercises you only can do for 5-10 reps, not pushups for 5-10 reps, that doesn't work). Circuits are pretty useless for weightloss; that is diet.

How about this:


, as well as stuff for shoulders and hips, maybe ankles. Do a couple skin the cats. Then throw in a quick circuit of, say, 2x10 pushups/rows/squats to get the blood flowing.

Skill work:

Handstand, stomach-to-wall (just walk up and learn how to roll or pirouette out). 3 sets or so, quit as soon as you're not getting perfect practice anymore. Practice hollow body shape: tuck your hips under by squeezing your butt and push your belly button back so your lower back is flat. Extend fully overhead with your hands (angle between torso and upper arm is ideally 180 degrees), shrugging your shoulders up to your ears. You can use a mirror to check your positioning while standing so you know what it feels like. Only thing touching the walls should be your toes. Dig into the ground with your fingers to avoid falling over.

Strength work:

L-sit, 3 sets of a tough variation. Build up to a 30s L-sit (that'll be a while).

Pullup variation, 3 sets. If you can't do 5 reps yet, add in slow negatives to get to 5.

Pushup variation, 3 sets. Make it difficult.

Row variation, 3 sets. This is an important movement, don't skive on it. You can switch these with the pullups.

Squat variation, 3 sets.

Yes, that's 6 exercises. But HS is skill work so that doesn't take long. It's also a lot of fun. You have to work hard on the strength work, but give yourself some good rest (until you feel really ready, 3-7 minutes is perfectly fine) during which you can do whatever the hell you want. I'd advise keeping your joints warm and some walking around over sitting on a bench.

This routine has been field-tested and while the long rests take some getting used to, it's pretty damn awesome. I'd advise to do mobility work on off days.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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Question 161803398874989, when you say "Pushup variation, make it difficult", do you mean increase repetitions, or do a hard variation, such as HSPU?

Is the rest after every movement set? And are rows and pull ups both in the same workout, or interchangeable? How many times per week?

Sorry about so many questions, I like knowing exactly what to do. But thanks so much, you are a great help!

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Difficulty is variation, since you're trying to keep the reps in the 5-10 range.

A pushup variation is a horizontal push. HSPU is a vertical pushign variation, but you should get to that once you get your handstand down. I'd go with pseudo planche pushups. They're easily measurable. Make sure you don't arch your back on them (stay hollow). Rest is after every movement set in the strength block. Rows and pushups are in the same workout, but you can switch them around (so do rows, pushups, pullups instead of pullups, pushups, rows). 3x a week. Take one rest day in between each workout day and one day extra off somewhere, so you get AxAxAxx with A being workout days and x being rest/mobility days.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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