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Hi, I'm very new but have been reading and really loving the site. I'm a designer with an over active imagination. I'm getting older, 38, but when I take my kids through the woods I always make up stories about the hobgoblins who live under the log or having to cross the accursed stream infested by blood sucking nymphs, they get a lot out of a hike! I still wear my Doc's with my Atari t-shirt. When my friends started saying I was showing my age finally and looking um' matronly -- what me? Matronly? Argh! I was always skinny as a rail and played the cleric in AD&D (the boys always made me because they needed a healer in the group, I actually wanted to be an elf ranger...) I'm now a size 14. I want to lose weight primarily so I can run better. I LOVE running. I am an impatient person and getting from point A to point B quickly and on my own feet is a good thing, and running through the forest behind my house: Win.

I hope to learn from this site:

a.) how not to injure myself. My day job is potato driven design with retro game covers and right now just posters that I have to upscale which is difficult.

I read on here how once a day extreme exercise with nothing else is a recipe for pain. I've seen that in the gym over and over again. For me to hurt my running legs would be a nightmare, but it's a trail I'm on the way I work out currently. I have no idea how to use body resistance and a torn muscle from last year has left lifting a painful undertaking. (Too much weight in the gym + wrong machine for my body = torn muscle for life.)

b.) how to help my always hungry self to stop eating so much

c.) how to handle bullies and criticism because as a designer I tend to break down in tears when someone posts a bad review of my work. And there are people who don't hold back.

What I'm doing:

a.) Going to the gym 6 times per week. Trying to walk in the afternoons, just to balance out the workouts. I always make sure I put in one hour of hard work. I track my calories with a heart rate / calorie monitor. I log both calories and workouts. (I roll a D8 to see which workout I'm going to do for the day....yeah really!) I started doing this after reading articles here. I log everything.

b.) Trained for a 5K and ran it in 36 minutes over tough terrain against a track and field team. Because there were so few women I actually won a medal ;-P lol

c.) I train in both vibrams and sneakers. I have a nasty heal strike in sneakers - not sure about the vibrams. My feet are not yet used to distance in my vibrams so I'm acclimating them. When I run outdoors I typically do a four mile loop. I have allergies which limit my exposure outdoors. (Yeah, I take medicine but it's not covered by insurance so it's $150.00 out of pocket so I try to make it last until winter.)

Man, I'm boring. Sorry. I love sci-fi and know way too much about it and retro gaming. We have a gaming library in my house of vintage games with vintage gaming systems hooked up to play. I have a server full of sci-fi and watch seasons of shows one per day with lunch. I'm reading Star Wars books at the moment but they're not as good as Ender's Game series which I read recently. I think I've been the same for the last 18 years including hair style, I just gained weight with having two kids who are also game junkies. I used to work as a computer technician and ran three computer labs at a college. I have taught, built massive web sites, had my photos published and am a certified Photoshop expert. You know, if you're a nerd long enough I guess stuff like that just happens. There is always so much more to know. No matter what I know it's maybe 5% of what I wish I knew. I've worked mostly with colleges. Since I live in a remote area beside the ocean I work on posters for eBay and little projects like training people on software and volunteering my web & photography skills to the local trail association. Because I work from home I have time to go to the gym and run trails (sometimes). I also live in a rainforest so in the winter it pretty much rains 24/7. The 5K I just ran was in the rain but no one really cared all that much.

I want to run a half-marathon, be a skinny ranger again (and yeah I have a really nice bow), be able to run over distance and do sprints quite well and take up Yoga to stay flexible. Also have proper nutrition. A good time for me in a 5K I think would be 30 minutes. For my body build and age that's a fairly good goal and doable with enough hard work. I can't do that at my weight without injuring myself in all fairness to my four years of running experience.

Sorry to be long winded. I'm glad to be here. It's rather lonely being out in the forest by myself tinkering with images all day actually - need a running buddy I guess. Should probably invest in a dog. lol.


Seven: Level 3 JEDI
STR: -1 DEX: 4 STA: 8 CON: 2 WIS: 6 CHA: 3
First Six Week Challenge Sept. 24 2012
Connecting the dots can only occur in retrospect, to get there: Intuition.

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:) Welcome!!

I loved reading your intro....I can relate to a lot of your comments! Very happy to have you here. I run a lot too, and I run alone...I work from home (desk bound) and I live in the middle of nowhere, so finding a workout/running buddy is hard! I did a PvP challenge here for my first challenge and it was AWESOME to have someone to report back to. I will probably seek out a PvP for the next challenge too. Congrats on your 5k medal! That's awesome. My last 5k race time was 39minutes....I am currently training for another 5k coming up soon, so we'll see if I can PR. :) Also, I've always wanted to go to Oregon...I hear it is beautiful out there. Anyhoo, I look forward to seeing you around the forums!

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What is a PvP challenge? I think I kinda know, I read an article about picking a character and goal - but I'm a little lost around here still. Thanks

Seven: Level 3 JEDI
STR: -1 DEX: 4 STA: 8 CON: 2 WIS: 6 CHA: 3
First Six Week Challenge Sept. 24 2012
Connecting the dots can only occur in retrospect, to get there: Intuition.

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I was glad to read your introduction - I can understand a lot of what you are going through.

I am about the same ago as you and pulled a shoulder muscle that has taken forever to even get to the point that I can change a shirt without intense pain.

I've been using an app to track my diet and another to track mileage, and I hope to use the upcoming six-week challenge to get focused on the rest.

Keep at it and good luck!

Current Challenge: (Feb-Mar 21) Step by Step

My Epic Quest Character Sheet  *** Old Challenges and Links hidden below


My Old Battle Log

(2012) 1st (Scout) 2nd (Scout) *** (2013) 3rd (Warrior) 4th (Warrior) 5th (Warrior) 6th (Assassin) ***

(2014) 7th (Ranger) 8th (Scout) 9th (Monk) 10th (Scout) *** (2015) 11th (Ranger) 12th (Ranger) 13th (Ranger) 14th (Ranger) 15th (Scout) 16th (Scout) *** (2016) 17th (Ranger) 18th (Scout) 19th (Scout) 20th (Rebel)

(2021) 21st (Adventurer)

Past groups: The Wild Hunt 6 *** The Serenity Crew *** The Wild Hunt 5 *** The Wild Hunt 4 *** The Wild Hunt 3 *** The Wild Hunt 2 *** The Wild Hunt 1 *** Browncoats

Achievements: (20 Sep 2014) Completed first half marathon *** (17 Feb 2014) Finished mission to bring body fat from over 25% to under 12% over six months (trying to repeat that now)



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What is a PvP challenge? I think I kinda know, I read an article about picking a character and goal - but I'm a little lost around here still. Thanks

PvP = player-vs-player...each challenge there's a separate forum for Rebels who want to go head to head on a challenge of their own design. :) This challenge I went up against WesB, going for most reps logged in the bodyweight circuit. Our thread is in the PvP forum now and there are some other PvPs going on too. He had to drop out early due to an injury, but it was awesome while we were both going all out. Even without doing a PvP, there's lots of good encouragement here. I know I've done more in the past 6wks than I've done in the past year, largely because the feedback here is so motivating.

I'd say just keep browsing around, and you'll get a feel for the place! Also ask as many questions as you want/need...people here are so helpful and friendly, it's awesome. :)

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After the PvP mention (Thx Sambie) I went to the Sidekick forum, but can't find anyone :( Boo - but I'm not giving up. I would love to be a sidekick! I'm funny and sometimes mean "go kick some ass" :-P lolz. Even if it's for a two week trial or something, I'm on it. I promise to be a proper sidekick and padawan. I'm not sure what I am yet (Ranger, Scout, Druid?) Oh' what will I be when I grow up?

I do really well with teaming up with someone. I had a drill instructor as my last 'master' and he really kicked my butt every single day virtually but I tried hard and dropped 35 pounds and received a silver medal in running. So I firmly believe in the power of teams. I also made him slim down and firm up to where he qualified for something helicopter related that I didn't understand but sounded important. He even bugged me when on maneuvers. So I'm not about whining - and if I do I expect to be firmly rebuffed for attitude.

So if anyone needs a side kick I think I would make a good one. I'm an artist and very quirky and weird. I also think in nerd and speak in nerd.

Besides I had this dream that I did have a mentor and we were running stairs in a high rise building and that seems, now, like a very cool challenge to undertake (with some time). Cheers all - I love it here at Nerd Fitness and love the blog. This last one made me cry. I had never read a newsletter before in my life prior to joining here. On the day I got ripped to shreds by a guy who stole my artwork Steve came out with his post on bullying. Perfect timing.

Sorry I'm so new - someday I won't be. - Seven

Seven: Level 3 JEDI
STR: -1 DEX: 4 STA: 8 CON: 2 WIS: 6 CHA: 3
First Six Week Challenge Sept. 24 2012
Connecting the dots can only occur in retrospect, to get there: Intuition.

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After the PvP mention (Thx Sambie) I went to the Sidekick forum, but can't find anyone :( Boo - but I'm not giving up. I would love to be a sidekick! I'm funny and sometimes mean "go kick some ass" :-P lolz. Even if it's for a two week trial or something, I'm on it. I promise to be a proper sidekick and padawan. I'm not sure what I am yet (Ranger, Scout, Druid?) Oh' what will I be when I grow up?

I do really well with teaming up with someone. I had a drill instructor as my last 'master' and he really kicked my butt every single day virtually but I tried hard and dropped 35 pounds and received a silver medal in running. So I firmly believe in the power of teams. I also made him slim down and firm up to where he qualified for something helicopter related that I didn't understand but sounded important. He even bugged me when on maneuvers. So I'm not about whining - and if I do I expect to be firmly rebuffed for attitude.

So if anyone needs a side kick I think I would make a good one. I'm an artist and very quirky and weird. I also think in nerd and speak in nerd.

Besides I had this dream that I did have a mentor and we were running stairs in a high rise building and that seems, now, like a very cool challenge to undertake (with some time). Cheers all - I love it here at Nerd Fitness and love the blog. This last one made me cry. I had never read a newsletter before in my life prior to joining here. On the day I got ripped to shreds by a guy who stole my artwork Steve came out with his post on bullying. Perfect timing.

Sorry I'm so new - someday I won't be. - Seven

Hey, let's keep chatting until the next challenge starts...I will be looking for a PvP person no doubt, and depending on how similar our goals are, we might consider throwing down a little challenge in the PvP forum. I have actually spent no time in the sidekick forum...don't really even know what that's for! Maybe I need to check it out... At the start of this past challenge, WesB had posted an open invite for a PvP challenge in the Ranger forum (we're both Rangers) so I took him up on it. The cool thing about PvP is that you don't have to both be the same class. It's like another layer of challenging yourself, aside from just within your chosen guild. If you're not sure what guild fits best with your interests/goals, you could always do your first challenge with the Adventurers. Of course, I do tend to think the Ranger guild is pretty bomb, but I may be a tad biased there. ;)

No worries about being new. You're clearly filled with win, so we like having you here. :)

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That would be awesome. I think I'm a Ranger but I don't do a whole lot of weight training although that's about to change come Monday. I like challenges, one of my favorite shows is Man vs. Wild. (The people in my life have no idea why I'm enthusiastic about it...) I love doing epic things even if it's on my personal skill level which is no where in the Bear Grylls zone. ;-P Last run was a very challenging trail, it was raining and everyone else was a pro (Track and Field team was present as well as some marathon runners). It was epic on account I was running against a whole lot of odds. But that's cool you know? I like wading out on the sharp rocks to visit the tidal pools and see Starfish and running barefoot in December on the beach. Those are my favorite memories. I like adventure I guess, over all. :-P lolz - thanks for replying! Have a great evening.

I hope you consider me come PVP! :D

Seven: Level 3 JEDI
STR: -1 DEX: 4 STA: 8 CON: 2 WIS: 6 CHA: 3
First Six Week Challenge Sept. 24 2012
Connecting the dots can only occur in retrospect, to get there: Intuition.

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Hmm, sounds like you could be a Ranger. :)

I do bodyweight strength training with some freeweights 3 days/wk, running 2-3 days/wk, hiking, yoga, and playing around outside which usually involves climbing trees and jumping over stuff. I like setting up my own obstacle courses outside, and we have some awesome mountains/hills to hike around here. I also like creating my own "gym" with stuff around the house and yard. My favorite piece currently is a large discarded tire I found on the side of the road near my house. I brought that baby home and I use it for all kinds of stuff. My current favorite is to fill it up with water, then do tire flips down the driveway with it until the water's all gone. Takes more flips than you'd think to get the water out. Yay, physics! Great total-body workout. :)

The cool thing about Rangerdom is it's all about learning to do lots of different things, honing a wide range of skills to be applicable in any circumstance. The way I see it right now, I'm a Ranger working toward becoming an Assassin (because of my interest in parkour, bodyweight, gymnastics, etc.). I'm in no physical shape right now to do any of the stuff Assassins do, so being a Ranger is helping me work on those things. A lot of Rangers (but not all) do Crossfit...I don't do Crossfit because I live far, far away from any Crossfit gyms.

Ah, Bear Grylls. Le swoon. :) I love Man vs. Wild....though the scene where he bites into the belly of a live salmon (that he had just caught with his HANDS) was a little much for me. :)

I'd say just keep on browsing the forums and you'll figure out where you fit...probably the forum you keep going back to again and again because you're fascinated by what everyone else is posting there. :) Also, when you pick a guild, you don't have to stay there forever. I've seen some people do challenges with a different guild each time.

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I hate to ask a stupid question that I KNOW is posted somewhere on the forum, but when does the next challenge start? I know the last one ends today, so does the new one start today? I'm so excited I have all my 50/50 Fitness-Diet / NERD goals wrote out and my thorough plan of attack. Each week I'm also taking on a fear I have. I realized that my fears were holding me back about 90% from my fitness and diet goals. I am setting out not to be a hermit! THAT is strange and totally uncomfortable for me. Today I'm joining a yoga class and I both dread and am terrified of it. (I'm a born again introvert of the highest caliber and agoraphobia is the family religion.) Since I'm only social online talking to people IRL is going to be unusual. I'm tremendously excited and driven. Friday I go see the nutritionist, I have a life coach, I have a gym -- I have the tools, now just to do it. So um' anyway....when does the quest start?

Seven: Level 3 JEDI
STR: -1 DEX: 4 STA: 8 CON: 2 WIS: 6 CHA: 3
First Six Week Challenge Sept. 24 2012
Connecting the dots can only occur in retrospect, to get there: Intuition.

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I hate to ask a stupid question that I KNOW is posted somewhere on the forum, but when does the next challenge start? I know the last one ends today, so does the new one start today? I'm so excited I have all my 50/50 Fitness-Diet / NERD goals wrote out and my thorough plan of attack. Each week I'm also taking on a fear I have. I realized that my fears were holding me back about 90% from my fitness and diet goals. I am setting out not to be a hermit! THAT is strange and totally uncomfortable for me. Today I'm joining a yoga class and I both dread and am terrified of it. (I'm a born again introvert of the highest caliber and agoraphobia is the family religion.) Since I'm only social online talking to people IRL is going to be unusual. I'm tremendously excited and driven. Friday I go see the nutritionist, I have a life coach, I have a gym -- I have the tools, now just to do it. So um' anyway....when does the quest start?

The next challenge starts about a week from today...they give us a week's break in between. :)

Ah, we have more in common! I too am a total introvert, way more social online than IRL. I have a longstanding fear of group fitness (especially yoga) but I did a weekend retreat this challenge where I took 4 group yoga classes in 2 days. I am now hooked! I want to find some classes nearby so I can start doing yoga with others regularly.

Way to push yourself outside your comfort zone! You will be an inspiration to a lot of people throughout the challenge, I'm sure. :)

A few days before the next challenge officially starts, the Admins will put up a link (usually a huge obvious banner on top of every forum page) to sign up. So keep an eye out for that and that's how you'll know when the next challenge will officially begin. :)

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