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Prefered type: Hardback, paperback, or ebook?


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What is your favorite and why?

I like paperbacks. They are cheaper than hardbook and you can share them with friends easier than ebooks. I own two ereaders and will buy books on them but I like collecting books and even if I buy the ebook I will still want to buy the dead tree version to put on my book shelf.

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I like all three for different reasons.

For Epic classics, the hardcover is great since it lasts better than a paperback.

For travelling - ebook is tops

For reading at home, I like a paperback since it can be dropped into the bath-tub (when I fall asleep) without too many lasting effects other than wrinkly pages. :)

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For epic classics I prefer hardback. Otherwise I prefer paperback. I don't like ebooks really.

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paper vs e-books: Love the ease of reading/traveling with e books. Love the smell of a paper book.

hard vs soft covers: I tend to buy a lot of paper backs cause its hard to justify paying $30ish dollars for something I read in 8 hours. However there are things like RA Salvatore, GRRM, etc that are worth spending the extra money for.

I was a member of http://www.bomc2.com/ before I came out to Afghanistan and you could get one hardback a month for 9.99 and shipping (if i remember correctly) but discontinued it since I was out here as my iPad was much more convienent.


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E-books if at all possible. Especially out of print older books, classics, my mysteries and all light reading and business reading.

I do distinguish between kindle books and books I get on my iPad. iPad is for computer manuals and things where color coding of the code is important . I also get some magazines on my iPad only. Otherwise I love my e-ink kindle for most of my electronic books.

Paper books for things with color pictures and diagrams. I take paperback or hardback depending on the book. For most of the ones I get that are not e-books they are only published in one format or the other.

So things like knitting and weaving pattern books I get as hard copies. Some history books and archeology books with pictures and drawings of the items are only available as hard copy, usually hardback and usually very expensive.

Oogie McGuire

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Generally I prefer paperbacks overall. Smaller, easier to fit into bags for traveling, etc. I also like the look of paperbacks better. I don't know, something about the side, shape, and flexible covers....hardcover books intimidate me. :) I do have a habit of bending my paperback covers as I read, and I also dog-ear corners to save my place, so I guess I just like the physical flexibility of a paperback better. Usually they're cheaper than hardcover too. I do have an (awesome) ereader that I like for long trips (airplanes, etc.) but I don't use it much at home.

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It really depends on the purpose. If it's to own it and have it as a collection item, harcover. If it's to read over and over again, paperback. If it's borrowed or free domain, ebook, and in many case ebook to read over and over again as well. But sometimes I like actually being able to flip pages, or the weight that an actual book has, or being able to hold it without accidentally pressing the touch screen and flipping pages as happens constantly with my nook.

It's also easier to flip through a physical book, for obvious reasons. And it's better for any book that has double-page spreads in it at some point.

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I personally love paper books over e-books. There is something about the feel of flipping a page that helps bring me into the right mindset for reading. I can read an e-book if I have to but I pretty much avoid buying them.

Between hard cover and paperback I enjoy a hard cover more, but paperback is usually more practical.

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Definitely paperbacks. Cheaper, lighter and feel more comfortable to hold. My big hate with hardbacks is slip covers, they never stay in place when you're reading the book but if you take them off then the book looks bare and no doubt you end up losing or damaging the slip cover. I do have a really nice leather bound copy of the entire works of H.P. Lovecraft that I really love (probably because it doesn't have a slip cover). I got given a Kindle a little while ago as a gift but I've never really gotten into using it, I'm slowly going that way though. Once I finish the book I'm currently reading (A Dance with Dragons) I'm gonna make a point of reading an entire book on my Kindle. I'm sure once I get into it I'll love it but I think there might be some growing pains, I really like being able to hold a book and physically see how far through I am which you obviously don't get with the Kindle. Guess that's weighed off against the fact that I can fit it in my bag easier so it makes me more inclined to read when I'm out and about



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Ebooks have rekindled (heh) my love for the rambling, bloated, indulgent five-part trilogy. I haven't bought a paper book that isn't a picture book since I got my reader.

Of course, I mount the reader in a cannibalized hardback cover. Can't beat a form factor with centuries of user testing. ;)

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I'm slowly going that way though. Once I finish the book I'm currently reading (A Dance with Dragons) I'm gonna make a point of reading an entire book on my Kindle. I'm sure once I get into it I'll love it but I think there might be some growing pains, I really like being able to hold a book and physically see how far through I am which you obviously don't get with the Kindle. Guess that's weighed off against the fact that I can fit it in my bag easier so it makes me more inclined to read when I'm out and about

My Kindle "growing pains" took approximately 2 pages, seriously. Not having to pack multiple books when I travel, being able to download the next book in a series instantly, etc. Amazing. And I love being able to read it comfortably with one hand all the time. It's never awkward because you're too early/late into a book to hold it open easily, text doesn't get swallowed into the spine, etc.

Also, the Kindle has a progress bar at the bottom that tells you how far into a book you are (I'm assuming other e-readers do too).


We still have a lot of books (and it's fun to fill up the bookcases), but from a practicality standpoint, there Kindle wins hands down. (Except for reference materials, where there is a lot of flipping back and forth. The Kindle sucks for that, for obvious reasons.)

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E-books all the way. I was so against them and was a paperback fan forever, but my Nook converted me...I like being able to change the font size when I'm tired and I like that it doesn't close on me :)


i'm also trying to pare down. so not having three bookshelves full of books really helps. now i'm down to 2 shelves (not whole things) of books and 2 of cookbooks! so one bookshelf, technically.

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I read a lot of the free promo books on e-reader.

For physical books that I'm going to sit down at home and read, I prefer discarded library editions. Larger print, sturdier binding to begin with and often have been reinforced, and reasonably priced depending on what I'm getting.

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I actually like the ability of not knowing how far you are in an ebook. I've had stories "spoiled" for me because I knew it was almost over so something was going to happen soon, or that it was still the middle of the book so this or that event was just a red herring. With an ebook, I can look at the page count, but I also have the option to ignore it, and not to know it's the end until I turn the last page. And I enjoy that.

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Hardcovers for my favorite authors and series, since I plan on having them forever (also thinking ahead to having kiddos read the books I love).

If its something I'm not sure I'll enjoy or read multiple times, I might get an ebook if it's only a few dollars, or I'll get it from the library.

I'm not a big fan of paperbacks, I prefer the sturdiness of a hardbound book, but I don't necessarily buy new.

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Whatever's on sale. Seriously. :-) I haunt remainder tables and library sales for cheap books, especially old SF paperbacks. Haven't gone the ebook route, due to the initial setup costs ($99 for a Nook buys a lot of groceries). But given my hectic lifestyle, I actually prefer audiobooks.

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I read a lot of the free promo books on e-reader.

I, ummmm, totally misread this sentence to begin with :topsy_turvy:

Anyway - I love my Kindle. I honestly think it's one of the best bits of technology I've ever bought. It makes carrying my book, travelling, and reading such a pleasure. One thing I love about it is that no matter how big the book is that you're reading, you only ever have to hold the Kindle. Huge books hurt my hands when I've been reading for ages. Also, weird on here, if I want to read laying on my side, I don't have to change position when I turn a page because the new page is always in the same place :D

However, for reference books - like travel guides, I do prefer paper books as they are easier to flip through and browse.

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When all things are equal, I like the heft and stability of a hard cover, but unfortunately they are expensive, so then I go for paperbacks. However, I have a 90 minute one-way train commute that I tend to have to do while standing the entire way. I am schlepping my ridiculously heavy and huge work laptop, my lunch, and gym stuff already - my bag weighs nearly 30 lbs. I have a Kindle to keep myself entertained and to minimize the heft. When it comes to actually reading it, the format doesn't bother me so much - once I am sucked in, I am in, regardless of format.

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I actually like the ability of not knowing how far you are in an ebook. I've had stories "spoiled" for me because I knew it was almost over so something was going to happen soon, or that it was still the middle of the book so this or that event was just a red herring. With an ebook, I can look at the page count, but I also have the option to ignore it, and not to know it's the end until I turn the last page. And I enjoy that.

It's just great, isn't it?, I read The Lord Of The Rings on a PDA (young eyes), without knowing how big it was, and it was absolutely fantastic.

I personally like books in any shape or form, ebooks are great but since I read them on a PC or smartphone, not as comfortable, I have been considering a kindle for a while, just have not had the right combination of will/money/interest to get it.


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I'm not a fan of ebooks, as I like having the actual book to hold while reading, I like the look of hard covers without the slip cover on, but paperbacks are easier to hold. I normally just end up getting whatever form the shop has which is normally paperback.

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