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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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Not quite fitness related, but I just headed off on exchange, from Australia to Ireland.


Just about everyone I know has suggested I should sleep with "a hot Irish guy" while I'm here.

Because it's not like I'm here to learn Irish, or to attend a university, or to see the amazing countryside, or just to have a new experience.

Most of those people did make other suggestions as well, it just got really, really old.

This also includes my mother, who has been giving me unsolicited "get a boyfriend" advice, and then insisting that she doesn't think I need a boyfriend to be happy.  I just ... have no clue what's going on.


Not to mention the friend I have who is wonderful, nerdy, and we have great conversations, but who makes the suggestion a bit too often that getting laid would help me relax.

He is joking.  He is not serious in any way.  But I am painfully introverted, and dislike discussing my private life like that, and he hasn't gotten the message yet.

It's your exchange and you'll do with it as you see fit. When I went to India I got a lot of comments about not being blown up or married off against my will. It's just annoying ignorance.

Race: Dwarf Class: Ranger Level: 3

STR: 9 | DEX: 7 | STA: 9 | CON: 6 | WIS: 9 | CHA: 8

Current-5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1

When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't crawl - when you can't do that... You find someone to carry you


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^^ as above


People resent being reminded that others have the dedication and drive to improve themselves, instead of spending every free moment watching TV.


My rant:

We're apparently all supposed to be some least-possibly offensive stereotype. Just fit enough to survive, but not too fit. Just intelligent enough to finish college, but not too intelligent. Heaven forbid our fitness or intelligence might offend somebody.


Exactly.  My girlfriend (not into health and fitness, but not unhealthy) admitted that my dedication to running and eating right makes her feel bad about herself, yet any time I make the suggestion that I'm willing to help get her started with running or lifting or whatever, she claims that I think she's fat. It's quite frustrating...


This weekend should be interesting.  Every year my friends and I go to a Renaissance Festival near my home town, proceed to eat and drink copious amounts of food and beer.  This year I plan on bringing my own food for the day (but will probably still drink a lot of beer, since there's a lot of good craft beer there, and one day of indulgence won't kill me), it will be interesting to see how they react to it.  Maybe I'll bring enough to share and give the option real food vs. deep fried...


Fleet Footed Wood Elf


STR 2 | DEX 3 | STA 5 | CON 3 | WIS 2 | CHA 0

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"Cool, you can get the XL shirts from MEC now! Think they'll send the pecs to go with them?"

"You can just go shopping for clothes for me, you know, except your boobs are bigger."

"Exactly what part of ju-jitsu isn't really gay?"


~ My Wife

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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"Cool, you can get the XL shirts from MEC now! Think they'll send the pecs to go with them?"

"You can just go shopping for clothes for me, you know, except your boobs are bigger."

"Exactly what part of ju-jitsu isn't really gay?"


~ My Wife



this person really wants to delete their account but can't because it's not allowed.


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"Cool, you can get the XL shirts from MEC now! Think they'll send the pecs to go with them?"

"You can just go shopping for clothes for me, you know, except your boobs are bigger."

"Exactly what part of ju-jitsu isn't really gay?"


~ My Wife


:nightmare:  :(  :livid:


I will censor myself, and merely say I have an encouraging word for you anytime.


PS. I lied. I can't completely censor myself. What she said is not acceptable. Your SO is supposed to encourage your hopes & dreams, not try to tear you down.

Just a guy on a journey - Battle Log



If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done - Bruce Lee


Be honest with yourself and ethically pursue your happiness - Laz


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I don't want to start a war here, but recently my white coworker said to me, "well your boyfriend is not really black"


My boyfriend is african american, but he doesn't look like Lil Wayne (Read: gold grill, trucker hat, white undershirt, etc etc), nor does he fit the black male stereotype (I'm not even sure what that is really). Does that make him "not black"? When I called out my coworker, he said, "I didn't mean it in a negative way". Maybe you didn't, but saying my boyfriend is "not black" and that's good means that being black is bad. And it most certainly is not. Sorry my boyfriend doesn't fit into a happy little compartment for you. Sorry he's a fascinating, dynamic, and multi-faceted person.


SMH. People are ignorant and massively inconsiderate. Reminds me of the fat and fit shaming going on in here. Just because you're skinny doesn't mean you shouldn't work out. Just because you are "fat" doesn't mean you aren't trying your f*cking hardest. Do what you love, and keep doing it. Haters gonna hate.


^^ as above


People resent being reminded that others have the dedication and drive to improve themselves, instead of spending every free moment watching TV.


My rant:

We're apparently all supposed to be some least-possibly offensive stereotype. Just fit enough to survive, but not too fit. Just intelligent enough to finish college, but not too intelligent. Heaven forbid our fitness or intelligence might offend somebody.


Heaven forbid somebody doesn't fit into whatever stereotype you expect of them. If we all did, the world would be incredibly boring because you could tell everything about a person just by looking at them.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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Heaven forbid somebody doesn't fit into whatever stereotype you expect of them. If we all did, the world would be incredibly boring because you could tell everything about a person just by looking at them.

 I completely agree with this! Life is beautful and so are the people who are living it. The only things we should shame are rudeness and harming people/animals/things/nature. Can we start asshole shaming instead of fit/fat shaming or stereotyping? Anyone?

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


Current Challenge

Battle Log

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I don't want to start a war here, but recently my white coworker said to me, "well your boyfriend is not really black"


My boyfriend is african american, but he doesn't look like Lil Wayne (Read: gold grill, trucker hat, white undershirt, etc etc), nor does he fit the black male stereotype (I'm not even sure what that is really). Does that make him "not black"? When I called out my coworker, he said, "I didn't mean it in a negative way". Maybe you didn't, but saying my boyfriend is "not black" and that's good means that being black is bad. And it most certainly is not. Sorry my boyfriend doesn't fit into a happy little compartment for you. Sorry he's a fascinating, dynamic, and multi-faceted person.


Are you my girlfriend?? Haha jk, but my gf has been put into the same situation many of times of having friends or family tell her that I'm "not really black, so its okay."  It's kind of ridiculous but you aren't alone.  I've been hearing that throughout my life, in school mostly (Grade school-apparently I wasn't supposed to always be on the honor roll. High School-apparently I wasn't supposed to be in advanced placement classes, College-apparently I was supposed to be enrolled lol) I'm kind of numb to it, but it still riles up my GF

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She genuinely thinks that she's being playful and humorous, considering I've lost almost 80 lbs already.  I've shed a lot of fat, and I know she's proud of me for sticking with it and working out so much and running and MMA and being active.  That said, she is very nearly allergic to exercise and often uses some variation of "You're making me feel bad / fat / lazy with all your 'fitness' stuff..." so... maybe on some level she's taking jabs at me?


Thank you all for being encouraging! :D My imaginary friends are always there for me.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Are you my girlfriend?? Haha jk, but my gf has been put into the same situation many of times of having friends or family tell her that I'm "not really black, so its okay."  It's kind of ridiculous but you aren't alone.  I've been hearing that throughout my life, in school mostly (Grade school-apparently I wasn't supposed to always be on the honor roll. High School-apparently I wasn't supposed to be in advanced placement classes, College-apparently I was supposed to be enrolled lol) I'm kind of numb to it, but it still riles up my GF


I know I'm not alone because I honestly used to think it, too. Mostly because I was ignorant and never really thought about it.


But when you break it down, it just doesn't make any sense. If my boyfriend is "not black" because he's intelligent, he has a steady job, he doesn't have any kids yet and he's over 30. But is that what makes a black man? Having children young? Being uneducated? There are plenty of people of all races who are like that. So it really doesn't mean anything when you say someone is "not black" because being black can't really be defined (to me). 


One of my boyfriends favorite comebacks to people who say he isn't black is: "I'm black when the cops stop me. I'm black when I apply for a job. I'm black when I'm dating your daughter."

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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One of my boyfriends favorite comebacks to people who say he isn't black is: "I'm black when the cops stop me. I'm black when I apply for a job. I'm black when I'm dating your daughter."

ZING! winning retort right there. people are dumb and ignorant.


So I head on at the gym yesterday, I was teaching my fiance about lifting and such and she was busting out some with the forbidden weights (read as non machine and over 5lbs) and one of the female trainers came over and said he noticed her struggling with some of her reps and that she should drop her weight so that she doens't have to fight as much. She was on her 3rd set of 10! AND it was a weight that she had just gone up to (15lbs normally she only want to 10).

My fiance came back with the best one I have ever heard "I know I am struggling, I do that so I can get stronger. When the zomibes come I want to be strong enough to take care of myself. not be some prissy little zombie lunch. So thanks but I'm all set, zombie bait." I was so proud at that moment, not only because she is badass and told off a trainer that was trying to lead her down the wrong path but because she finally got to the gym with me after months of invitations AND she enjoyed it AND she is going to start lifting with me AND she brought up zombies as a legitamite argument to lift heavier.

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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ZING! winning retort right there. people are dumb and ignorant.


So I head on at the gym yesterday, I was teaching my fiance about lifting and such and she was busting out some with the forbidden weights (read as non machine and over 5lbs) and one of the female trainers came over and said he noticed her struggling with some of her reps and that she should drop her weight so that she doens't have to fight as much. She was on her 3rd set of 10! AND it was a weight that she had just gone up to (15lbs normally she only want to 10).

My fiance came back with the best one I have ever heard "I know I am struggling, I do that so I can get stronger. When the zomibes come I want to be strong enough to take care of myself. not be some prissy little zombie lunch. So thanks but I'm all set, zombie bait." I was so proud at that moment, not only because she is badass and told off a trainer that was trying to lead her down the wrong path but because she finally got to the gym with me after months of invitations AND she enjoyed it AND she is going to start lifting with me AND she brought up zombies as a legitamite argument to lift heavier.

Fantastic! Hahaha too funny!


And yeah, I have had a FEMALE trainer tell me that women shouldn't doo free weights and should never do more than 45 pounds on anything on the machines. It's frustrating for women sometimes, it really really is!

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


Current Challenge

Battle Log

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Guys at the gym make fun of my legs. I've got big legs and calves, a lot of the fella's joke, "Stop training your f***ing calves!" etc. It's funny the first few hundred times but it gets old after a little while. 


Happy to know someone else "struggles" with this! Lol, its been a thing since I was in high school - football tights stopping right above the calf tend accentuate my legs. I usually just get a lot of questions of what I did for my calves to get huge, the sad part is I really dont remember ever focusing on them a crazy amount, maybe doing calf raises when I was bored in grade school paid off. I do see some really skinny guys in the gym whose arms are smaller than my legs, makes me chuckle.


Oh and I tried skinny jeans once, they suffocated my legs and made them super itchy. Bought "super skinny" jeans once by accident and couldnt get them up past the meaty part of my calf.


lol I'm not alone!!

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ZING! winning retort right there. people are dumb and ignorant.


So I head on at the gym yesterday, I was teaching my fiance about lifting and such and she was busting out some with the forbidden weights (read as non machine and over 5lbs) and one of the female trainers came over and said he noticed her struggling with some of her reps and that she should drop her weight so that she doens't have to fight as much. She was on her 3rd set of 10! AND it was a weight that she had just gone up to (15lbs normally she only want to 10).

My fiance came back with the best one I have ever heard "I know I am struggling, I do that so I can get stronger. When the zomibes come I want to be strong enough to take care of myself. not be some prissy little zombie lunch. So thanks but I'm all set, zombie bait." I was so proud at that moment, not only because she is badass and told off a trainer that was trying to lead her down the wrong path but because she finally got to the gym with me after months of invitations AND she enjoyed it AND she is going to start lifting with me AND she brought up zombies as a legitamite argument to lift heavier.

your wife sounds like an awesome badass already so if she keeps it ups shes going to get even more badass which is fantastic keep it up you two

Level 5 Idiot Assassin 

STR: 22   DEX: 11  STA: 14  CON: 10  WIS: 0  CHA: 14

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Happy to know someone else "struggles" with this! Lol, its been a thing since I was in high school - football tights stopping right above the calf tend accentuate my legs. I usually just get a lot of questions of what I did for my calves to get huge, the sad part is I really dont remember ever focusing on them a crazy amount, maybe doing calf raises when I was bored in grade school paid off. I do see some really skinny guys in the gym whose arms are smaller than my legs, makes me chuckle.


Oh and I tried skinny jeans once, they suffocated my legs and made them super itchy. Bought "super skinny" jeans once by accident and couldnt get them up past the meaty part of my calf.


lol I'm not alone!!


Apparently I have hulk calves because they BARELY fit into boots and often my skinny jeans get bunched up above my calf muscle. I'm also starting to have the problem where my shorts get bunched up around my hips because my thighs are bigger. Stupid clothes!

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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Here's what always gets me.

I'm not skinny.  This is a simple fact.  I'm five foot one and ~140 pounds.  I'm not obese, I'm not fat, but I'm definitely not skinny.  I have never been skinny.  I have quite a bit of muscle, and rather a bit of curve, and that's just the way I'm made.


For example:  My calves are 17.5 inches in circumference.  According to the fashion industry, that's HUGE.  I frequently complain not because I have muscle, but because it is REALLY HARD TO FIND CUTE BOOTS into which I can cram my GIANT MUSCLELEGS.  (Reference:  Most fashion boots are between 13 and 15 inches.  Do the math, and my legs don't fit.)


So I make a comment along those lines, and IMMEDIATELY I get people telling me that I'm not the body type that I think I am.  That I'm thin, that I'm tiny, that I'm skinny.  I think they just think that that's what I want to hear?  Or maybe short + not fat = skinny.  I don't know.  But it DRIVES ME INSANE.  I LIKE my legs.  I LIKE my muscles.  I'm like Rosie the Riveter, but legs.


Also, I don't want to be skinny.  I was skinny once.  I went on the stress-and-depression-and-poverty diet and dropped down below 120.  You could see my ribs.  It was bad.  I'm just not meant to be that small.  I want a little less squish in the places that should maybe be less squishy, but I don't ever want to be skinny again.


So I guess that's the most annoying comment that I hear ALL THE TIME.  People denying the body type I am and insisting that I'm the body type that they think I want to be.

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So I guess that's the most annoying comment that I hear ALL THE TIME.  People denying the body type I am and insisting that I'm the body type that they think I want to be.


Argh, I get that, too - I'm similar: average height, and "not skinny" - I'm probably on the high end of average, certainly, but I definitely wouldn't call myself 'overweight'.


And I have some friend who, when I say things like "I'm not skinny" (when appropriate for the conversation), immediately jump to the "Oh, no - you're definitely skinny!  Don't be so harsh on yourself!" like believing I'm not skinny automatically means I believe I'm an ugly, fat beastly creature and stating that I'm not skinny means I have awful self-image and self-esteem that must IMMEDIATELY BE BOLSTERED OR ABJECT DEPRESSION WILL ENSUE.


I mean, really?

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like believing I'm not skinny automatically means I believe I'm an ugly, fat beastly creature and stating that I'm not skinny means I have awful self-image and self-esteem that must IMMEDIATELY BE BOLSTERED OR ABJECT DEPRESSION WILL ENSUE.



EXACTLY.  Personally, I'd rather be confident about being who I am than confident about a delusion.  XD

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