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Yo! Looking for advice Re exercise routine/nutrition

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Good day!

My name is Daisy

I'm a musician, vocalist and theatrical performer who loves cooking, science, movies, music (obvs!), dressing up, dancing and being a little bit silly sometimes.

I was doing weight watchers for a while, lost 2 stone and learnt a hell of a lot about what I am capable of. However, the plan didn't work for me in the end and I found this site by searching for paleo advice after a friend got me interested.

That was about 2 months ago, and since then I've been doing the 'faileo' diet, mostly just loving eating healthy fats a bit too much after being on a dirty empty calorie, low fat, aspartame encouraged regime (that's weight watchers, baby!).

Then I totally flipped and went mad on the carbs for about two weeks. My yearning got the better of me, fo sho.

But, I'm back in the game and am mustering up a new plan.


My plan involves using the 'MyFitnessPal' app to keep track of calorie and nutrition intake, and especially to monitor and ensure that I don't consume too many calories.

I just photoshopped my head onto a load of bodies that I'd like to aim for, mostly curvy size 12's, as I'm a size 20 at present and, having been obese since childhood, sometimes can't seem to see the wood for the trees when it comes to what I'm actually aiming for?! This was A) hilariously funny (I added 'inspirational words') and B) truly inspiring. Having some visual aid means that I'm finally able to work towards a positive goal, rather than work against a negative fear!

Regarding exercise, whilst doing WW, I joined my local leisure centre and enjoyed some classes and using the gym. However, in June I got brassic and had to cancel. Plus, my motivation had taken a nose dive. In general, I cycle most days to pick up groceries or get to uni and I am known to have a dance to DJ's or live music at the weekends. I am going to join the leisure centre again with a bit of financial help from my partner (he's a sweetie) as he knows how much I want to get back on it.

To be honest, exercise hasn't been very easy for me to get into. I shunned away from sports during childhood and in my teens, due to my size and a bit of standard bullying. I've always cycled around London, but I don't feel a drive to use my bike in a sporting way, as the traffics system here isn't too safe if you're going fast (my partner really goes for it and has just had his 4th major accident!). I'm quite happy to use it as a seat with wheels , although I do live up a major hill which means I get in a little bit of burn.

HOWEVER I know that I would love to feel more freedom in my body. I have friends that trick and free run, do acroyoga and trapeze, and when I watch them it gets me so happy. I feel it's too late to lose all the weight that I'd need to, and train to do these sports, but, these days, when I see them being so free and in love with movement, it inspires me.

Out of the activity classes I've tried, I enjoy circuits and boxercise the most. I like the full on environment, the loud music so I can yell or make noise if I need to. I really appreciate an encouraging, firm but friendly, class leader. I am hugely motivated when I feel supported and encouraged (ie. one day, a replacement circuits leader had to fill in, and brought with him a 'boot camp' attitude, where he told us to 'get down and do 10!' and shouted kind of negative stuff. That shit is whack. I left).

I like the idea of kettlebells and weight training but where does one start? With Kettlebells they have an all female class at the centre that I'm going to give a go. I saw them at it once, and boy, those ladies were so fit! Some part of me feels that old fear that I won't be accepted, but do you know what, over the past year or two I've really felt the love that individuals have for their bodies and I know that if I show that love for myself it will be returned and celebrated by others. I reckon there are a lot of fit, healthy people that love to pass on their experiences/advice (like you guys)... It's cute

Weight training ...

From what I read on this site, natural weight training is better than some other kind (um. I know nothing). I think I'm attracted to it because I have always felt like I am a physically strong person anyway. But then, the idea of pulling myself up on a bar makes me laugh, in a sad kind of way, because I have a 16stone 4lb body which I feel I can't lift. So I guess I'm not that strong after all.

My body is curvy. I love my bum. In getting more fit and losing weight, it's really important to me that I sculpt the body that I want. I can't actually visualise myself in a very slim body and I'd live to work towards weight loss on my stomach and general toning all over, with some focus on butt sculpting to make sure it doesn't just waste away (my worst nightmare!).

With paleo, I'm not sure how much I can keep up with it tbh. Loads of meat is expensive anyway and I can't find grass fed except one butcher that costs a small fortune. Plus, when I did kick the carbs and go as paleo as I could about 2 months ago, I just ate loads of fats. I would really like to get a really nitty gritty guide breakdown of daily nutrition intake levels/percentages that I should be aiming for, with protein, carbs, fats etc. a Furthermore, if anyone has a food plan or diary that they might fancy sharing, that would be superb. I'm really interested in what is best to eat at which time of day, the correct spread of calories through the day to help metabolism (I think mine might be quite sluggish) and different food/nutrient combinations (I keep reading about the omega 3/6 balance... What is this?).

So, thanks got tuning in. I got all beefy with my topic, so apologies if it's been a long read. That where I'm at and any advice or tips on diet, nutrition or exercise will be gratefully recieved.

Many thanks and all the best

Daisy x

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My plan involves using the 'MyFitnessPal' app to keep track of calorie and nutrition intake, and especially to monitor and ensure that I don't consume too many calories.


I use MFP every day.  Every food that passes my lips gets recorded.  MFP has a pretty good selection, so that you can find something pretty similar if not exactly the same.  I have a particular calorie goal, based on input from MFP and other fitness calculators.  I also have a particular goal for protein grams, which forces me to prioritize calories throughout the day to meet.  This has made it easier to minimize "empty" calories. 


I just photoshopped my head onto a load of bodies that I'd like to aim for, mostly curvy size 12's, as I'm a size 20 at present and, having been obese since childhood, sometimes can't seem to see the wood for the trees when it comes to what I'm actually aiming for?! This was A) hilariously funny (I added 'inspirational words') and B) truly inspiring. Having some visual aid means that I'm finally able to work towards a positive goal, rather than work against a negative fear!


I love using visual inspirations.  I agree that it feels more positive than just beating up myself because I have never has a slim tummy. My visuals are slightly different than yours I expect, and less curvy. ;)


HOWEVER I know that I would love to feel more freedom in my body. I have friends that trick and free run, do acroyoga and trapeze, and when I watch them it gets me so happy. I feel it's too late to lose all the weight that I'd need to, and train to do these sports, but, these days, when I see them being so free and in love with movement, it inspires me.

Out of the activity classes I've tried, I enjoy circuits and boxercise the most. I like the full on environment, the loud music so I can yell or make noise if I need to. I really appreciate an encouraging, firm but friendly, class leader. I am hugely motivated when I feel supported and encouraged (ie. one day, a replacement circuits leader had to fill in, and brought with him a 'boot camp' attitude, where he told us to 'get down and do 10!' and shouted kind of negative stuff. That shit is whack. I left).

I like the idea of kettlebells and weight training but where does one start? With Kettlebells they have an all female class at the centre that I'm going to give a go. I saw them at it once, and boy, those ladies were so fit! Some part of me feels that old fear that I won't be accepted, but do you know what, over the past year or two I've really felt the love that individuals have for their bodies and I know that if I show that love for myself it will be returned and celebrated by others. I reckon there are a lot of fit, healthy people that love to pass on their experiences/advice (like you guys)...


Weight training ...

From what I read on this site, natural weight training is better than some other kind (um. I know nothing). I think I'm attracted to it because I have always felt like I am a physically strong person anyway. But then, the idea of pulling myself up on a bar makes me laugh, in a sad kind of way, because I have a 16stone 4lb body which I feel I can't lift. So I guess I'm not that strong after all.


I took a power yoga class before work twice a week, then got into running for a while, then started lifting weights in the gym and running on the side.

The change in diet made more of a difference than any particular choice of activity.


I am not sure what you mean by natural weight training.  "Natural" in lifting usually means without using human growth hormones or steroids. 

I'm confident that is not what you need right now. ;)

The lifting forums and the Warrior guild have lots of helpful, friendly, courteous, kind people that know way more than me.  All agree that strength-based training is great for women as well as men.


There are good forums here at NF to help with choosing starter programs for various interests as well, but my quick suggestions:

For running, there are dozens of perfectly fine couch to 5K programs available for free on websites.

For weightlifting, Starting Strength and Stronglifts 5x5 are two that consistently get good reviews. 

I used Stronglifts for about 5 months before changing lifting goals slightly, and with hindsight I probably should have just stayed on the program.


My body is curvy. I love my bum. In getting more fit and losing weight, it's really important to me that I sculpt the body that I want. I can't actually visualise myself in a very slim body and I'd live to work towards weight loss on my stomach and general toning all over, with some focus on butt sculpting to make sure it doesn't just waste away (my worst nightmare!).


My wife has always been curvy, so I think I can appreciate your statements here.  Lifting heavy (whether that means lifting weights or going to a strength-based vinyasa yoga class twice per week) will help fill out the muscles that keep your curves, and help burn the fat that hides your curves.  You would have to starve yourself and/or take the "unnatural" substances referenced above to lose your curves.  It won't happen by accident.


With paleo, I'm not sure how much I can keep up with it tbh. Loads of meat is expensive anyway and I can't find grass fed except one butcher that costs a small fortune. Plus, when I did kick the carbs and go as paleo as I could about 2 months ago, I just ate loads of fats. I would really like to get a really nitty gritty guide breakdown of daily nutrition intake levels/percentages that I should be aiming for, with protein, carbs, fats etc. a Furthermore, if anyone has a food plan or diary that they might fancy sharing, that would be superb. I'm really interested in what is best to eat at which time of day, the correct spread of calories through the day to help metabolism (I think mine might be quite sluggish) and different food/nutrient combinations (I keep reading about the omega 3/6 balance... What is this?).


I have more than a couple kids, a house and a couple cars, and need to economize everywhere I can.  So I feel your pain there.  But you also need to figure out where your priorities lie, and I would bet that in the long term a healthy, fit body that lets you participate in lots of fun activities is worth more in pounds sterling than a new iPhone.


That said, paleo does not have to mean lots of meat, which must be grass-fed beef.  The grass-fed thing is an ideal, but any increase in quality will help.  Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.  We like to get salmon once per week, some other fish once per week, chicken two or three times, beef when we can get it.  We avoid having a starchy side with every meal (you don't need potatoes with your beef, you don't need toast with your coffee).


I can't speak about the breakdown of food throughout the day -- everyone has their ideas of the "right" way, and I have found that with so many choices that means that you have the freedom to try some things out to see what is right for you.


Omega 6 vs Omega 3 -- these are two kinds of fats that are found in foods, and is determined by what kind of plants the fats came from (grains vs. green plants).  Your body uses both, so there is not a "bad" one.  But if your food mostly comes from grains (bread, pasta, tortillas, whatever) or from food that mostly ate grains (non-grass-fed beef, for instance), then you will get more of one and not enough of the other.  The ratio gets off.  You can fix this through eating less grains-and-things-that-ate-grains, and also be eating more of the other things.  I try to get wild-caught fish to help with this, as well as fish oil pills.  Again, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.  If you are trying to lose a lot of weight, you have more important goals to focus on right now.


Pick some goals and stick with them.  There are lots of good suggestions on Steve Kamb's NerdFitness blog and here on the forums.


Find some people to help you stay on track.  I like the challenges here, especially when you have a small group of people that you know are checking in every day to see how you are doing.


Good luck.

Current Challenge: (Feb-Mar 21) Step by Step

My Epic Quest Character Sheet  *** Old Challenges and Links hidden below


My Old Battle Log

(2012) 1st (Scout) 2nd (Scout) *** (2013) 3rd (Warrior) 4th (Warrior) 5th (Warrior) 6th (Assassin) ***

(2014) 7th (Ranger) 8th (Scout) 9th (Monk) 10th (Scout) *** (2015) 11th (Ranger) 12th (Ranger) 13th (Ranger) 14th (Ranger) 15th (Scout) 16th (Scout) *** (2016) 17th (Ranger) 18th (Scout) 19th (Scout) 20th (Rebel)

(2021) 21st (Adventurer)

Past groups: The Wild Hunt 6 *** The Serenity Crew *** The Wild Hunt 5 *** The Wild Hunt 4 *** The Wild Hunt 3 *** The Wild Hunt 2 *** The Wild Hunt 1 *** Browncoats

Achievements: (20 Sep 2014) Completed first half marathon *** (17 Feb 2014) Finished mission to bring body fat from over 25% to under 12% over six months (trying to repeat that now)



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Another good thing about MyFitnessPal is that it shows you roughly where your calories have come from on a little pie chart (although it only divides it into fat, protein, and carbs). I also like to look at the information about my nutrition to monitor the amount of sodium, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, and my vitamins for the day. So it might help you from straying away from your diet if you also have the nutrition facts alongside the food diary.   

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