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Things that drive you absolutely bananas.


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So I've been sitting in the library for about 3 hours now. And there is a girl who has been eating nuts for about 75% of the time that I've been here. Loudly and voraciously. :livid:


The sound of someone eating nuts, for any duration of time, drives me absolutely batty. It feels like a scene out of "The Tell-Tale Heart" only instead of a heart under the floorboards, it's a mouth full of peanuts.


I just had to say something, for sanity's sake.

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So I've been sitting in the library for about 3 hours now. And there is a girl who has been eating nuts for about 75% of the time that I've been here. Loudly and voraciously. :livid:


The sound of someone eating nuts, for any duration of time, drives me absolutely batty. It feels like a scene out of "The Tell-Tale Heart" only instead of a heart under the floorboards, it's a mouth full of peanuts.


I just had to say something, for sanity's sake.


LOL... you would HATE my co-worker. He's got a snack that he eats that 100x worse than nuts. We compare it to eating railroad spikes.

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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In my deployed environment, I'm stuck in an office for 12 hours a day listening to the same people every day who CONSTANTLY clear their throats. The one who actually sits in my room and clears his throat all day every 10 seconds also slurps ALL his food. How do you even slurp chicken? He finds a way. I have to leave when he's eating cereal.

Level 2 Furyan Ranger    You keep what you kill

STR 3 | DEX 2 | STA 3 | CON 2 | WIS 2 | CHA 3
6.1 6.2 | Duolingo | Daily Fitocracy



Captain Hammer: Have I seen you at the gym?

Billy: [smiles] At the gym!

Captain Hammer: [to himself] I don't go to the gym, I'm just naturally like this...


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I have a co-worker who chews gum every afternoon. We we sit at the opposite end of an office trailer (job site), and I can hear Every. Single. Smack. as he chews with his mouth open. 

Really? Didn't his mom teach him to chew with his mouth closed?

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle

Arian, arian, zehetzen da burnia. -Basque proverb

Frisian Shieldmaiden level 12 (STR:16) (DEX:16) (STA:23) (CON:22) (WIS:17) (CHA:15)

 Challenges: 11/12.14 - 1/2.15 - 2/3.15 - 15.4/5 - 15.6/7 - 15.7/9 - 16.1 - 16.3 - 16.4 - 16.5 - 16.10 - 16.11 - 16.12 - 17.1 - 17.2

 2017 Goals: Maintain BW BS, 100kg DL - Muscle Up - 1/2 Marathon Condition - Abs

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I'm incredibly sound sensitive, like right now my computer fan is audible and it's almost painful...time to turn on some music :)


Basically any little constant buzz, or hum, or click...etc. I get physically ill from scraping the ice off my windshield kinda stuff. It's super fun!

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And in this existence, I'll stay persistent

And I'll make a difference, and I will have lived it- MFTP


Battle Log

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Celebrity worship...Just had my reminder about it today... apparently the Oscars were last night, and now I'm seeing all the headlines for everything you can imagine.

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"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Ditto for smacking noises. Not so much crunching and slurping, though (so long as no smacking is present). I just don't understand how some people can't chew with their mouth closed.


Also, when people bring toddlers or infants with them to the movie theater. For the money they spent on popcorn and/or assorted junk, they could have hired a sitter and not had the entire room get mad at them when the freaking baby woke up and started crying.

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Also, when people bring toddlers or infants with them to the movie theater. For the money they spent on popcorn and/or assorted junk, they could have hired a sitter and not had the entire room get mad at them when the freaking baby woke up and started crying.


Ditto to babies on airplanes - although I know it's not always an option to bring them along there. But really, no flight is worse than a red-eye with a baby screaming through the entire flight. You get where you're going completely exhausted. Especially when it's a work trip. 

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle

Arian, arian, zehetzen da burnia. -Basque proverb

Frisian Shieldmaiden level 12 (STR:16) (DEX:16) (STA:23) (CON:22) (WIS:17) (CHA:15)

 Challenges: 11/12.14 - 1/2.15 - 2/3.15 - 15.4/5 - 15.6/7 - 15.7/9 - 16.1 - 16.3 - 16.4 - 16.5 - 16.10 - 16.11 - 16.12 - 17.1 - 17.2

 2017 Goals: Maintain BW BS, 100kg DL - Muscle Up - 1/2 Marathon Condition - Abs

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I know rite. thankfully the longest flight I've ever had to endure next to a wailing toddler was only 1.5 hours. My ears still hurt, though.


On a somewhat related note: parents who can't freaking control their kids. One particular incident comes to mind: I was at the vet's office, with one of my cats in her carrier. I think she had a skin problem, but this is irrelevant. This particular cat gets spooked easily, and so I was talking to her gently the whole time and periodically putting my hand into the carrier to pet her.


Enter lady with an obnoxious and completely out-of-control child. The little girl was running EVERYWHERE! Behind the reception counter, trying to get into the back rooms, trying to get into the shelves, etc. She had to freaking touch everything, too. Thankfully there was a protective glass cover over the products on the shelves, even though she tried to move those aside, too. Her mother was constantly chasing after her saying "No!" and trying in vain to discipline her child, but...after the initial two minutes it didn't look like she was trying very hard. The kid was essentially allowed to run amok until she was about to do something really bad. The 10 minutes that followed were a stream of uneasy and awkward smiles between myself, my dad (who was with me), the two techs behind the counter, and the kid's mom.


Annoyance only turned to anger when the kid yelled "KITTY," pointing at my cat.




"Yes, kitty is sick" I replied as I immediately picked up the carrier and put it on my knees, draping my arms over it protectively. "Kitty needs to sleep and can't be disturbed."


So what did the little shit do? HIT THE TOP OF THE CARRIER AS HARD AS SHE COULD! My cat was visibly terrified, and for good reason. I then repeated that "NO, YOU CAN'T DO THAT" while shooting a control-your-little-monster-please look at her mother, but was only met with an awkward smile. What got rid of her was me adding "Look, there's toys in the basket over there!" and she quickly went away. Temporarily.


It's like, what do you do in a situation like that. My immediate desire was to use a swift backhand, but then I'm the one who would have looked like an asshole. Shove her away? Same thing. I also didn't really want to touch her because, well, she looked awfully dirty. It was your stereotypical three-to-four-year-old chubby child with stains of...something on her shirt, and chocolate residue on her face.


Chocolate residue on her face...




In my pockets were some mild sedatives that I had given to my cat earlier. It took every ounce of my willpower to fight the urge to pay for a handful of candy from the nearby candy machine and offer it to the kid with a bunch of sedatives thrown into the mix.

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I hate hate HATE the words "trending" and "hashtag".  The blatant misuse of metatags drives me absolutely insane.

     I can't agree more with that but then again I can't stand when people end sentences with the word at, such as "where is it at?" It is like someone stabbed my ear with a knife.

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What we are born with, we must make our own
Or it remains a mere appurtenance.

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     I can't agree more with that but then again I can't stand when people end sentences with the word at, such as "where is it at?" It is like someone stabbed my ear with a knife.


As painful as the who (instead of whom) that is inevitably followed by a hanging preposition. Yuck!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle

Arian, arian, zehetzen da burnia. -Basque proverb

Frisian Shieldmaiden level 12 (STR:16) (DEX:16) (STA:23) (CON:22) (WIS:17) (CHA:15)

 Challenges: 11/12.14 - 1/2.15 - 2/3.15 - 15.4/5 - 15.6/7 - 15.7/9 - 16.1 - 16.3 - 16.4 - 16.5 - 16.10 - 16.11 - 16.12 - 17.1 - 17.2

 2017 Goals: Maintain BW BS, 100kg DL - Muscle Up - 1/2 Marathon Condition - Abs

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@Naxius - I am sooooooo with you on this one. It drives me NUTS when people let their kids act like that. Don't get me wrong, I love kids, and I don't subscribe to that "kids should be seen and not heard" bullsh*t either. But FFS people!

We CONSTANTLY get people come into our shop with young children who quite literally ignore their kids. And I'm not talking about 7 or 8 year olds, yesterday's "little horror" was, what, 3 years old? And I swear her mother only interacted with her twice in the 20 minutes they were there (if you don't count the half-hearted "don't touch" called over her shoulder whilst her precious little one was busy destroying one of our displays. No attempt to do anything about it though... But she said "don't touch" so it's all fine, right?)

And what really gets me is when they start blaming the kid for not behaving - no, it's not the child's fault, he/she is just a child after all. It's YOUR responsibility, you're the adult. Yes it's a pain in the ass having to walk round a shop a stopping "the little darling" from "playing" with everything on the shelves but you know what?? That's parenting for you, it ISN'T all fun and games, tough sh!t, now get on with it and BE a parent!

Ooooh, I can feel my blood boiling. Grrrrrrr!!!!

/end rant

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Just to put a parents perspective in.

I have always threatened my children with death if they misbehave in public. At home, whatever, this is home and they are free to be themselves.

Having said that when I had to take all 7 of them with me shopping when they were younger, the amount of times I would be ignored in retailers was disgusting. The shop assistants would see me and then walk the other way. I was left looking for an assistant for 20 minutes in a clothes store once, I needed an outfit for a funeral, as I left I made it known that my money was the same as everyone else's and if I had to come back I would unleash my children in their premises!

My kids are not perfect all the time we are out but they know the "stare" and can be guaranteed of repercussions when they got home. I don't scream at my kids when out because a stern whispering of the torture coming their way usually did the trick.

Oh and I generally dislike of other peoples kids, especially when out. My plane trip to Sydney cemented that when the spoilt little shit behind me kept kicking the back of my seat, several glances at the mother did little, the last time I did the tun around and told her, it would be nice if her child would refrain from kicking the seat because of my back pain ( small white lie ), worked for a couple of minutes, then kick, kick, kick, kick........

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Wait! What............?

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I have four kids, one of whom is a baby so for this discussion's sake he doesn't count yet.  But my kids act like little soldiers when we're out in public.  It's awesome.  I tell them to follow me and they line up.  I tell them to stay quiet and you don't hear a peep.  I've actually had other parents point to my kids and tell their kids "Look, those little kids are acting better than you."  Went to an Aldi once and this kid was climbing around on the shelf behind some cans of beans, and my son looks up at me and  says "Dad, do you see that kid?  That's not very smart.  He's not supposed to be back there."  Six years old.  I hate other people's kids.  My kids kick ass.


This kid at the bus stop greets people by growling and roaring.  His mom tells me he's gotten kicked off the bus several times for crapping his pants.  She complains to me all the time about how it takes her forever to get him ready in the morning because all he wants to do is run around and wake up the house.   My son has an alarm and when it rings he shuts it off, gets dressed, brushes his teeth, and puts on his boots, jacket and backpack and waits for me by the front door.


I know I'm boasting about my kids.  But we've all worked hard as a family to get them to where they are, and I'm damn proud of them. 


Also if one of my kids was running and screaming in a retail store I would probably destroy them.  Other people shouldn't have to put up with my kids, I get it.  Fortunately there's usually nothing to put up with.  :pride:

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I have four kids, one of whom is a baby so for this discussion's sake he doesn't count yet.  But my kids act like little soldiers when we're out in public.  It's awesome.  I tell them to follow me and they line up.  I tell them to stay quiet and you don't hear a peep.  I've actually had other parents point to my kids and tell their kids "Look, those little kids are acting better than you."  Went to an Aldi once and this kid was climbing around on the shelf behind some cans of beans, and my son looks up at me and  says "Dad, do you see that kid?  That's not very smart.  He's not supposed to be back there."  Six years old.  I hate other people's kids.  My kids kick ass.


This kid at the bus stop greets people by growling and roaring.  His mom tells me he's gotten kicked off the bus several times for crapping his pants.  She complains to me all the time about how it takes her forever to get him ready in the morning because all he wants to do is run around and wake up the house.   My son has an alarm and when it rings he shuts it off, gets dressed, brushes his teeth, and puts on his boots, jacket and backpack and waits for me by the front door.


I know I'm boasting about my kids.  But we've all worked hard as a family to get them to where they are, and I'm damn proud of them. 


Also if one of my kids was running and screaming in a retail store I would probably destroy them.  Other people shouldn't have to put up with my kids, I get it.  Fortunately there's usually nothing to put up with.  :pride:

It's amazing what happens with a little discipline....


even more so if you go the "free-range" route...

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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I'm incredibly sound sensitive, like right now my computer fan is audible and it's almost painful...time to turn on some music :)


Basically any little constant buzz, or hum, or click...etc. I get physically ill from scraping the ice off my windshield kinda stuff. It's super fun!

Ooooh, I used to have hyperacusis in the past :tongue: Not fun. Best of luck at overcoming it, my friend!


personally I just feel unusually optimistic today. Whee!

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Race: Reindeer   l   Lvl: Adventurer


I will travel across the land, searching far and wide~

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