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New Rebellion Cadet Reporting for Duty!

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Well.. I may be a Dark Side spy though.. sorry


Hey everyone, I stumbled upon this fantastic site a while back and back then I thought.. Oh I'll join later, as I want to start getting fit in a few months (not now of course) that was over a year ago I believe. Finally I'd had enough of using my weight for an excuse not to do something and now I have a huge goal.


I am finishing up my degree and want to join the RCMP (yay Mountie!) I have the wit, intelligence, and determination to be a fantastic Police Officer... but the hurdle is my fitness level.


As a veteran at beginning fitness journeys and falling off of them about 3-4 months later, I am desperate to make the right and healthy change so that I can apply in a year and have a better lifestyle.


I am a 25 year old geek girl looking for a support group as my life support group can be very sabotaging when it comes to fitness.


I hope to find some fellow geeks (nerd power!), looking to make a change with positive energy and words of encouragement and some sage advice, because I am going to need it!!!



A little background work on me:


Here's the scoop: I am 5'6'' and as of a couple of weeks ago (when I started my fitness plan) weight 235lbs (yuck!)

the goal? I want to be 175lbs, so I have 1 year to lose 60lbs (totally do-able with the right commitment)


I am determined not only to shed the weight and achieve my fitness goals, but I want to make it stick and have a healthy lifestyle that I can rely on for the rest of my life.

Half Orc Ranger Lvl 3

[ STR7.5 DEX2 STA6 CON7.5 WIS6.5 CHA5 ]


Achieve target weight: 175lbs

Starting weight: 238

Current Weight: 225



Current Challenge

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It's totally doable, and you sound like me! I'm pulling for you!


Right back at ya!


You can do it! We joined the same day after much lurking, let's stick it out together and reach our goals!


Seems to be fate then. It must be a sign that we will be successful this time!!! (oh god I am hoping I am successful this time....)

Half Orc Ranger Lvl 3

[ STR7.5 DEX2 STA6 CON7.5 WIS6.5 CHA5 ]


Achieve target weight: 175lbs

Starting weight: 238

Current Weight: 225



Current Challenge

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Right back at ya!



Seems to be fate then. It must be a sign that we will be successful this time!!! (oh god I am hoping I am successful this time....)

Henry Ford (I think) once said, "whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." I say punch doubt in the face and keep walking straight into the RCMP.

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Frost Giant

"No matter what they send at us, we will never let it fall" - Amon Amarth

"Pushing past the signs, don't let fear beat you inside; grow through the pain" - Battlecross

Profile - MyFitnessPal - Current Challenge - SKULL CRUSHERS
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Henry Ford (I think) once said, "whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." I say punch doubt in the face and keep walking straight into the RCMP.


That is the best piece of advice I have heard all day :D

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Half Orc Ranger Lvl 3

[ STR7.5 DEX2 STA6 CON7.5 WIS6.5 CHA5 ]


Achieve target weight: 175lbs

Starting weight: 238

Current Weight: 225



Current Challenge

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Welcome Nikki222!!

That's such an amazing life goal. I'm always inspired by women going for such leadership and authority roles :D

I may be a soldier of light, but I will still be cheering you on!

Keep us posted :)

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Dancing Sylph - Level 9 Monk/Druid

Former Captain of the Nerdians of the Fitalaxy

Current Challenge

"E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle" - We came forth, and once more saw the stars, Dante

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