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What made you smite today?

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It's amazing what a difference one letter can make...


The dark, grumpy flip-side to Guzzi's thread, what actions or events in the world caused you to rain down unholy righteous fury today? Whose stupidity forced you to unleash that squeaky rubber Mjolnir you keep in your glove compartment for emergencies? What blatant disregard for sanity unstoppered the profanity cork that keeps your discourses civil? 


I'll start the ball.


Girl 1 wouldn't get out of bed.

Girl 2 wouldn't eat her breakfast.

Girl 1 ate her breakfast really slow.

Girl 2 wouldn't get dressed.

Girl 1 pretended to get dressed, instead played with giraffe.

Girl 2 wandered around under the guise of 'getting ready'. 

Girl 1 finally went to get dressed.

Girl 2 kept trying to shove the cat out the back door.

Girl 1 proclaimed she had no socks.

Girl 2 just realized she ALSO had no socks. 

Girls 1 and 2 fight over socks.

Girls 1 and 2 forget where they left their backpacks.

Girls 1 and 2 forget where they left their coats.

Girl 2 remembers where she left her backpack, runs upstairs angrily, trips, falls, cries.

Girl 1 heads out the door to daycare and lets the cat out.

I have to track the cat down, hiding under every car in the complex, in the rain.

I get it back in in time to get Girl 2 out the door.

Girl 2 goes back INTO the house because she forgot a piece of paper for a friend.

In doing so, she lets the other cat into the garage, to hide under my wife's car.

Wife opens garage door, other cat gets out.

I roll around in mud and gravel to get it out from under the van and shove it back in the house.

Wife yells at me because now she's late.

Arrive at work hungry and grumpy because I forgot my coffee by the front door.

Also no coat today, since it's muddy and gravelly and in a ball in the entryway.

Still raining. 


... maybe mine doesn't count, since I didn't unleash much, but I was rather brusque with the cat when I pulled her out from under my van.  Maybe that counts.  Grr.


EDIT: Also, Girl 1 has no school today.  I just found out, when the school phoned me at work to tell me the day care lady dropped her off. Thank you, Girl 1, for telling me these important things, and also for never ever giving me any of your newsletters.

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The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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My lovely co-worker Safia managed to only slam me into the tables at work four times, down from the usual seven or eight times a day and then she thought it would be an excellent idea to dump a large container of hot pepper juice into my freshly filled dish sink, hitting both hands most of my left arm in the process.... I'm allergic to hot peppers and have repeatedly told her to keep that shit away from me and to only dump it in the middle sink so that it doesn't get into the dish water and wreak havoc on my skin since I am the dish washer at my store...


I swear to the gods if she does it again I am going to fill up a bin of the watery liquid that our ham, turkey, roast beef and hard boiled eggs are packed in and then dump it over her head. Okay well maybe not the ham stuff... she's Muslim, I don't want to be THAT evil >_>;


Or do I....

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Sadly I work in a call center, so there's no physical way I can actually unleash hell on anyone, since they're all over the continent.  But the amount of stupid crap people try to pull some days makes me glad I have a mute button on my phone.  

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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My favorite one happened to me today -


"Do I have to fill all of this out?"


Yes, new client at the psychology office I work at, you have to fill out ALL of the forms you're given at any initial visit at ANY doctor's office... and yes, I gave you the option to either print them off of our website to complete at home or come in 15 minutes early to do them in our lobby, but no, you disregarded everything and showed up 2 minutes early with no forms and are now setting our doctors behind as you fill them out during what should be your hour long appointment slot.


/casts Smite

/casts Blessing of Kings (seriously, I'll take any stat increase I can get some work days)


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Tell me, if you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?

Level ?? Bard & Monk of the Furious Heart

STR.55  DEX.43 STA.48 CON.51 WIS.53 CHA.65


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I'm a hospitality minion. I get lots of fun things from people. This is not just today, though. But all pretty recently. xD


double shot lattes - that just makes a normal strength coffee, dude. 

1/4 shot anything - seriously why are you even drinking coffee

2+ sugar in any drink, bonus points if it's artificial sweetener

"Can I have an ice coffee with cream and ice-cream, and a cake with cream, but can you make it with skim milk please, I'm on a diet."

"I don't want a toasted sandwich, so can I have the BLT but with turkey instead of bacon? What do you call that?" uhh, a turkey toasted sandwich?

Anyone asking for sauce after I've delivered their food with a side of chips to the table - you know you're getting chips, think ahead!

The pro-marine life campaigner ordering the salmon salad.

Anyone walking into a ragingly busy cafe, being told there's a wait for food, and still asking why their food hasn't come out instantaneously.

"How long will it take for you to toast me a sandwich? like, 5 seconds?"

"how much is this cake? *points*" They are all $6.50. "How about this one?" still $6.50. "this one?" still $6.50.

As I'm handing a couple their coffee "So, when's the barista getting here?" What am I, chopped liver?

The dirty look people give you when you say you don't stock lactose free milk that isn't soy milk - there's a weird teeny subculture of dairy-free soy-haters that are adamant you should get [insert dairy free milk here] - once every 6 months; yep, definitely a viable business decision.

The dirty look you get when the first couple to walk in in an hour, 5 minutes before closing, realise you're closing and can't sit at a table and drink a coffee for an hour of your time. Not unless you wanna pay $30 for your coffee and my time. 

"Can I have a hot chocolate, with a green tea bag in it? I drink green tea because it's supposed to be good for you, but I can't stand the taste."

The dirty look you get when someone asks if you have wifi and you say no. No, talk to your damn family. 

People who come in looking for jobs without a resume. Bonus points for a limited grasp of english. 

the dirty look people give you when they realise they have to walk 100 metres and unlock a door *gasp!* to get to the toilets.

Groups of ladies of an insecure age that joke about they age they wish they were when you hand them any table number under 40. At least one a day. >.<


Okay, that's enough. I do like my customers, really! xD

  • Like 6



Currently reading: Good Omens by Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman

Currently playing: Outer Worlds (Xbox)

Current DnD character: A radio presenter who’s magical bardic weapon is a portable radio broadcaster’s kit

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I commute by commuter train (NJ Transit).  Yesterday my train was a car short, which meant it was crowded when I got on and was going to get worse, I know this from experience.


I encountered a lady who had her bag on the seat next to her.  I had to say "Excuse me" three times before she stopped ignoring me and moved it so I could sit down.  I know she heard me the first time, but some people think if they ignore you you''ll go away.  Many do in fact, but not me.  As she moved the bag she gave me the stink-eye.


My Dad was a Marine, merchant seaman, dock worker, and held various other jobs that could be considered "rough".  I'm immune to the stink eye, and the hairy eyeball.  I'm also immune to her mental conjectures regarding my ancestry, parentage, legitimacy, personal hygiene, deodorant usage, fashion sense, and sexual proclivities.  So unless you're displaying two train tickets, one for you and one for the bag, kindly move the bag or I will.  And if I have to move it, you're not going to like it, but you can ask your gastroenterologist to retrieve it at your next colonoscopy.  Or maybe I'll just sit ON your bag, I wonder if there's anything fragile in there.....

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It can be fixed, but it's a cost to be incurred by my company, and in a more real sense it's me not noticing something super-tiny and pissing off one of my engineer-bosses.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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A 1/4" error in my steel structural drawings made it all the way to approval and fabrication, and was just discovered on-site today.



It can be fixed, but it's a cost to be incurred by my company, and in a more real sense it's me not noticing something super-tiny and pissing off one of my engineer-bosses.


If it got all the way through approval and fabrication, doesn't that mean that many people other than you also missed the error? 

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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A 1/4" error in my steel structural drawings made it all the way to approval and fabrication, and was just discovered on-site today.


I designed and submitted an asphalt mix according to the old specs and forgot about the Job Special Provisions. It was approved by the state DOT and was only discovered on the day we were to start paving. I lucked out because we had rain so production wasn't delayed by my mistake.

Sent from my SM-G920R4 using Tapatalk

joedog, level 15 Monk

Current Challenge

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If it got all the way through approval and fabrication, doesn't that mean that many people other than you also missed the error? 


Oh, yeah, a bunch of people.  But this industry seems to run on the toddler mantra of "YOU STARTED IT!"

  • Like 3

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Oh, yeah, a bunch of people.  But this industry seems to run on the toddler mantra of "YOU STARTED IT!"

Sounds familiar, I do CAD work and some of that work comes from the company we contract for after the work has been done. They sent us scans of a job they did in which they highlighted changes with... a highlighter... a yellow one in fact. Those are less than useless for marking changes if you're going to scan it to email. There was a change that didn't get made because the highlighter didn't show up, and for some reason it was on us to know that it was supposed to be changed.


The sad part is I work in an industry where lives are at stake.... both employees and the public.

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

My first challenge

My battle Log: Insanity: Warrior Monk

Honorary Ranger dubbed by DarK_RaideR, 1000 Pound club (875 of 1000)

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Engineer: "Do this thing."

Me: *does the thing*

Engineer: "Why did you do the thing?"

Boss: "Yeah, why did you do the thing? We don't do that thing here."

Me: "But he-"

Senior Designer: "Yeah, don't do that thing."

Engineer: "I certainly didn't tell him to do the thing."

Boss: "Stop doing the thing."

Me: "..."


Repeat about a hundred f***ing times.

  • Like 3

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Engineer: "Do this thing."

Me: *does the thing*

Engineer: "Why did you do the thing?"

Boss: "Yeah, why did you do the thing? We don't do that thing here."

Me: "But he-"

Senior Designer: "Yeah, don't do that thing."

Engineer: "I certainly didn't tell him to do the thing."

Boss: "Stop doing the thing."

Me: "..."


Repeat about a hundred f***ing times.


What was "the thing"?

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It's largely irrelevant what "The thing" happens to be today. There's always a new thing.


True.  But in this case it was a few things, namely "Mark up the client's spec sheet with our requisite changes", "dimensioning rolled steel angles to the centreline instead of the back face of the leg" and "attach the steel pipe bridge to the genset building".  Boring industry things.

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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True.  But in this case it was a few things, namely "Mark up the client's spec sheet with our requisite changes", "dimensioning rolled steel angles to the centreline instead of the back face of the leg" and "attach the steel pipe bridge to the genset building".  Boring industry things.

I liked it better when it was simply "the thing."

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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So I'm sitting at a turnaround, waiting for someone ahead of me to go. That person passes up several opportunities with no cars coming, then waits and cuts someone off. I so wanted to Ctrl+Alt+Smite.

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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This is a daily smite that I have almost gotten used to here on the east coast traveling on the I95 corridor south of DC. One of two things.


1. Driving along with traffic keeping one car length distance in front of me, because people slam on their brakes for no reason here and someone behind me passes me on the right cuts into my well maintained distance then slows down by 10-15 MPH.


2. Driving along doing about 80MPH (going with traffic mind you) and then out of no where everyone slams on their breaks and slows down to 35-40 MPH for about a mile then right back up to 80 MPH. The reason there was a car with flashers on the shoulder, there was a sign telling time distance to another exit, there was an exit, or my favorite no apperent reason.


I hate the drivers here.... O and because of the sheer volume of people on the road this afternoon it will take me between one to two hours to drive ~25 miles on an INTERSTATE

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Level 1 Nord  Epic Quest

STR 3 | DEX 3 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 3.5 | CHA 4

Original Challenge | 1ST | 2nd | joining the bebopReturn to the rangers |



"They wouldn't mind a corpse of you. Now, you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal, I swear, by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you." - Mal



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