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EternalJourno's Internal Journey

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I have yet to download Pokemon Go. It's only a matter of time.


And that was quite a walk at work! 


It sounds like your vacation went well and that you didn't suffer any major slips (which is hard to do when out of your normal routine and context). 


Goodtimes. Goodtimes. 

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Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: Omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce. NO COFFEE YET AGAIN.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries.

Dinner Time: Had an early dinner (3-ish). Chicken enchiladas with green chile and two fried eggs with rice, beans and chips and salsa.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: About 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:
The Warm Up


The Body Rock


The Cool


A Long Walk

Played Pokémon Go twice. Once in the morning as part of a work assignment. Not sure how long or how far I went. Then I played again in the evening with Booklet. We did about 3.6 miles in just less than 2 hours. Stayed out later than I should have and forgot to do any cool down stretches after.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Thursday, July 14, 2016


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: Omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries.

Dinner Time: Grilled sirloin steak with a salad with Italian dressing.

Hold My Liquor: Had 3 or 4 beers during game night.

Drink More Water: About 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:
The Warm Up

Steve's Basic Warm Up.

The Body Rock

Bodyweight Workout 3A

— 10 step ups per leg (x4).

— 5 bodyweight pushups (x4).

— 10 band pull-aparts (x4).

— 40-second side planks each side (x2). This was my first time actually completing a 40-second side plank, let alone doing it twice for both sides.

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down.

A Long Walk

Played Pokémon Go with Booklet. We did about 2.75 miles in an hour (stopped for a while to take over a Pokémon gym).

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down again.


Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Friday, July 15, 2016


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 2 breakfast burritos from McDonald's.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.

Fruit Snacks: N/A

Dinner Time: Coworkers made crock pot fajitas. Had quite a bit with 2 tortillas and guacamole. My body did not approve, lol.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: About 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:
The Warm Up


The Body Rock


The Cool


A Long Walk

Played Pokémon Go with Booklet and my roommate and her dog Max. I think we were out for about an hour and a half, so we probably did around 3 miles, but we took quite a long break in the middle, so it's tough to say.

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Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Saturday, July 16, 2016 — Falling off track and trying to recoup via memory.


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3-egg omelet with turkey, tomato and spinach with salsa.

Out to Lunch: I believe I had a leftover salad.

Fruit Snacks: Can't remember.

Dinner Time: Ordered a large pizza from Papa Johns and ate half of it... Ugh, not good. Also got some brownies from there. At one or two.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: Can't remember.


The New Workout Plan:
The Warm Up


The Body Rock


The Cool


A Long Walk

I planned to go hiking with Booklet but my stomach hurt and I ended up crashing out for a nap. I didn't feel like moving at all, so Booklet and I took a full-on rest day.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Sunday, July 17, 2016 — Day 1 of the 4-Week Challenge kicked off to a bad start foodwise


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 2 slices of leftover pizza and 1 leftover brownie.

Out to Lunch: 2 more slices of leftover pizza and 1 leftover brownie.

Fruit Snacks: Can't remember.

Dinner Time: A chicken sandwich and fries from Wendy's.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: Can't remember.


The New Workout Plan:
The Warm Up

Steve's Basic Warm Up

The Body Rock

Bodyweight Workout 3B

— 10 one leg Romanian deadlifts per leg, or 20 total (x4).

— 5 inch worms (x4).

— 5 assisted chin ups (x4).

— One handed farmer's walk for 60 seconds on each hand (x2).

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down.

A Long Walk

Booklet and I played Pokémon Go downtown with a friend in the rain. I didn't track it, but I'm sure we were out for at least an hour and a half, so we probably did about 3 miles.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Monday, July 18, 2016 — Day 2 of the 4-Week Challenge — Back on track


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce and 1 cup of Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli and cauliflower (forgot to pick up and prep sweet potatoes).

Fruit Snacks: A Snickers with lunch. Blueberries in the afternoon.

Dinner Time: Grilled sirloin steak with asparagus.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: About 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:
The Warm Up


The Body Rock


A Long Walk

Booklet and I walked 3.11 miles in 1:04:15 around the neighborhood WITHOUT Pokémon Go.

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Tuesday, July 19, 2016 — Day 3 of the 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce and 1 cup of Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and sweet potatoes.

Fruit Snacks: A Hershey chocolate bar with almonds with lunch. Blueberries in the afternoon.

Dinner Time: Grilled sirloin steak with asparagus again. Probably my favorite meal.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: About 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:
The Warm Up

Steve's Basic Warm Up

The Body Rock

Bodyweight Workout 3C

— 10 jumping squats (x3).

— 10 knee pushups (x3).

— 15 wall slides (x3).

— 10 leg lower downs (x3). I put my hands under my back for more support because these are a serious strain to my lower back. I got some tips from fellow Rebels on Facebook, so I'll focus more on my form next time, primarily by keeping my core tight and bending my legs as much as needed.

— Assisted bar hang for 30 seconds (x2).

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down.

A Long Walk

Booklet and I played Pokémon Go at the park in the evening. I think we did nearly 4 miles in about an hour and 20-30 minutes. I tracked it with RunKeeper but then I forgot to hit stop, so my drive home skewed the result, lol.

The Cool


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Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Sunday, July 24, 2016 — Day 8 of the 4-Week Challenge


I've been slacking on the updates lately. I won't be able to accurately recall everything so here's my Sunday log plus a brief recap.


Foodwise, I've been struggling. I've been buying junk food and fast food lately. I want to blame it on my stress level from organizing the newspaper's entries for its annual contest. The contest is done with though, so I will seriously work to correct this during the week.


As far as working out, I did my Bodyweight Workout 3A on Thursday. I also completed my first 5K event on Thursday. I mostly walked but did a bit of jogging, the most I've done in a long time. I had some off days where Booklet and I didn't walk at all though. Again, I will correct that this week.


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3-egg omelet with turkey, spinach, red bell pepper and salsa.

Out to Lunch: N/A

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries

Dinner Time: Had an early dinner. My friends had a cookout, so I pigged out quite a bit with chips and salsa/dip; deviled eggs (some with avocado which were amazing); some raw veggies; some grilled asparagus, zuchinni and squash; two chicken drumsticks; and some angel's salad (marshmallows and jello).

Hold My Liquor: 2 beers.

Drink More Water: About 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

A Long Walk

Booklet and I went hiking with some friends. We did 3.31 miles in 1:41:04. We did a trail to the top of what's called Pyramid Rock. It's been maybe 2 years since I've done this hike and in the past it was always pretty tough and I needed plenty of breaks. This time, my friends started about 15 minutes before me, but I was able to catch up to them before they reached the top, so I'm really proud of myself.

The Warm Up


The Body Rock

N/A — So I wanted to get into my usual bodyweight workout after the hike, but I was so beat that I immediately crashed out and took a nap. The rest of the day was full, so I didn't get my workout in. But I'll get back on schedule this week.

The Cool


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Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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14 hours ago, Mshrmit said:

I am improving, though, and that is what counts.

Totally! I've gotten much better at pushups and I actually enjoy doing them now. Side planks are still really tough for me too. I think I missed this in one of my updates, but I was doing side planks the other day and I was supposed to do 40 seconds on each side for 2 sets, but something was just off and I could barely managed to do 20 seconds on each side.

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Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Monday, July 25, 2016 — Day 9 of the 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce and 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries

Dinner Time: Grilled sirloin steak and asparagus (before I went running). Then a chicken chef salad with greens, tomatoes, bacon, chicken, cheese, cucumber, boiled eggs and ranch (after the run and before basketball."

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: About 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

A Long Walk

My friends and I did another Just Move It 5K event. This time my buddy offered to help me improve my time, so he kept pace with me the entire way and pushed me to jog more. I can't say for sure, but it definitely felt like we did more jogging than walking. As a result, we finished in about 39-40 minutes, which is 4-5 minutes faster than the one I did Thursday!

The Warm Up


The Body Rock

After the 5K, my buddy mentioned that it was basketball night at a local gym with friends. I haven't played basketball in years (except once a few months ago), so I was itching to get on the court even though we just ran 3 miles, lol. We ended up staying at the courts for about 3 hours. I played several games and took breaks in between some. Oh man was it fun, but oh man do I hurt right now, lol.

The Cool


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Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016 — Day 10 of the 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce and 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries

Dinner Time: Spicy miso stir fry with chicken, broccoli, bell pepper, zucchini and carrots.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: I haven't been tracking my water very closely lately, but I've definitely been drinking a lot. I'll work on a better tracking system.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up

Steve's Basic Warm Up — I was so sore from basketball the day before that I had a really tough time with my squats and lunges, but I managed to do what I could.

The Body Rock

Bodyweight Workout 3B — Even though basketball kicked my ass, I was determined to finish my workout. This was the hardest one in a long while.

— 10 one leg Romanian deadlifts per leg, or 20 total (x4).

— 5 inch worms (x4).

— 5 assisted chin ups (x4).

— One handed farmer's walk for 60 seconds on each hand (x2).

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down. I needed this so bad and felt much better the next day because of it.

A Long Walk

N/A — I'm neglecting Booklet's walks... This is Bad News Bears and I need to fix it ASAP.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016 — Day 11 of the 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce and 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Roast beef sandwich with a chicken cobb salad.

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries and pistachios.

Dinner Time: Had 2 dinners: First I had a burger and fries from Wendy's before running. Not sure why I did this. My cravings for greasy food are still strong. Then after the race I hung out with friends to play Exploding Kittens and Cards Against Humanity. I got a salad from Wendy's, which was terrible, and also had one slice of pizza.

Hold My Liquor: 1 can of beer, a Marble Brewery IPA, while playing games.

Drink More Water: About 3 liters, maybe, probably, I don't know anymore, lol.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up


The Body Rock


A Long Walk

I did yet another 5K Just Move It event! Finished in about 37-38 minutes, so that means I improved even further by a minute or two.

The Cool

N/A — I keep saying this, but I guess I need to keep reminding myself: I really need to work on cooling down after I exercise.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Thursday, July 28, 2016 — Day 12 of the 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce and 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries and pistachios. And 1 Magnum dark chocolate ice cream bar.

Dinner Time: Grilled sirloin steak with asparagus and zucchini.

Hold My Liquor: 2 beers during Comic Book Club.

Drink More Water: I think I feel short of 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up


The Body Rock

N/A — I took a nap, which zapped up the little free time I had yesterday. I considered working out late around 9 but I just couldn't get myself to do it.

A Long Walk

Booklet and I squeezed in a 1.36 mile walk in about 20 minutes.

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down after the walk.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Sunday, July 31, 2016 — Day 15 of 4-Week Challenge — I had a rough weekend and need to respawn, so I'm skipping a couple days and focusing on moving forward.


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: N/A

Out to Lunch: Burger King. Had a Texas double whopper with fries.

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries.

Dinner Time: Grilled barbecue chicken, some grilled summer veggies, greek quinoa salad, mixed fruit. 

Hold My Liquor: Several beers. I didn't keep count.

Drink More Water: Didn't keep track.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up


The Body Rock

N/A — I was supposed to do a bodyweight workout but failed to get going.

A Long Walk

N/A — I didn't even walk Booklet :/

The Cool


Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Monday, Aug. 1, 2016 — Day 16 of 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 2 breakfast burritos from McDonald's. I didn't have time to meal prep Sunday.

Out to Lunch: Went to lunch with friends. Had enchiladas with eggs, beans, rice, and chips and salsa.

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries.

Dinner Time: Leftover grilled chicken wings with grilled bell peppers and some broccoli and cauliflower.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: I may have been short of 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up


The Body Rock


A Long Walk

Booklet and I walked/jogged with a friend. We did 3.1 miles in 44 minutes.

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2016 — Day 17 of 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce. 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes. Had a second lunch with coworkers because it was our intern's last day. I had pancakes with bacon as a sort of dessert to my first lunch, lol.

Fruit Snacks: Baby Ruth candy.

Dinner Time: N/A — After working out I wasn't really hungry.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: I'm pretty sure I hit 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up

Steve's Basic Cool Down.

The Body Rock

Bodyweight Workout 3C

— 10 jumping squats (x3).

— 10 knee pushups (x3).

— 15 wall slides (x3).

— 10 leg lower downs (x3). These weren't as bad as I remember. I put my hands under my lower back for more support and bent my legs a bit. In the future, I need to focus on keeping my core tight.

— Assisted bar hang for 30 seconds (x2).

A Long Walk

Took Booklet to the dog park for the first time. She was nervous and aggressive toward the other dogs at first, so we jogged two laps around the park to let out some energy. She did soooo much better after that.

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2016 — Day 18 of 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce. 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes. 

Fruit Snacks: Blueberries and 2 Magnum dark chocolate bars (I convinced myself that I had to eat both of them so they can no longer tempt me from the freezer).

Dinner Time: Grilled sirloin steak with asparagus. 

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: 3 liters, at least.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up


The Body Rock


A Long Walk

It rained pretty hard so we didn't walk, but I did some on-leash work with Booklet in the house. I cooked her some chicken breast as a treat, and she loved it. I may do that instead of buying snacks because then I can cut it into little bits and tear pieces apart to give her small rewards here and there. 

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Thursday, Aug. 4, 2016 — Day 19 of 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce. 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes. 

Fruit Snacks: A candy bar after lunch.

Dinner Time: I got home late from my walk so I didn't cook anything but ate a bunch of berries.  

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up

Steve's Basic Warm Up

The Body Rock

Bodyweight Workout 3A

— 10 step ups per leg (x4).

— Bodyweight pushups. Did 10 the first set. Then 7, 7 and 10. Usually I just do 5, but I felt good and wanted to push myself. 

— 10 band pull-aparts (x4).

— 40-second side planks each side (x2). This was my first time actually completing a 40-second side plank, let alone doing it twice for both sides.

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down.

A Long Walk

Booklet and I played Pokemon Go downtown. We walked 4 miles in 1 hour 25 minutes. 

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down again after the walk.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Friday, Aug. 5, 2016 — Day 20 of 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce. 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes. 

Fruit Snacks: I had a candy bar and some cupcakes at work.

Dinner Time: A ham sandwich and cobb salad and blueberries. Then I had two slices of pizza later that night at a friend's house.

Hold My Liquor: 2 bottles of beer for a get-together for a friend who's moving out of town. 

Drink More Water: 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up


The Body Rock


The Cool


A Long Walk

I was stuck at work all day, but I squeezed in a 1.2 mile walk (about 24 minutes) to the grocery store to pick up dinner/snacks.  

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Saturday, Aug. 6, 2016 — Day 21 of 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: Enchiladas with eggs, hash browns, beans, and chips and salsa. 

Out to Lunch: My sister in law's family celebrated my niece's first laugh, so I went out on the rez and ate some mutton, achii, some kind of meat stew and frybread. Then I had a chicken sandwich and fries from Wendy's later. 

Fruit Snacks: N/A

Dinner Time: An avocado chicken ceasar salad from Denny's.

Hold My Liquor: 3 cans of beer at a friend's house while playing board games.

Drink More Water: 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up


The Body Rock


The Cool


A Long Walk


Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Sunday, Aug. 7, 2016 — Day 22 of 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: Three eggs, four slices of bacon and 1 zucchini chopped and fried.

Out to Lunch: N/A

Fruit Snacks: Raspberries before hiking. 2 ice cream drumsticks after dinner.

Dinner Time: Grilled ribeye steak and asparagus.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: Maybe less then 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up

Steve's Basic Warm Up

The Body Rock

Bodyweight Workout 3B

— 10 one leg Romanian deadlifts per leg, or 20 total (x4).

— 7 inch worms (x4).

— 5 assisted chin ups (x4) — I attempted a real chin up for the first time ever and got halfway up. I was genuinely surprised I was even able to do that.

— One handed farmer's walk for 60 seconds on each hand (x2).

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down

A Long Walk

Hiked Pyramid Rock and made it to the top in 39 minutes! The hike down was slower than usual because I joined some friends and their parents. In total it was about 3.2 miles in 1 hour, 33 minutes.

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Monday, Aug. 8, 2016 — Day 23 of 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce. 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.

Fruit Snacks: OK, I really messed up here. I'm embarrassed to admit that I had FIVE ice cream drumsticks over the course of the day. I don't know what came over me.

Dinner Time: Spicy miso stir fry with chicken, zucchini, broccoli and red bell pepper.

Hold My Liquor: N/A

Drink More Water: About 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

The Body Rock


The Warm Up

A few warm up moves plus some stretching. My buddy pulled/strained something while running last week, so we're gonna focus on getting a good warm up on each run.

A Long Walk

Jogged/walked 4.07 miles in about an hour (forgot to stop my app right away). I was able to jog a full mile for the first time! I think I did it in about 12 minutes too! Then afterward I managed to walk Booklet for another mile!

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2016 — Day 24 of 4-Week Challenge


Food & Liquor:

Breakfast Enthusiast: 3 omelet muffins with Tapatio hot sauce. 1 cup Piñon coffee black.

Out to Lunch: Chicken breast with broccoli, cauliflower and sweet potatoes.

Fruit Snacks: I had one remaining ice cream drumstick and some blueberries.

Dinner Time: Grilled sirloin steak with grilled zucchini.

Hold My Liquor: 4 cans of beer during game night.

Drink More Water: About 3 liters.


The New Workout Plan:

The Warm Up

Steve's Basic Warm Up.

The Body Rock

Bodyweight Workout 3C

— 10 jumping squats (x3).

— 10 knee pushups (x3).

— 20 wall slides (x3).

— 10 leg lower downs (x3).

— Assisted bar hang for 30 seconds (x2). I attempted a regular chin up for the first time to see if I'm making progress. I was genuinely surprised and delighted that I could get myself halfway up, but still not all the way.

A Long Walk

Booklet and I walked 3.44 miles in about an hour.

The Cool

Staci's Basic Cool Down

Current Challenge  
Battle Log

Previous Challenges: 1 — 23456 — 78910111213 — 14 — 1516 — 17181920 — 2122 — 23 — 24 — 25 

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