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Hi there from Germany!


Guess what - I am new here. :)

I found this forum and page by accident. We do not have pages like that in Germany - at least AFAIK.


I am 30 (going to be 31 in a few months), female and have to cats and a boyfriend.

My weight is currently too high to mention *lol* no seriously - it is somewhere around 83kg and I my height is about 171cm give or take one centimeter... :D

I started losing some weight a few weeks ago but as I got older since the last time I tried (I was 16 back then and lost about 18kg withing like NO time...) I just realized it got harder as well - not only is it harder to stick to my diet but I have something called a working-life as well that tends to fuck with my goals regularly (I am a teacher and there is LOTS OF CHOCOLATE and stuff lying around in the staff-room) *lol*


I wanna be honest - I need some encouragement to stick to that goal of getting back to about 70-72kg... Especially because I actually LIKE myself the way I am - I just do not like how unsporty I am (and the fact that every kilo I put on makes the motorbike suit fit worse and the motorbike slower!).

I did running a few years ago and I loved it - but my knees are giving up on me, so I am afraid I will have to stick to short distances here... I might need to find another sport to do here...


Another goal would be to create something like a work-life-balance. I tend to work A LOT (talking about 10-12 hours a day here...) and my friends started to complain about that months ago - but I did not listen. It did not do me any good.

The next year will not be the easiest one, because I was asked and so am going to become class teacher of a really difficult class - what means even more workload... I need to learn to focus on relaxing again or I am pretty sure it will burn me out one day - just because I love my work that much... I don't know if you know what I mean...? :apthy:


TL/DR: My goals are...

...getting fit again

...create a work-life-balance




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Another girl biker - squeeeeee! There are actually quite a few female bikers on here. I'm from the Uk, Scotland more specifically. And an IN voter if that counts for anything, lol!


Something that stuck out for me in your intro was that you said you liked yourself the size you are, just not your fitness level. Why not shift your focus away from losing weight and concentrate on getting fit instead? I (used to) go to a women's only Crossfit class and there were some women there who were really overweight, but that didn't stop them from kicking ass. Some of our ladies were really fit even though they were carrying a few extra pounds. 


Im not saying that you shouldn't lose weight, but if  you focus on eating right and find a sport/exercise that you like then you will lose weight anyway. I think that's a far healthier mindset than if you focus on how much weight you've lost. 


I now weigh somewhere around 68-70kg but my starting weight was over 92kg so I know where you're coming from. 


Have you found your way around the forum all right? 


There are 4 Week Challenges that really help to break down your goals into manageable chunks there's a good explanation about then Here. These are not just a good way to keep you motivated but also help you meet other members and integrate into the community. :)


The guilds are simply a way of grouping people together who have similar interests or goals. Spezzy did a good explanation Here


If theres anything I can do to help then just let me know (if you tag me then I'll get a notification). This really is a great community and I hope you enjoy being a part of it. :)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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3 hours ago, Leiakatze said:

I actually LIKE myself the way I am

then don't change.  seriously.

if it ain't broken, don't fix it.


3 hours ago, Leiakatze said:

I just do not like how unsporty I am

Do you dislike not being fit or do you dislike the idea of not doing anything sporty?

Do you want to be sporty (whatever that means) because you think you should or because you want to?

My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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Hi there! :D

Nice to read you two!



Thx for voting "in" - all that Brexit-stuff took me really off guard when I read it... I'd never have thought... Well, we live in interesting times I guess. ;)

I really liked Scotland when I visited it in 2014. Your countryside is amazing! And Edinburgh is really lovely as well. I did not get to see the Highlands and stuff though. I really need to come back. ^_^

It took me quite a while to accept myself the way I am. It is a complicated relationship my body and I developed over the first 23/24 years of my life (thx mom...:unsure:). Now I am at a point where I like my size no matter if I lose 5kg or put them on again. :)

Thing is my knees and stuff are kind of not really well. They hurt a lot and I get back aches regularly. So I KNOW that I need to lose weight anyways to make that get better - so why not mention it, I thought. ^_^


No, I have not had a closer look at the forum yet - my two cats are ill so today cleaning up puke and poop had a higher status. Hopefully they feel better tomorrow, I really worry ATM... *sigh* 

So I guess I gonna do that tomorrow! :) Thx for the links, I gonna have a look at them tomorrow as well (at least I hope...).



I won't wait until I break. Or my health does. :D

I do not like not being fit. I do not like that I cannot ride a bike as fast as I'd like. I do not like that I am not really good at running anymore and that warm weather makes me sweat like hell. I do not like that I need help with carrying heavy bags, when others are able to do this alone. I guess you get the picture now. I really like my curves though (as I said above; THAT took me some time...)

I think if I do not want to be too dependent on others when I am old, I really need to change a bit of my lifestyle and improve my health.


Thx guys! :)


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Eeek! Cleaning cat poop/sick does NOT sound like fun. I hope they get better soon. 


Ah yes, I see what you mean. You can love yourself and and accept your body, but still not like the way your size impacts on your health. Sorry your mum gave you a complex (or two). I can relate to that. :( I'm glad you have managed to beat that, it's a horrible thing to live with. 


Ps. I'm really glad you enjoyed your time in Scotland. :) I would love to say that I have been to your country too, but that would be a lie, lol! I have driven through like, 20 miles of Germany when I went to Alsace. I do however have an appreciation for good German beer... ;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Yeah, it is not my favorite thing to do either... *sigh*

Today is our second appointment with the vet, because one cat seems to be not able to stomach the antibiotics he got. :(

We will see... Hopefully at least he starts eating and drinking again... The other one is just fine. *lol*

Some mothers can be monsters... I am sorry you can relate to that as well... But we can do better than they did. Always remember that! :love_heart:


I do not drink lots of beer - believe it or not :D

I prefer Gin Tonic or Martini. *lol* ^_^


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Oh no! The poor wee thing! 


I miss having cats and dogs. :( We cant keep any "furry" pets because my boyfriend is seriously allergic, so we have non-furry ones instead.;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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9 minutes ago, Guzzi said:


I miss having cats and dogs. :( We cant keep any "furry" pets because my boyfriend is seriously allergic, so we have non-furry ones instead

That's so sad.  I'd go for the short sharp pain.  Return the boyfriend and get a decent one.  Sure you'll miss him at first but you'll get over it, and your cats and dogs can comfort you.  

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My Profile        |     I must not fear.  Fear is the mind killer.

My Battle Log  |     Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.

                           |     I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

Start to Run      |     And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

                           |   Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing.  Only I will remain.

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It's not so bad. I didn't have to give up a pet or anything and I enjoy our other pets. We keep snakes, which we both enjoy, and I have hairless rats which are really fun. Rats are easily as intelligent as most dogs and about as obedient as cats, so it's kinda like a crossover between the two. :D

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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@Guzzi I prefer calling things "ugly-cute" because even if they're considered ugly, they're still cute! Like pugs and cows!


@Leiakatze Do you teach young kids? I'm a teacher too! (Here in the US, I teach high school English Literature/Creative Writing!). I totally understand how difficult it is to balance work and life, and it's especially tough when it's a rough group of kids! Remember, you come first, so if you need to take the time, take the time! Hopefully your friends will understand. I personally limit myself to 2 hours of after-work work on school days. I don't do any grading or planning on Fridays, and only on Saturdays if I have an essay due. I use Sunday as my prepare for work day. It works for me, but it did take me a long time to come up with a schedule that not only kept me happy, but also allowed me to be social when I needed to. Good luck!

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. - Gail Devers

Current challenge: New Game

Previous challenges: 2017 Challenges: Strategy 2Strategy 1 | 1-3 1-2 | 1-1 | Reset
2016 Challenges: 432 | 1 | .5

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@deathbyshiny I teach age 10-16, that is class 5-10 in Germany. :)

I love my job, so I like putting much work into what I do. I guess it will help everyone to understand why my day is so packed, when I describe a typical one:


5:00 AM - get up and have breakfast (I like tot take my time, because I think breakfast is important - plus I usually do not get anything until lunch break *lol*)

6:30 AM - leave for work, drop off my boyfriend first.

7:15 AM - arrive at work, make coffee for me and the other teachers (this is vital to all processes during the day, NEVER run out of coffee! EVER!), then look into work-email-account, answer the telephone, write down important info.

7:30 AM - talk to children/parents/more phone calls/emails... usually everything is quite a hurry then...

7:45 AM - lesson 1

9:15 AM - breakfast-break with the children (have coffee - and some fruit, if I did not forgot it at home/in the staff room)

9:20 AM - 1st break for the children, more talks for me (if I am lucky, someone made new coffee...) or school yard duty

9:40 AM - lesson 2

10:55 AM - 2nd break, usually someone wants to talk about a pupil or a problem or a parent has questions that need to be answered. Or it is time for school yard duty again. Sometimes I have an actual break (if I am lucky there is still some coffee in the machine... *lol*)

11:15 AM - lesson 3

12: 35 PM send down table duty children to lay the table. lesson goes on until 12:40, then we all walk down for lunch at

12:45 PM - lunch time with my class

1:15 PM - after-lunch-break for the children, lunch-time-courses by the teachers (art, music, theatre...) or school yard duty - or BREAK (this is my favourite break... <3)

1:45 PM - lesson 4

3:00 PM - school ends, bus duty/school yard duty until 3:10PM

3:15 to 5:00/5:30PM - orgastuff, phone calls, emails... the usual.

Afterwards: pick boyfriend up (if he is not finished with work yet...) do the shopping, dinner, TV.


This is a normal day for me. Except Friday - on Fridays school ends at 1PM and I am out if the building at 3. Hopefully...


I guess it is now clear what my friends are complaining about. ;)

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Welcome! I have always wanted to visit Germany. It's one of my top five destinations to hit in my lifetime! I hear you on the busy days. I have gotten a BIT better at balancing things since joining NF and reading Steve's book, honestly. But sometimes I just have to tell my friends I'm too dang tired to go out, and that's okay! I still need to do some work on balancing my health/fitness, work, and social life. I even have epic quests that have to do with seeing a friend who is not a coworker at least once a week! Haha haven't gotten there quite yet. ;)


Anyway, welcome again!

The Lonely Wolf | Level 9 Worgen Ranger

Instagram | Daily Battle Log | NF Character | Current Challenge: Mad Wolf In A Blue Box

Geek Out- Star Wars. Star Trek. Doctor Who. Firefly. Lost In Space. WoW. Destiny. Legend of Zelda. Mario Kart 64. Dominion.


Fate whispered to the lonely wolf,

"you cannot withstand the storm."

The lonely wolf whispered back,

"I am the storm."

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Oooh. That is a busy day, but I totally get it! I teach 16-18 year olds! My schedule's pretty similar. 
5:45 Wake up and get ready
6:15 Out the door
6:30 Arrive at work, start prepping for my day
7:30 Classes start - My schedule changes every half year, so I never know when my breaks or lunches are until school starts!
2:15 Classes end. Mondays I have Writers' Club until 3, Tuesdays I have meetings until potentially 4:15, Wednesdays and Thursdays I stay for extra help. Fridays I'm out at 2:45
Sometimes I'll stay longer to grade or prep. If I don't have a lot to do, I take it home and work after dinner. I never go out on school nights, so my only social nights are Friday and Saturday. 

But if you love your job, it's totally worth it! It took my friends a while to get used to me, but they finally stopped complaining, and I've been teaching 10 years!

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Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. - Gail Devers

Current challenge: New Game

Previous challenges: 2017 Challenges: Strategy 2Strategy 1 | 1-3 1-2 | 1-1 | Reset
2016 Challenges: 432 | 1 | .5

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@Leiakatze Absolutely! Though having lunch at 1:25 in the fall and then going to 10:50 lunch in the spring was horrible for me last year! It's a huge difference!

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. - Gail Devers

Current challenge: New Game

Previous challenges: 2017 Challenges: Strategy 2Strategy 1 | 1-3 1-2 | 1-1 | Reset
2016 Challenges: 432 | 1 | .5

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