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What women love about men.

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I know it's a little fuzzy (smudgy phone camera), but here it is. The second is the man himself, cutting ash he harvested into planks for the hang boards (climber's pull up bars) we're making. attachicon.gifuploadfromtaptalk1394004538101.jpg9ysu3uta.jpg

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This is awesome

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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The way a guy smells is ALMOST as important as his brain.


I will never forget the first time I'd seen my guy in months (before we started dating), he met some friends and me at a restaurant after work. He had spent all day trimming trees and smelled like pine and cedar and fresh air. Intoxicating!

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle

Arian, arian, zehetzen da burnia. -Basque proverb

Frisian Shieldmaiden level 12 (STR:16) (DEX:16) (STA:23) (CON:22) (WIS:17) (CHA:15)

 Challenges: 11/12.14 - 1/2.15 - 2/3.15 - 15.4/5 - 15.6/7 - 15.7/9 - 16.1 - 16.3 - 16.4 - 16.5 - 16.10 - 16.11 - 16.12 - 17.1 - 17.2

 2017 Goals: Maintain BW BS, 100kg DL - Muscle Up - 1/2 Marathon Condition - Abs

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Do girls love it when guys compliment their eyes? Because I've been doing that a lot lately and have never once gotten anything less than an extremely positive response. I guess that answers my question, but I'm just surprised that it works so well. :P

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win."

—Mahatma Ghandi

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I think everyone loves a genuine compliment, no matter what it is. :D

I love the fact that you can make someone smile, or even make someone's day, just by vocalising a small truth.

You know in Bambi, when Thumper says "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all". Well I kinda go one further than that. If you do have something nice to say. then pipe up and say it! So if I notice something nice about anyone's appearance (male or female) I always compliment them, it makes them smile, which makes me smile. But probably comes across like I'm hitting on everyone, ALL THE TIME :D :D :D

But here's the thing, it's one thing to get a compliment from a friend, it's a whole new ball game when someone you don't know pays you a compliment. About a month ago someone from the forum told me in a pm that I was "beautiful" (<- Ha! Amazing!), you should have seen the dopey grin I was walking about with for days afterwards!

So yeah.. There's a challenge for you. I'm sure all the men on here are all so nice that they compliment the women in their lives all the time anyway, but if you don't... Try it out. Just say something nice to your wife, mother, friend, colleague, and see if you can make their day :)

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Oh yes, I have thoughts on that one. The brain needs breakfast first to make the complete mush that rattles around inside it sound even vaguely intelligible to others ;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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I'm going to have to dig through this thread.  I am a total bumbling idiot around women.  When you're well over 300 lbs and short-ish (5'6"), you get zero female attention.  Now that I've shed my weight and my confidence has visibly gone through the roof, I've been getting attention!  Unfortunately, my natural reaction to lock up and set my shields to maximum kicks in.  :/

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I take it ALL back, who cares about tall (or hairy) if the man can cook???? ;)


Obviously I need to bring out my buttermilk biscuits more often. Possible deal-changer, woo!

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Level 10 Superhero Trainee (Ranger)

Str 20   Dex 12   Sta 15   Con 15   Wis 13   Cha 16


My Battle Log: Getting Back on the Horse

Challenges! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

NerFiWriCh Completed: 1!


My book! The Mercenary's Guide to Ruined Seattle.


To all you saints and sinners!

You losers and you winners!

Here's to one more day above the roses!

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Do girls love it when guys compliment their eyes? Because I've been doing that a lot lately and have never once gotten anything less than an extremely positive response. I guess that answers my question, but I'm just surprised that it works so well. :tongue:

 if it's genuine then yes.


if it's fake- then no.


People ask what I like most about me- and I say 'my eyes and my ass"

which they then (Almost 10 out of 10 times) say "your favorite features or everyone elses?"

No- I like my eyes and my ass equally- much like everyone else does- not sure why i can't like the things about my body just because someone else does- it is no more or less objectifying either way.   As long as they are earnest compliments- I don't care.

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I was waiting to cross the street today and the guy standing next to me was wearing Fahrenheit by Dior. I swear I just wanted to follow him he smelled so good.

(note: this is the one and only aftershave I can identify, it's not like I normally walk down the road going "oh yeah, he's wearing X". Honest!)


I guess I'm going to have to at ease the aftershave then. Females appear to be invading my personal space.

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I'm going to have to dig through this thread.  I am a total bumbling idiot around women.  When you're well over 300 lbs and short-ish (5'6"), you get zero female attention.  Now that I've shed my weight and my confidence has visibly gone through the roof, I've been getting attention!  Unfortunately, my natural reaction to lock up and set my shields to maximum kicks in.  :/

It takes time(and sometimes, the right woman that has a bit of patience).  I can be the same way at times - With my girlfriend, our first two dates were largely spent trying to figure out if we liked each other(hint: we did in a big way, but we often did a poor job of communicating that), and things very nearly didn't happen because each of us was unintentionally sending the wrong impression at times. However, we both stuck around long enough to eventually break through my barriers, and when they came down, everything changed - in a big way.  It probably helped that she was such an incredible person that I continually reminded myself early on: "(Zorch), don't you DARE panic/shut down/run away.  She's got way too much to offer to miss out on because of your own ridiculous fears of rejection.  No asking 'what if'? this time".  Thankfully, this time I forced myself to confront those fears, and the walls that I had often put up in the past, came crashing down in a big way.  :)


I don't think digging through the thread looking for tricks is going to tell you much you don't already know - I think you've already recognized the key.  Your answer can be found in the post you just made - confidence and comfort level around women, which really only comes from exposure.  Your comfort level will improve with time as you spend more time simply putting yourself out there.

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"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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In the spirit of the tread's original topic:


P.S. I love Anna Kendrick.

Hah thoughts....

1. I like all 3 of them for different reasons

2. I think the world at 23 is extremely different than the world at 33 or 43, for just about everyone...and the ones who don't see that as truth, scare me a million times more than settling ever could.

3. I think that it becomes more about accepting the reality that you aren't everything you thought you were in some ways and so much more than you thought you were in others, and finding someone who can accept you as you are and vice versa, and that isn't settling, it's maturity....and sometimes that takes a good long while to realize and/or accept.

It takes time(and sometimes, the right woman that has a bit of patience). I can be the same way at times - With my girlfriend, our first two dates were largely spent trying to figure out if we liked each other(hint: we did in a big way, but we often did a poor job of communicating that), and things very nearly didn't happen because each of us was unintentionally sending the wrong impression at times. However, we both stuck around long enough to eventually break through my barriers, and when they came down, everything changed - in a big way. It probably helped that she was such an incredible person that I continually reminded myself early on: "(Zorch), don't you DARE panic/shut down/run away. She's got way too much to offer to miss out on because of your own ridiculous fears of rejection. No asking 'what if'? this time". Thankfully, this time I forced myself to confront those fears, and the walls that I had often put up in the past, came crashing down in a big way. :)

I don't think digging through the thread looking for tricks is going to tell you much you don't already know - I think you've already recognized the key. Your answer can be found in the post you just made - confidence and comfort level around women, which really only comes from exposure. Your comfort level will improve with time as you spend more time simply putting yourself out there.

Agreed. I understand being scared, but you will push away the shitty ones as well as the amazing and the awesome if you push too hard for too long, bc even the best girls cant wait for you to pull down your walls forever. She's out there, hell maybe more than one of her, and will love the real you, warts and all :)

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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You know in Bambi, when Thumper says "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all". Well I kinda go one further than that. If you do have something nice to say. then pipe up and say it! So if I notice something nice about anyone's appearance (male or female) I always compliment them, it makes them smile, which makes me smile. But probably comes across like I'm hitting on everyone, ALL THE TIME :D :D :D

But here's the thing, it's one thing to get a compliment from a friend, it's a whole new ball game when someone you don't know pays you a compliment. About a month ago someone from the forum told me in a pm that I was "beautiful" (<- Ha! Amazing!), you should have seen the dopey grin I was walking about with for days afterwards!


"I can live for two months on a good compliment" - Mark Twain.


And I actually have the same problem.  Is it a problem?  I'm sure there are times when I compliment someone (usually girls) and they probably think I'm flirting or something when in reality I'm just trying to be nice and complimentary.  Oh well.  

"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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It's no bad thing. Even if someone thinks you're flirting, well you know what? It's a BIG compliment (IMO) to have someone flirt with you, so you're really just "double complimenting" them :P

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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I am always flirting. I can say I'm just complimenting a woman, but it's flirting. It's human nature and I don't think most of us can control it.

Really? I would never have noticed ;)

Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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I am always flirting. I can say I'm just complimenting a woman, but it's flirting. It's human nature and I don't think most of us can control it.


Not most men, anyway.

Or some women....maybe it's just the man half of my DNA?!?! :P

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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"I can live for two months on a good compliment" - Mark Twain.


And I actually have the same problem.  Is it a problem?  I'm sure there are times when I compliment someone (usually girls) and they probably think I'm flirting or something when in reality I'm just trying to be nice and complimentary.  Oh well.  



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