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About Hellany

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/30/1978

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  • Location
    Las Vegas
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  1. Yes!! I just had to do sprints for a new jobs boot camp on Monday. I'm already halfway done. Though I wouldn't have minded doing the Yoshi challenge...I actually like beets. Hmm.
  2. Keep crawling, blue team! We're almost there
  3. Following you. I actually never knew you had any anxiety or mood issues. I never would have guessed. You always seemed so solid and full of mental fortitude. I'm interested in seeing your progress with the headspace crud...maybe it will inspire me to work out some of my own issues.
  4. Got some in after work. The weekend might be too crazy for me to get any extra but I'll try my best.
  5. Really wish I lived in your area so I could hang out at your parkour class or go rock climbing or something fun. I have the hardest time meeting up with local strangers...social anxiety makes it nigh impossible, but with real friends I'd probably have an amazing time. I'm following your challenge in hopes it will motivate me to stay off the booze, too. Living in Vegas has not been conducive to alcohol avoidance.
  6. Two more days...everyone squish as many spiders as you can!
  7. The old Daredevil comics are awesome. And not having any powers in a world filled with supers...just be the smartest person on the planet. Or a mischievous kid, like the one in Furies of Calderon. Also - there you are! I was wondering where you went. I wandered into Rangers to have a peek around and discovered your post. Cool new challenge thread, btw.
  8. Are you still accepting newbies? My weight went up recently and I think I need moral support in getting back to where I want to be.
  9. So far my major accomplishment has been crawling out of bed and making a healthy breakfast, despite wanting to hide under the blankets and ditch work.
  10. The Night Angel Trilogy...aww, I remember reading that. /sigh.
  11. Hi! If you haven't already, the NF women's Facebook group is a good place to make a lot of friends and cheer each other on. There's a lot of inspiring then and now pics and they do fun things like flex Friday. Also I'm down to help in any way...never been an accountability bud before, but I can try.
  12. Glad you stood up for the kids at the home school meeting. I feel like protecting kids should get you a bonus point...Winchester brothers bonus or something. And grats on your challenge too, seems like you're sticking to it despite all kinds of hurdles. I don't even want to get out of bed during shark week, so I'm impressed.
  13. I find myself in need of adult beverages after completing the mini challenges quite often, actually. It helps drown the hate my entire body seems to radiate at me.
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