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About Varelse

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    Hispania Gothorum
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  1. Coffee with milk + 2 scrambled eggs OR Coffee with milk + 1 hard-boiled egg Sometimes I add fruit.
  2. I am reviving this thread because this is my respawn point and it feels like I needed to come back to the NF community. My shape is no better than 5 years ago, but my personal life is definitely better and this is the perfect moment to start caring about myself again. I will use the next couple of days to think about starting the new challenge and how doing it.
  3. Weekly update: The only goal I'm able to achieve this challenge is, as expected, cold showers. Why? Last Tuesday, my girlfriend was hospitalized and nobody knows which happens with her. She cannot see well, but everything seems to be OK. That's it, I've been eating awfully half due to anxiety and half due to the routine of dinner sandwiches sat in a chair. Of course, no piano practice and the only walk I've done has been from the room to the bathroom. That's the way the things are.
  4. Thank you. I should post the evolution of this week, but I'm struggling with time. The only goal I could achieve the seven days of the week has been the cold showers, but I'm feeling well. Besides that, today I could have a walk after a long time. It's always a good new. Nah, you're sounding great. I've experienced most of the issues you're saying here. Luckily I'm organized (and a bit obsessed with organization), so I feel comfortable planning my sessions and keeping track about everything. Nevertheless, you gave me some ideas. Today I'm planning the whole year with my teacher and I think that keeping a notebook with space for everyday work will be very useful. Thanks! But wind instruments like clarinet or flute (which is the instrument that @zenLara plays, if I remember well) have the magic of affination. After all this year of learning music I think I'm nearly deaf, haha. About the repertory, here: Johann Sebastian Bach - Toccata in E minor Johannes Brahms - Rhapsody No. 2 in G minor Joaquín Turina - Orgy Joseph Haydn - Sonata in B minor I almost have the Bach's toccata: this is going to be an intense year.
  5. It is what I've always wanted to do, so it looks good to me, too. I'm preparing with a private teacher which finished her superior degree this year (she has interpretation and pedagogy) and I want to achieve the same degree (don't know the specialization yet). Last time I played piano consistently was three years ago, so I have a lot of work to do. Tomorrow I'll post some videos with my repertoire.
  6. I like the idea of carry goals achieved from past challenges. About the walk challenge, have you done the "Walking to Mordor" challenge? I find it very motivating. It seems that you are doing great. Stay the same!
  7. Quick update: my first week started yesterday and I managed to mark two squares (cold showers and piano). I was unable to find time to walk and have to dinner outside on an Italian restaurant (this is a lie, but I was offered to dinner there with some friends). Today seems to be similar as I wake up late (11 am) and have my mother-in-law birthday. I think I can manage to get better options at lunch, but I don't believe that they could be primal or paleo. For me, the mood raising is essential. I think it's its best benefit.
  8. Well, on the one hand I have it listed because the willpower that taking a cold shower implies. On the other hand, it has mental (mood increasing) and physical benefits (blood circulation improvement). Here are related those and other 13 benefits.
  9. I can't remember the last time I was on the forums, but I joined the rebellion, so I'm here for life. Let's see if I'm still able to finish one challenge. This challenge is about 30-days challenges (I'll finish this challenge during the Summer break, but it doesn't bother me). (Health) Eat primal every day One of the items of my Epic Quest was eating primal during three months: 30 days is the first step. I'm considering some indulgences: eat (good) rye bread sometimes, for example one or two times every month; drink a glass of wine some nights; and try to pick the best option when I'm eating outside (which is usual and eating primal is difficult). (Health) Cold showers I was used to take cold showers even in Winter, but it was long time ago. Now, Summer is coming, and I think it is the best time of the year to restart that habit. (Fitness) Walk an hour every day It's been years since the last time I did exercise regularly. I have to be realistic and realize that I cannot start running or lifting weights in my shape. Walk seems the only option. (Life) Play piano every day (>2h.) My life has dramatically changed during the last year. I get back to piano classes and decided that I was giving up the Thesis I was doing and be prepared to the auditions in order to resume my music studies at the conservatory. Those will be in a year, but I want to take this seriously. Said this, I'm keeping track of the days achieved with don't break the chain.
  10. I wanted to reply in this topic before, but I was too busy, so here I go. The same happens to me. I can empathize a lot with this "issue" - which has its advantages, too. Your challenge is very wise and reasonable. I wish you the greatest success. I only have a tiny suggestion. When you quote the ancients, it could be useful if you specify the source (book and chapter, or book and line). It's not a big deal, but I cannot read Latin or Greek and I have those books on Spanish. It will be cool finding the paragraphs and read in my mother tongue (if it is possible and only in the future, of course).
  11. Not exactly; in fact I just give up my thesis (contemporary literature), but I'm very fond on ancient literature. This challenge is very interesting, as you said. I'm really glad that you quoted me
  12. Thank you. About Latin, the reason is that I've been busy with the defense of my MPhil dissertation and I didn't find time for Latin. I hope to study at least one more day this week. Aeschylus almost finished, feedback coming soon! Thank you, too! I'm happy indeed.
  13. Week 0 Goal #1: Stay healthy An average of 1640 Kcal (2200 Kcal on Saturday, because of the cheat meal, but I kept on track the rest of the week). More than 80% primal, I think. Goal #2: Run to Mordor - or Marathon We run two days, without tracking the distance. Goal #3: Learn Latin Only one day. Side goal: Read the ancients Almost the two books, but not finished neither of them.
  14. Thank you! I always wanted to study Classical Philology, but I like being an amateur. Related to my goals, with primal nutrition I want to be healthier, lose fat and gain muscle, in that order (and the latter as a consequence of being healthier).
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