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Everything posted by Ladygazza

  1. 'tatoeeees! Why do you think I tried out so many ovens? Moving! I'm kinda getting annoyed.
  2. Hahah looks like I'm eating like a level 6 or so without knowing giggle giggle. I still have 50g of carbs (currently in love with steamed basmati rice) after I run my 10 kms because I know that my body needs them. I feel sore afterward otherwise.
  3. I have had many ovens, and believe me: each one is different. Play around until you find what works for your oven
  4. Nuuu I cannot, they're in a zoo. I'd like to keep a couple of them, though.
  5. Haha your reply made me laugh Yes I'm really hanging out with the locals.. well, for now colleagues and other "fellow emigrants" I knew back in my country. For my future Assassin missions.. wooooow I live near a huge park with woods, health trails, monkey bars, trees with low branches, planks.. you name it! Thanks for commenting on my reward system, I was not so sure about it.. maybe too harsh? I must say, however, if looking at those bras doesn't make me go WO, thinking about the punishment... argh
  6. Major w00t!! I don't know if I could have resisted.. I agree too, it's called mindful eating (my doc taught me about mindfulness meditation).
  7. I'll wait patiently but eagerly
  8. I love sweet potatoes! Unfortunately, I have problems finding them where I live now booo
  9. Maybe it also helped have being eating "clean" for so many days.. I mean, sugar is addictive, right? And I felt well fed, so my body told me "not absolutely necessary, you can skip this one".
  10. 2015/04/20 Warm-up: 15 minutes jogging Circuit training x3 20 body weight squats (ass to grass, literally) 6 knee push ups + 4 elevated push ups 20 walking lunges 10 bench dips 15 seconds plank 30 jumping jacksStretching Here, three mallards Anas platyrhynchos (two adult males and one adult female) and a common raven Corvus corax corax. One of the male mallards enters in defensive stance as the raven approaches.
  11. Nice receipt, I'll try that! As for the eggs.. well you can play around with different preparation (hardboiled, omelette, scrambled, poached) and with spices. I think it is a mental thing.. I mean, there's people who has bread everyday, and never get tired of it, aren't there?
  12. How you doin' so far? It's about half the second week
  13. Soooo how is it going? I watched the videos you posted, it's really interesting! I want to to that tooo
  14. Wow! Could you please write down the recipe for the smoothie? I had omelette with spinach for lunch, and for dinner I'll have sauteed chicken breast lol I'm not mocking you I promise.
  15. As long as we keep Accountable and able to support each other, welcome! In this view, an initiation like the one Iceburner suggested seems a good idea!
  16. I'd say I felt focused, and empowered. I fixed my thought on the bigger prize, and at the end it felt good to be in control.
  17. Ok, Week #2 is going well! Yesterday I was offered a big frozen yogurt with topping, syrup and everything.. I said "thanks, but no thanks!" Looking forward to my WO today!!
  18. Yesterday was rest day, so I had two hours after work that are usually reserved to training. I went to the local zoo: a 5-minutes walk from my workplace, and I always thought I had no time to do that!! Finding out that training actually GIVES me more time than it consumes: that made me smile. Oh, and the The Lady Amherst's pheasant happily bathing in the dirt. Such an elegant bird acting exactly like a chicken.
  19. Today was my rest day. It is unbelievable what I gained in terms of "free time" once I decided to put aside two hours a day to train. I don't train two full hours, but that allows for more flexibility (i.e. if I come back later from work) or just for relaxing and take a longer warm-up, cool-down/stretching, shower... whatever. As today was my rest day and had no social commitments, I decided to visit the local zoo. Really, it is a 5 minutes walk from where I work, and always though "I have no time for that". Well, I had a most relaxing and interesting evening. Here you have your pic: Erysimum Linifolium var. Little Kiss Lilac for plants lovers.
  20. Hi! I finally had time to reeeeeally read your challange and... I love it!! I'm struggling through the BBWW too, and I have problems with the push-ups so, we're in this together! Go mummy gooo! What about books? Genres, authors..?
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