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About Rinna

  • Rank
    Pusheen Subject Matter Expert
  • Birthday February 17


  • Pusheen Subject Matter Expert

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  • Location
    Southern Colorado
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  1. @Rurik Harrgath or @Tanktimus the Encourager The buttons keep putting me in the wrong places! Please rescue my thread!
  2. @Rurik Harrgath or @Tanktimus the Encourager could y’all move me to the proper challenge? Pretty please?
  3. Well then. Maybe it wasn’t my fault. Hopefully someone can move it for me……
  4. Can someone please tell my why I don’t see my thread in The rangers? It’s all different now, and I don’t know what I’m doing.
  5. I have had that problem with my knitting bag + purse. Apparently I pack enough crap to equal a smaller hoo-mahn. If you give it time, and sit very still, they will come. It took a month or so, but before we moved the chickadees would eat from our hand. And peck the crap out of us if the seeds were unworthy. My honey could call in the wild turkeys. And deer would stare in our window a la children of the corn. We did NOT feed the deer, but they sure loved the black oil sunflower seeds we put out for the birds. And the birds “planted” (a.k.a. hid) enough that we had a nice crop of sunflowers the next year.
  6. K.I.S.S. Goals Keep walking. Keep on O.M.A.D. Stop with the evening snacking. This is the hard one for me. I’ve lost 19 lbs since January 24th. I’ve stalled somewhat due to above mentioned snacking. It’s hard not to. Part of it is boredom, part is justifying my snack because my honey snacks, part of it is But I’m not, really. I’m getting plenty of calories. Hormonally speaking, I do feel hungry…..a lot. But it’s my stupid brain. So I say to you, brain: Postings will be sparse. Vacation is a thing that’s happening next week. I’ll do what I can do. Bye, y’all
  7. Shift work is hard, more so I think with a little. I’ve lived through that with both of my not-so-littles. Keeping them quiet so my spouse could sleep was a challenge. Good luck!
  8. Still here. Chugging along. Weight as of April 20: 158.9. 4.6 lbs down from the start of the challenge. 16.6 lbs down since Jan 24. Still doing O.M.A.D, but need to clamp down on snacking. I’m staying close to or under 1490 calories (my recommended caloric deficit), with most days averaging 1300. But I find myself snackish around 8p.m., which is throwing a monkey wrench i to the fasting period. Otherwise things are going swimmingly. 😋 (I honestly think my hunger might be hormonal. Not much to do about that, unfortunately, except resist.)
  9. I live in fear of shingles, I kid you not. I had a whoppin’ horrendous case of chicken pox at 12 (had a rarish reaction) and pray that shingles are not my destiny. Glad you are recovering!
  10. It’s been a good week. Not a whole lot new to report. I’ve had a few days lately where I’ve been super hungar. This has resulted in my eating too much. Or at least more than I desire to be eating. Haven’t weighed because of this. Worried about gaining back. Reality is that I’ve probably stalled a bit. Last weigh in was 161.4. 13.5 pounds in 2 months is nothing to sneeze at. I constantly have to remember that this is a new lifestyle, not a diet per se, and there will be days where I don’t eat within the desired range and that’s okay. The impatient part of me wants to just wake up skinny. April Fools’s day marked my 34th anniversary. We had a good day, having lunch at a local roadhouse restaurant. Hopefully we’ll see 34 more. 💖 That’s it for now. Later Gater.
  11. The weird thing is that I can feel the shift in my brain. I know I’m being unreasonable and strange, but can’t do a damned thing to stop it. I wind up pacing, and hoping I don’t get too snappish, or burst into tears. Or both. It’s a giant pain. Right! It just. Won’t. Die. Isn’t 42 years of this garbage enough?
  12. It’s going okay. Had a few random weird brain hiccups this week. Random minor panic attack the other day, and over all brain weirdness today. Irrational thought processes. Pretty sure it’s hormone related, as I’m of an age where things are stopping. Not soon enough for me tho. Last night was fun. Emergency alert went off at 1 a.m. So we all woke up and watched the weather report until the tornado warning passed. Fun times. But we had no damage from the wind, no loss of power or anything. I’ll take the loss of sleep over the alternative any day. Guess we traded blizzards for tornadoes. I’m happy with that trade. How are you doing?
  13. Have you looked into Hemp bedding for chickens? I’ve heard it’s super absorbent, minimal dust, etc. And lasts a long time.
  14. Amen. Shaar, could it be the time change? It always takes me a couple weeks to truly adjust.
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