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Found 7 results

  1. INTRO 'Olo, you lot! Welcome to my quiet little corner. I am Haniya (pronounced Hun-nee-yah) a Nerdy, Sporty, DND[currently watching Critical Role]loving, Comic book enthusiast with a penchant for arts, Video games, Books, Disney movies, music and Mystery Murder shows [Stranger Things, Sherlock, Killing Eve, The Umbrella Academy and Elementary anyone?] also Neil Gaimann because good omens is a fantastic show and is worth fangirling about. Today I have entered as a ranger to challenge myself. Hopefully, my experiment will help me build my habits and my body. I feel like my true self best fits in this sneaky, lean, strong and dangerously cool class because strength and stamina are the two things that I ideally want and we all wish to master. Hence, here I am and here I go! BACK STORY TIME: WE all know how our health is the MOST important thing in the world--physical, emotional and mental as well--especially when you've been obese half your childhood. Its hard to get back on that health horse when like half of your house hold isnt primed for it at all. Regaining my good healthy self has been a massive struggle, no less a bumpy roller coaster ride of high and lows. Well, I've been at it for quite a while with the NERDS--actually listening and enjoying the company of the people--thus, naturally, I come running back to thine fine health, happiness institute of fittitude! [Gedit] Even though i hate typing, i do try to update as often as I can. Well, anyways! I live in Pakistan (south east asia) where carbohydrate is as important and as common as air and I am not joking! OUR DIET AND CUISINE IS JUST FULL OF IT AND EVEN IF YOU TRIED, YOU JUST CANT SHAKE IT OFF AND IGNORE IT! BUT. I. WANT. TO. CHANGE. MYSELF. I DON'T WANT TO BE ADDICTED ANYMORE AND THAT'S MY MAIN MISSION HERE! BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY! I will go slow this time and not overwhelm myself as much as I am prone to so I'll just go over the basics of my mission. Cus. I. Can. And. I. Love. To. Sound. Very. Official. OH, SHALL WE MOVE TOWARDS MY BASE OF OPERATIONS?! *drumroll* OP 1: Take control of the wheel, agent! As the new agent of SHIELD, it is your duty to physically take care of what you put in your body. Filling in the shoes of Natasha Romanoff is going to be a hard job, recruit, so I suggest you take those shoes seriously and work hard! *There we go, guys. Big shoes to fill* So, clean eating and portion control is the key. Refined sugar and fried stuff is your ENEMY. IT'S YOUR HYDRA! You must defeat the bad side! *telegram* Recruit! We are not that cruel, you know, so we are allowing you a two day cheat treat. Aren't we cool?! Of-course, we are, we are SHIELD! OP 2: Find the lost Tomb of Rorustan You want to be the next Lara Croft? You want to go on adventures and move mountains like her, yes? Change the course of time and history like her? Then, you got to train like her! Her strong and Charismatic body took years and years of hard work and perseverance! Can you keep up? *CanI?* Journey to the lost tombs, human and bring forth power! My objective is to run and do body weight exercises (darebee and skipping rope) 3-4 times in a week with two days rest period. Walk for 20-30 mins daily. CAN YOU HEAR THE SPIRITS TALKING? YES! I DO! I CAN HEAR LARA CROFT! MASTER, I CAN HEAR HER WHISPERS FROM THE INSIDE, SPEAKING OUT TO ME (awksslipawaytoyonder) OP 3: Bend it like Korra! Before she was the avatar, Korra knew nothing of her powers and how to control them but with the help of her teachers and peers, she blossomed into the strongest being we know today! Want to Bend it like Korra? *Heck Yeah* then you must dedicate some time to your education; to learn and grow like the avatar. Daily one or two videos that'll inspire you or give you knowledge about the world and beyond. Study spanish: Duolingo and Memrise streaks, audio lessons from Pimsleur and YouTube video lessons. Dont forget to make notes in your notebook. Meditate to calm your souls. A clear and tension free mind is a happy mind! TAI CHI PRACTICE! Watch David Dorian Ross videos and practice along. New videos everyday to build your 103 long form practice. OP 4: "Be as flexible as Kamala Khan" SUPERHERO BY DAY, REGULAR GAMER CHILD BY NIGHT! Balancing your hero and human life takes a lot of work but you have to do this in order for the world to make sense plus, fun time is fun time! So, here are my humanly duties towards a good future:- Journal writing: habit tracking, Spanish progress and recording my days key features as bullet points to make my life easy Updating nerd fitness with my journey in the form of ratings A-F [A being super awesome and F Epic Wamp] and supporting new people and their journies! *POWER RANGERS, METAMORPHOSIS! Oh, wrong fandom* Read more books by adhering to the 50 books a year challenge: Give 1-2 weeks maximum to my current read by reading everyday for 20-30 minutes Focus on your hydration: Minimum 6glasses to up to 8 glasses. More water! LASTLY NEVER GIVE UP! Speaking of giving up, we all need some kind of push on our behinds, right? That's why I have certain ideals. Certain role models that I look for inspiration and motivation when I am feeling particular down in the ditch. These forces of good are there when i need them the most, to guide me through my epic quest I call life. Someone who I want to be: Inspiration Dice I have so many role models that I look up to! People who have proved to be gigantic and so bad arse--who don't need to be reminded of their worth! People who are amazing enough to inspire and motivate us all to follow our dreams and challenge our limits. They teach us that being kind, resolute, strong and brave--in the face of danger--is the most noblest of things you can do. So, so talented, so powerful and so stupendous. I want to be them and I am honoured to call them my idols: Lara Croft, Black Widow, Korra, Ellie Goulding, Aveline De Grandpre, Aloy, Merida, Captain Marvel, Avatar Aang, Dr 13 and Yasmin Khan, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Jim Kwik, Shuri, Okoye, Kamala Khan etc. I am not promising here but i will try to keep you guys up to date with my daily shenanigans and what-nots. Apart from that, I want to THANK you for YOUR precious time! And I might need you guys to help me with this challenge because my focus on them has been very rocky but I am ready to CHANGE MYSELF FOR THE BETTER! I SWEAR ON MY PRETTY LITTLE HANDS THAT I SHALL TRY MY HARDEST! *CUE RICK ROLL SONG* p.s: i love DND even though i am a complete beginner so talk to me about it or if you are looking dnd players then lets band together! I am all for an epic dnd session!
  2. Evening all, It's been a while since I discovered Nerd Fitness and I figured that now is as good a time as any to finally get involved in the community. I've been struggling with consistency in my workouts for the last 6-8 months. I moved from New York (back) to the DMV in Aug 2016, leaving behind a deep connection to my yoga studio and a generally active lifestyle. Financial constraints have kept me from getting a new membership around here and my lack of discipline in home workouts has gotten me off to a slow start. Things are starting to look up; I'm learning more about Ashtanga yoga, which is free to do at home and has consistency baked in to the tradition. As an added bonus, it builds off knowledge I already have (ego boost!) and makes me feel strong (double boost!). My hope is that I get to know others and their goals while also being held accountable for my own. I am also a budding yoga teacher, so I'd love the opportunity to lead others in a practice. Right now, I lead a monthly class at my job, but am always looking to expand! Best, r
  3. My wife, @otterbyte mentioned to me that the local NF Facebook group was having a conversation about people interested in playing some tabletop RPGs/D&D. I am not on FB, but I thought I'd post a thread here and have her link it. I am a longtime grognard gamer. I've been playing for about 35 years and have even published a few gaming products. I am happy to run or play a game if people are interested. I tend to favor fantasy games (as opposed to Sci-Fi or modern, but those can be fun too). I've a strong "old-school" background, so I favor systems and editions that trend that way. We can talk more about that if this thread goes anywhere. We are located in the MoCo area (Silver Spring) area, but some commuting is not a deal-breaker for me. I have a recommendation in fact. There is an excellent gaming store in Glen Burnie, MD called Games & Stuff . They have a big playing area in the back for all sorts of gaming (miniatures, cards, RPGs). If there is enough interest, we could set a date some weekend to meet there are try out a simple adventure as a test run. If people have fun, we can see about expanding things into a regular meetup or even a campaign.
  4. Hey, So I have always loved superheroes since I was a little girl, but I was always deterred by a lack of money to go buy comics, and then the fact that there's SO MUCH MATERIAL. Where does one begin? YiS, Fia
  5. Brand New Level 2 NF coming through. After having a successful Noob challenge and spending some time reflecting upon myself, I decided to join the Assassin’s Guild. I look forward to mastering my body weight, increasing my abilities and continuing to hone my diet. As before, I will work to keep all of my measurements up to date and will post on my responses: My Measurements Here are photos of my adventure: Why now? I’m getting married Aug 31 and I finally have time and energy to commit to the adventure. I’ve always been somewhat health conscious, but now I am working on being a bit more of a health nut. Quest: Decrease naval measurement by 2 inches, increase agility and strength Goals: Sweat! [ +2 dex | +1 sta ] Work out 5 days a week. Most likely alternating between body weight (BW) and interval (I) training. Grades: A: 5 days a week B: 4 days a week C: 3 days a week D: 2 days a week F: 1 day a week Climb! [ +2 str ] By the end of the challenge, be able to do 2 pull ups Grades: A: 2 hanging pull ups B: 1 hanging pull up C: 2 assisted pull ups D: 1 assisted pull up F: 0 pull ups Fuel! [ +2 con | +1 wis ] Decrease soda and grain intake: Grades: A: 0 sodas and 0 grains B: 0 sodas and 0 grains M-F C: 1-2 fails D: 3 fail days F: 4+ fails Life Quest: Sleep! [ +1 cha ] Get an average of 8 hours of sleep throughout the week. CHA points may seem weird here, but trust me... I'm much more amusing and likable with enough sleep! Side Quest: Ride! [ +1 sta ] Bike to work at least once during the challenge (towards the end, when it’s not crazy cold in DC)
  6. Main Quest Lose 20-30 pounds and get measurably stronger and fitter. Supporting Quests 1) BBWW 3x a week 2) Daily food tracking and stay on plan (I do Weight Watchers' "power foods" plan) 3) Go to bed on time every day Side Quest Is this allowed for a newbie? I'd like to jog/walk 2-3 days a week. Motivation It's time. No more excuses. I'm on the bus, there's no getting off. I'm excited to show my daughter all the grit and trying it takes to accomplish gigantic goals. I'm calling this the Impossible Girl challenge because statistically, most people never lose weight, keep it off, and stay in shape. That's not me. I'm the Impossible Girl (and yes, also a Whovian). Life Quest Lose 100 pounds, play ice hockey (recreationally), and become an elite-level lifter. Additional Background I'm a female litigator at a large law firm with two small kids. My life is pretty crazy but I'm sick of excuses. I'm at my highest weight ever, my baby is 8 months old, and it's time to climb this weight loss/fitness mountain. Current Stats 35 year old Female Size 20 shirt, 18 pants Points System BBWW workout - 1 point Bed on time - 1 point Food tracking - 1 point Jog/walk session - 1 point Grading A 102-91 B 90-81 C 80-71 D 70-61 F 60 or less
  7. Hi everyone, I'm new to the rebellion. I've been reading the NerdFitness blog for over a year and decided it was about time I got off my fat lazy -- and did something. So, with some loving prodding from my girlfriend, I signed up for Crossfit! I'm doing the intro classes this week, learning about the different movements - like how to do a squat with a bar without killing yourself. I have class #2 tonight and I'd like to know: What I should do to make the most of Crossfit? A bit of background: I've always been out of shape and never enjoyed exercise, working out, sports or generally being active. I need to figure out a way to keep enjoying working out, or at the very least keep myself going back. I know that eating right is a part of it - and I'll get there. I just want to make one major change in my life at a time. What tips do you guys have? Thanks!! Alex
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