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  1. I will be in S. Korea before the year's end, and just thought I'd throw this out there in the faint hope that maybe there were some NF Rebels who would be there or may join me. So if you are, feel free to PM me and hopefully we can catch a train to meet up someplace!
  2. I am going to be away from home/the gym for 2 weeks and want to come up with a body weight routine that I can do in the meantime. I will be busy with family stuff a lot and likely won't have large chunks of time to exercise or get really tired. I want to design a plan that I can do for these 2 weeks that won't require me to change/get really sweaty, can be broken up and done in little time chunks throughout the day and that doesn't require equipment or a lot of space. I've been exercising pretty hard the last 2 weeks (about 40 min a day, 20 cardio and 20 weights) and I don't want to gain weight/lose muscle over the holidays (even though I know this is likely impossible with barely any exercise and eating extra food lol but hey a girl can dream). So what do you think would be the most effective? I was thinking: 200 squats 100 alternate lunges 200 standing cross body crunches 20 pushups 36 tricep dips 40 crunches 10 reverse crunches
  3. Hello guys! I'm a girl, 23, height 5 ft 6 in and 145 lb. I've been doing gym classes since July (Bodypump and Spinning mainly) but I've been doing exercise in an out for about 4 years. I've been thinking, for a while now, about starting my own regular workout. Basically I want freedom to go the gym whenever I want. Also I loved bodypump and noticed some changes in my strength and muscles. Now I want to take it further with strength training and drop a few pounds also, around 9/10 I don't know my body fat percentage but I can tell you I have a thin upper body, my main problem being hips and thighs (a pear shape). I have wide hips, it's a fact (still trying to make peace with it) and I'm never gonna be one of those skinny girls with narrow hips but alas, I don't want skinny, I want strong so, my goals are shed some fat and then increase strength. I did my homework and researched various workouts. I've been doing this for a week. I'm doing 3 sets of 8-12 reps, except for the abs workout. Mainly I use dumbbells but I also use the machines. - Monday: Upper body + HIIT (30 seconds: high-intensity exercise and 60 seconds: rest or low-intensity exercise) Bench Press - 13 lb Bent Over Row - 13 lbDB Shoulder Press - 11 lbLying tricep extension - 8lbDumbbell Curl - 8 lb - Tuesday: Lower Body + HIIT Squat with dumbbels - 13 lbStiff Leg Deadlift - 15 lbLeg ExtensionLeg CurlGlute BridgeAbs: lying leg raise + plank + bicycle crunch- Thursday: Upper body + HIIT DipsLat Pull-downDumbbell Side Lateral Raise - 6lbTricep Cable PushdownStanding Biceps Cable Curl- Friday: Lower Body + 30 min. low intensity cardio Deadlift - 15 lbLeg PressLunges with dumbbels - 11 lbGlute BridgeAbs: lying leg raise + plank + bicycle crunchNow you know my overall strength (not much I believe) can you tell me your opinion? I also reduced the carbs, cut sweets and added more protein to my diet (is whey protein a good complement?) Am i doing this right? I'm a little self conscious so doing this in the gym among all the super man guys was a huge effort for me ahah Sorry about the huge post and thanks in advance
  4. Hey there fellow rebels, I was quite shocked today, as I decided to count how many calories I ate during the day. Well, it's 5 pm now, and I've only eaten only 297 calories today... It's insanely unhealthy!! Okay, I could just eat more or more calorie dense foods, but I'm generally not hungry. I do work out 4-5 times every week so I'm pretty sure I'm asking too much of my body, just objectively speaking. Although I am actively trying to lose weight, I am not trying to starve myself to death or to reach ketosis or do some sort of crash diet or anything similar. I'm just trying to eat healthy, wholesome foods, inspired by the paleo diet (for example, I still eat dairy). Yet I haven't lost weight in ages! In fact, even gained some. At first I told myself that was muscle gain and not fat, but with a calorie intake this ridiculously low, that's impossible, no? I could use some help here..I know I need to eat more but I still need to be able to lose weight and I don't want to overeat either. Thanks, appreciate
  5. Hello, fellow Rebels! I've already made an intro ( Don't Slay This Dragon! ) to myself, but I'll describe my body type to help set some background- Petite- 4 foot 9 inches tall Bone Structure- Small. Delicate. (Have been 'tiny' all my life). Fast metabolism. Ectomorph. Cons: Too much muscle gives a bulky appearance; I've been there. I end up looking more 'boxy' and get a thick waist. Dietary Restrictions: IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Cannot digest dairy. Currently plant based, but have been incorporating animal foods a few times week for dinner for the past few months. Goals: Body Sculpting - Strength, flexibility, and stamina - Tone (there I said it- as any other word escapes me at the moment): Arms (especially the shoulders), core, and calves. - More flexibility; I need to be careful, however, as I am hypermobible in my back. Currently training to become a certified yoga instructor. A lithe physique. Panther like? Lean, strong. Something that can be maintained and not unrealistic (ie, NOTa bikini competitor's body). Some good examples are dancers. Zuzka Light. A body that relatively stays the same all year round, and is healthy and fit. Current Training Schedule: Mon- Strength Training, Abs, Yoga/Stretching Tue- Rest Wed- Body Pump (strength training based) class at gym, Yoga Thur- Body Combat, Martial Arts-Inspired cardio class at gym. Yoga/Stretching Fri- Yoga, Pilates Sat- Strenghth Training OR Body Pump class at gym, Yoga Sun- Yoga (light), active-rest day I was noticing subtle improvments for a while, but now I've reached a plateu, ad it seems as though nothing I can do is going to give me any muscle/tone. Weight range: 7.5- 40 pound weights; I alternate between light dummbell work and the machines at my local 24 Hour Fitness. Ideas and observations are welcome!
  6. Ive been trying to get in good shape for a few years already. I wouldnt say im fat or out of shape, as I work out at least 3 times a week and 5 times on average. My BMI is okay (although thats not a reference imo) , but im kind of stuck. Having a history of eating disorders (which are sometimes still very present), suffering from hypoglycemia and hypotension and being intolerant to cow milk (not lactose!) and wheat, ive had difficulties. I was a vegetarian at first, but I felt I could barely eat a thing anymore if I cut that out as well. So I try to eat poultry or fish from time to time but i cant be arsed to eat red meats (ecological footprint and so on). Working out goes fine at the moment, although i have difficulties making a good strength routine... I think im a bit of a 'noob' when it comes to that 😜 I tried so many things, but I never seem to get a balanced diet. I don't have time to spend hours in the kitchen (in fact, 15 mins is about it). Ive respawned like a million times, but the game always seems to glitch, bringing me back to the starting point rather than close to the final boss. Is there anyone who can give me tips? Thanks a lot
  7. I only have a single 20lb dumbbell and a single 15lb dumbbell. I also only have about 5ft by 10ft of floor space due to the fact I live in student accommodation. I can nowhere near afford a gym membership nor have the time in the day, so I workout at home. There are plenty of workout routines online, however none I have found which can be done with my limited resources. Here is my current workout. I've been doing this or slight variations of this for about 2 months, and I am starting to see my beginner gains. day 1 - biceps, triceps, chest 3 sets, 12 reps, dumbbell curls 3 sets, 12 reps, triceps extensions 2 sets, 20 reps, press ups day 2 - abs, legs, biceps 3 sets, 10 reps, crunches 3 sets, 10 reps, sit ups 3 sets, 30 seconds, plank 3 sets, 10 reps, leg raises 3 sets, 12 reps, squats 3 sets, 12 reps, bicep curls day 3 - forearms, shoulders, back 3 sets, 12 reps, Hammer curls 3 sets, 12 reps, alternating shoulder press 3 sets, 10 reps, Kneeling One Arm Row (poorly as I have no bench) - How can I improve this for more efficient muscle gain?
  8. So...I've fallen off the gym wagon as it's gotten colder and I'm more reluctant to bike to the gym to lift. So tomorrow, I'm going to try the basic bodyweight workout at home. Next week, I want to try to do paleo to the best of my ability for five weekdays, to start. Baby steps.
  9. Hi all I'm looking for a good iOS app for fitness and bodybuilding since I can't remember the process of my training. I wonder what is your fitness app. I really want to know about this
  10. I am coming down with a cold (bit achy, congested nose, sore through, headache etc.) and I was wondering if I should keep with my workout and push through or is it best to adjust it? What should I do? Should I exercise and eat the same or change anything?
  11. Hey everyone, my name is Ryan and I´m new here and to fitness in general. I´m 22, have always been fairly active (I ride my bicycle often and walk a lot) but didn´t take too much thought into what I was putting in my body...until now. I´ve wound up living on an organic tea garden on a volcano in Ecuador. (The volcano part isn´t really relevant, just think it´s kinda cool). With how cheap produce is ($1 for 40 tomatoes), the plethora of mountains, and amount of sunny days, I figured there´s no reason to not spend these four weeks getting in shape. It will take longer, for sure, but I have four days of no responsibilities that I can fully dedicate to getting into a healthy lifestyle routine. For the week, my days play out like this: 4:30: wake up, walk to the natural hot springs up the road 4:45-5:45: soak in the hotspring (called a poso here), and hop in the cold, river next to it to rinse off. 6:00-7:00: workout -----run 1/2 mile down to the bottom of the mountain, run back up. can only make it halfway up but getting further each day -----8 minutes of side planks, 4 on each side -----4 sets, 25 reps of reverse crunches -----50 burpees -----100 elevated pushups 7:00-8:00: gather veggies from garden, prepare, and eat breakfast -----2 eggs, ground beef, veggies (tomatoes, onion, spinach, mushrooms, green pepper, broccoli), coffee -----make two juices for the day 8:00-9:30: walk two dogs up and down the mountain. 11:00: drink a homemade juice -----usually: 2 green apples, 1 cucumber, 1 lemon, 2 c. spinach, 1/2 c. parsley, 1/2 c. lemongrass) 2:00: eat an avocado w/salt and pepper 4:00: drink another juice 6:30: dinner -----usually a mixture of the same vegetables used for breakfast w/ pasta, rice, or potatoes. 9:00: bedtime. I suppose the main areas I´m looking for advice on is with the eating and exercise. I am 5´7" and 155 pounds. I´m mainly trying to lose a belly fat and get some abs showing if possible. Should I eat anything before my workout at 6 or is it better to save the bigger breakfast until after? How can I modify my workout routine to be the most efficient? I´m currently trying to focus on my abs and arms. Is red or white meat better for building muscle? Would it be better to stick with ground beef for breakfast or switch it up to chicken? Should I be eating those carbs before bed? Would the hotspring be better for my muscles after the workout or is it a good way to loosen them up beforehand? Like I said, am very new to all of this, but if I can start developing a healthy routine during these four weeks, it´ll be that much easier to stick with it once I return Stateside. Thanks in advance for your help!
  12. Hi, -My name is Rachel, aka, CircusGirl, and my main quest is to lose 5% of body fat in the next 6 weeks. -To do this, I WILL eat all of my protein and carbs, and stop with the slacking. -I will also do my cardio, ballet (yes, ballet), ab work, and pilates EVERY day. -Lastly, I WILL get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. -As a life quest, I would like to smile more. I feel very task oriented in my life, and I'm ready to enjoy it again. So now is the time. -I'm doing this so I can stop fighting with myself, and stop criticizing my performances and body. My body deserves better. I deserve better. I deserve to give myself credit. It's really that simple. Here we go. Day 1. Signed, CircusGirl PS: If you're interested in helping me achieve my goals, any thoughts on vegan/vegetarian protein snacks and meals that are easy would be fabulous! Also, ideas for cardio and abs help too! Let's do this business.
  13. I am pretty good at getting a 20 min weight work out in a week but I am just kind of doing variations of the same thing everyday and feel like I should have a more structured plan in order to get results efficiently. I am 5'5", 115-120 lb, 23 year old female. I want to work on gaining muscle and strength in my arms, abs and legs. (shoulders, back and butt would be good too). I am trying to eat 2500 calories a day, mostly clean (1 sugary or fat or processed treat a day). I am trying to get a lot of protein so I can build muscle and have been getting around 130g. So what should my workout look like? I have a desk job from 8:30-3:30 and a food service job 4-8. I then usually go home and do a 20 min workout. I am trying to run up/down the stairs (5 flights at work a few times a week for 10 minutes or do some other exercises-wall pushups, squats, lunges etc.) at lunch. I have 15 lb dumbbells I have been using (I also have 5lb and 3 lb, and an exercise ball)
  14. Hey everyone! After lurking around Nerd Fitness for the last few months and living vicariously through my friend Priscillia I've finally decided to partake in a 6 week challenge of my own! A little about me - I'm 23 years old and currently work full time in retail. My whole life I've been on and off fad diets, losing weight and gaining weight. As an occasional gamer (not so avid anymore), I love the concept of NF... if you can spend so many hours leveling up your character in game and making it the best it can be, why can't you do that with your own life? Love the idea! I really think (and hope!) it'll work for me I'd say my biggest problem would be motivation and prioritizing. The sad part is, I've taken anatomy classes in university and college and I know pretty much all the 'rules' when it comes to what the body actually needs nutrition-wise in order to flourish... I just never seem motivated enough to make it a priority in my life. I've always said that everyone's got their vices- I don't drink, I don't smoke and I don't do drugs... I eat! That's my drug. But I think it's finally time for me to have a healthier relationship with food and to experiment with different forms of exercise to find something that I like that I can stick with! Last year I moved away to Winnipeg, Canada where I lived on my own for 4 months. When I came back home I realized that all my pants were loose and no longer fitting me properly. After stepping on the scale, I realized I had lost 20 lbs while I was away without even trying! All I did was buy more fresh produce vs processed, prioritized making my own meals and limiting my fast food/take out intake to once per week as a treat. It was then that I realized that it is possible to lose weight without following a specific diet just by choosing healthier options... And it doesn't need to be soul-crushingly difficult! Haha. Anyway, enough about me! Here goes nothing... Main Quest Lose 10 lbs in this 6-week challenge. Form lasting positive habits in order to fulfill my long term goal of losing 50-60 lbs by this time next year (September 2015). Quest 1 +2 STR, +3 STA Work out for 1 hour 3 times per week (combination of jogging, swimming, weights or yoga class) Grading : A : 3 days/week B : 2 days/week C : 1 day/week F : none Quest 2 + 3 CON Log all food intake and try to eat between 1750-2000 calories/day, preferably the former. Grading : A: Logged 6-7 days/week B: Logged 5 days/week C: Logged 3-4 days/week D: Logged 2 days/week F: Logged once or none per week. Quest 3 + 1 CON Cut out fast food and eating out to a maximum of once per week. Grading : A: 0-1 time/week B: 2 times/week C: 3 times/week D: 4 times/week F: 5+ times/week Life Quest + 5 WIS Job hunt and research online part-time school programs. (I'm currently working full time in a low paying job... I love it, but it order to move along with my life and become more independent I need to make a better income. I'm also thinking about going back to school to broaden my work opportunities). Motivation Weight gain and physical activity has been a lifetime struggle for me... My main motivation is to be able to live a healthier lifestyle, to avoid disease in the future, and to feel more confident and body-positive. Mini Quests : Adventurer Mini Quest 1 = complete ✔ + 1 WIS
  15. The college football season is just under 6 weeks away so that is where I get the “pre-season†title from. My main goal is to improve my overall health, flexibility, & endurance. I am currently at 150 lbs. & have a waist circumference of 41 inches. I will measure both the weight and circumference each week. 1. Workout; every other day I will do this work-out every other day and will adjust the numbers as I go each week. 5 sets of 5 Push-ups 15 DB Rows 20 second Plank 10 reverse lunges Every Day 100 jumping jacks Grading for each week A: Workout done every other day for whole week B: 3 workouts done(on weeks when 4 could have been done) C: 2 workouts done D: 1 workout done for the week F: no workout 2. Neck Stretches; At least 3 times a day I have neck exercises for corticolis (when the muscle on one side is short and causes the head to lean to the side) which should help me. A: 20 each week, or more B: 15-19 C: 10-14 D: 7-9 F: none-6 3. Walk 30 minutes at least 3x a week. I am aiming for all 5 days of the week. Grading for each week A: walked 5 days B: 4 days C: 3 days D: 1-2 days F: none 4. Food My goal for food is to eat only when hungry and post log. This month ( July/Ramadan) I have fasted for about 30 days; each day till about 8:00 pm. Surprisingly, each day I hardly feel hungry until about 5. Grading each week A: Logged all week B: Logged 5 days C: Logged 3 days D: Logged 2 days F: No logs Life Goal #1; to be more active & spend less time at the computer I added a google chrome app that tracks how long I am on the internet, by minutes; though I will have to monitor the time I spend(if any) on LOTRO since the app cannot track gaming. I will post those minutes each week. Grading for each day (not counting weekends) will be if I personally feel like I had a productive day without being lazy. Life Goal #2: Read Qu'ran. This month I have done well in prayers & fasting(last day of fasting is today) but have done terrible in reading, so I have a goal of reading Quran every night(I do not know Arabic so this is a English translation of the meanings).
  16. at the beginning of this year, 2014, i was an ordinary human with an ordinary human body living an ordinary life and at some point i decided to change that and become a superhuman. an extraordinary person who lives his dreams and imaginations because it is worth it for me to live them. one thing that i have always wanted for myself is a great body.. you know, lean muscle, split chest, glaring abs... and the first thing i did was change my diet. i stopped snacking on junk food and fast food and started a full time job of cooking everything i eat. for physical fitness started off with the nerdfitness body weight workout and so far so good. starting monday last week i added to my work out, running laps around the university track before i going home. so the routine now is run 1 lap30 squats15 pushups15 crunches20 lunges10 dumbell rows(i carry a 10kg dumbell with me)1 minute plank30 jumping jacksafter jumping jacks i repeat the procedure three times. its really hard to do all reps at once but i try and make sure i finish the reps even if i have to stop and rest in between reps. i don't do this everyday. i skip a day to allow my body to rest. i am most proud of myself because i showed up everyday despite the negative thoughts that remind me how hard it is and tell me to just quit. i will end this with a quote from my first fitness role model... A wound that'd make an ordinary man unconscious... I won't lose to it. A wound that would kill an ordinary person... I won't lose to it! To face one who is extraordinary, Hawk Eyes... I can't allow myself to be ordinary! -- Roronoa Zoro(ONEPIECE)
  17. Recently I was perusing the web for interesting things regarding BW training, and found this http://www.globalbodyweighttraining.com/the-animal-flow-workout-fitness-video/ It looks pretty cool and I could see it as being a fun way to warm up before a workout or make it into an actual workout on those days where you lack motivation to do traditional sets. I am just wondering it anyone has tried it or something similar, and if so, what your thoughts on it are. Worth looking into or mostly just another scammy gimmick?
  18. Hello Rebellion, I'll give you a little bit of info about me before I slap you with this question. I'm 6 ft tall, about 160 lbs and 18 years old- I've always been hopelessly (I thought) skinny and I'm trying to build muscle for basketball and also because..it just looks good. So is my current almost primarily body weight workout -- I do squats and lunges with 2 30lb dumbells-- consisting of wide-grip pull-ups, pistols, chin-ups, and the aforementioned exercises a good place to start? Or are the heavy weight workouts in a gym what I need? In a nutshell, what exercises should I be doing to gain muscle mass? (as opposed to diverting my attention toward simply building strength. Although I really want to gain leg strength, as it's vital for basketball) Your advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Chivestheconquerer
  19. I've been a long time lurker looking for answers to this question. I am currently training for a career in law enforcement which is a stark contrast to my office job. I have a gym membership but I'm wondering if what I have set up is appropriate but I also think I'm just one of those people who over think things and has to make sure everything is just 'right'. I'm also looking to cut body fat while I'm at it (btw I'm a vegetarian). I've also contemplated following starting strength instead of the program I designed below merely for efficiency and to save time. I do train for Muay Thai 2-3 times a week but haven't noticed endurance gains. I modelled this program after Steve Kamb's post on creating your own workout and also the fitness test required by police in my province. Sets x Reps Low reps (5-8) and heavy weight on Even Days Medium reps (8-12) and medium weight on Odd Days PUSH, Legs, Abs Squats 3 x 10, 3 x 5 Deadlifts 3 x 10 , 3 x 5 Chest Press 3 x 10, 3 x 5 Shoulder Press 3 x 10, 3 x 5 Abs 3 x Failure PULL, Legs, Abs Leg Press 3 x 10, 3 x 5 Lat Pulldown 3 x 10, 3 x 5 Cable Row 3 x 10, 3 x 5 Chest Flyes 3 x 10, 3 x 5 Abs 3 x Failure BODYWEIGHT Squat Jumps 3 x 10 Push Ups 3 x Failure Dips 3 x 10 Abs 3 x Failure Burpees 3 x 10 I normally do Russian Twists or Bicycles for ab work (since I really like those). I normally do some cycling HIIT twice a week. I would appreciate your thoughts
  20. Heyas, im trying to make my own workout program, mainly focuses on strength. I'm relatively new, 8 months into training and im attempting to fix the issues i ran into with my last few plans. If you have any advice or exercise suggestions, tell me. :] 4 sets of 5-7 reps. 2 min breaks. Leg day Barbell Squat Deadlift box jumps (3 sets of 20, 45 sec breaks) Tabata cardio 4 min push day Military Press Bench press+Incline Dumbbell Press (3 sets of each) Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Press Lying Face Down Plate Neck Resistance (3 sets of 7) pull day pullups barbell row Hammer curl +alternating dumbbell curl Overhead Slam (2 sets of 20, 30 second break) Farmers walk ab exercises every second day Landmine 180's Cable Crunch
  21. Did the beginners bodyweight work out for the second time this week! AND cancelled my gym membership that I've been paying for for 8 months and NEVER going to! I've been wanting to start this body weight routine for months, but have always found soooo many excuses not to. "Im too tired", "Im hungry", "I have to read the entire internet first" or just plain sitting on the couch in silence instead of doing anything physical. I did the routine first on Monday morning when I had some time (it only takes 15 minutes!) and felt super worked after, sweaty, a little weezy, hating everything. But I felt really good the next day! I planned on doing it again on Wednesday, but I was feeling a little too sore still, but had some time this morning and did it again! It was already easier, and I could do more reps per set of pushups than day 1! I'm going to use this thread as an accountability thing for myself, might be something I need, along with the two alarms Ive set on my phone at the beginning and end of the day to remind me everyday to work out.
  22. Hey ladies....So need some advice. I'm a little in a funk today, it's that hormonal time, where all I want to do is cry and hit my bed and be in a pocket of sleep. It doesn't help I am having the "case of the Mondays". I'm forcing myself to get to the gym, but on days like theres how do you get yourself motivated? I've been doing reall well on going and working out and eating well, but I've hit that dreaded week. HELP!
  23. Personality & Background Primary Motivator: Achievement, to overcome obstacles and succeed Emotional Disposition: Calm Moodiness: Even-Tempered Core Traits Outlook: Trusting Integrity: Pragmatic Impulsiveness: Focused Boldness: Daring Flexibility: Adaptable Affinity: Empathetic Comportment: Charming Interactivity: Listener Disclosure: Reserved Conformity: Free Thinking Secondary Traits Sense of Humor: Cynical Favorite Topics: Humor, Adventure, People Quirks, Habits, & Oddities: Daydreaming, Lip biting, Tree Climbing Hobbies & Enjoyments: Storytelling, Swimming, Music, Reading Personality Notes: Can read and write because her father taught her, comfortable with a dagger because her Uncle Edrick taught her. Can annoy her grandmother because of her tomboyish ways. Birthplace Cassi was born on a small farm on the banks of the Bellemere River, near the village of Pinewoods. Pinewoods is a small village that is economically dependent on the local sawmill. Barton and Kressara Grim own the sawmill, with the help of their four sons: Errine, Bharat, Esiao, and Derex Family Her mother, Helenia, died in childbirth, leaving the young baby in the care of her father, Adham Hawklight. Cassi was the only child produced by the union, and her father has never shown any interest in bringing another wife into the household. Cassi's grandparents, Brinley and Gavina, live a half-day's walk from the Hawklight farm. Cassi likes to make the journey at least once a fortnight to learn cooking, sewing, and other skills of running the household for her father. Her mother's brother, Edrick, was a soldier in the Great War and regales Cassi with stories of his great adventures. Edrick is the person that Cassi credits (and her father blames) for planting the dreams of adventure in her head. Duties and Obligations Cassi feels great obligation to stay with her father and take care of him, although her heart longs for great adventures. She knows her father wishes for her to marry Derex, the youngest son of the owners of the sawmill. Although Derex and Cassi are great friends, there is no great love between the two.
  24. This is a multi-pronged series of questions. I broke my finger two Saturdays ago and my hand is essentially useless because most of it is in a splint, save for my index and thumb. That means I can't do anything that requires gripping something (i.e., pull ups, barbells, dbs). I can't even do burpees or pushups because of the way my splint is curved. I'm going crazy not working out. I'm going to see my CrossFit coach tonight to explore some options, but am i correct to presume that I basically won't be able to work my upper body? If that's the case, how quickly will I lose the progress that i've made since starting XF four months ago? I was basically a weakling with my upper body (still am now, but less so), but I've gone from needing the thickest assistance band (green) and still struggling for pull-ups to now only needing the thinnest band (red). My 1 rep max for bench press went from 150 to 185 lb (I started out slow, working out 2-3 times a week, then worked out more often, 4-6 times a week). Another question is, whatever progress I lose the 4-6 weeks it takes to heal, will I be starting from scratch again? Meaning will it take 4 months to get back to where I was before my injury?
  25. I've started working out with a mate who's got a bench a barbell and a couple of dumbells. I'm doing 3 days a week at the moment with 2 other days for running and a light bodyweight circuit. So far we've been doing this routine I wrote (A) for about a week or so, but I was thinking of mixing it up with a second and going ABA-BAB. I'm about 178 cm (5'8") and about 90kg (200 lbs) and lifting just for general fitness and weight loss at the moment whilst eating a mostly paleo diet. STRENGTH TRAINING A Quads - Squats 8/4 Hams + glutes - Deadlift 8/4 Push - Bench Press 8/4 Pull - Dumbell rows 8/4 Core - sit up 25/3 + Plank 1min /3 STRENGTH TRAINING B Quads - DB lunges 8/4 Hams - Good mornings 8/4 Push - Military press 8/4 Pull - BB rows 8/4 Core - Mountain climb 30/4 + Plank My current bench is about 50kg, squat is the same (might go up though) and rows are 15kg. Any suggestions on what I should take out, put in, work on etc?
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