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    • Thank you!  It was called Great Wolf Lodge.  The whole place is sort of cabin/camping themed...or perhaps glamping with a king-sized bed and air conditioning 😆.  It was really fun.  We will probably go back next year before peak season prices again.   I really did, although I had to pass on the water park the last day because my back was sore.  Getting old sucks.  I managed to enjoy 2 days of water slides before then, though!  And when I got tired of climbing the stairs, I could grab a float and chill on the lazy river or the wave pool.  The kids actually liked the resort waterpark better than the expensive freestanding waterpark we took them to 2 years ago, so it was a good trade off for us to include it in the hotel cost.   Eat.  I did well waiting for hunger twice yesterday, but evening snacks were my downfall after that.  Who knew hunger was so hard?   Sleep.  Not hitting the 9:30 bed time, but the hat trick is helping me sleep late enough that I don't feel I need it.  I don't know why sleeping from 11-7:30 leaves me well-rested when 9:30-6 leaves me sleep-deprived.  Maybe I am having too much trouble falling asleep earlier.    Breathe.  I got in at least 2 sessions of 12 Breaths, and also a long reflective session as I migrated to a new journal and reviewed the old one.  I didn't get through all of it, so will probably reflect some more today.
    • Oooo, adding Seville district of Pensacola to our travel list! Glad you had a good trip!
    • This sounds both ridiculous and also fun...?!? Glad you enjoyed yourself!
    • Thats usually my philosophy haha    Yah thats hard. No judgement from me. It took me about 5 years to get through the boxes from moving out lol.   Omg the post its box haha. Why is there always so many post it pads?!   Lets try this again    I figured out how to make it unlisted haha. Some seem more gentle than others. One of the zumba ones was a lot of fun.
    • Happy anniversary!! What resort did you go to? Sounds fun!     Well done! I hope you enjoyed the water slides after that!
    • Congrats on the promotion! Absolute bummer that the Spanish teacher you were counting on backed out though!! Are they going to keep looking through the summer, or are you definitely doing Spanish again next year?   Have an amazing camping trip and good luck finding a kennel!
    • Hope taking a little break and getting some more rest and calories helps! Sometimes our body is just asking for a break.
    • 6/3   1.5 hr Ruck with the Grandson   Light stretching/warm up   24 kg DB KB Clean and Press 2x5 24 kg DB KB Squats 2x5 24 kg DB KB Rows 2x5 32 kg KB Swings 2x10 24 kg DB KB Floor Press 2x10   Heavy stretching
    • Me, too. I'm pretty quick to take personally any sour mood of his because of previous spats.    I have a lot of them, too, especially regarding being healthier in choices. I'll see if I can find that video and/or more on the subject, and see if I can figure out what his advice is, because what I recall it being was the yogic equivalent of "do or do not, there is no try." 😅 He also talked about regret: how no life, not even the one from time-travelling to do things better, would be free of regret. And he talked about how he prioritizes his time to spend an hour doing a creative thing (writing his book) before sitting down to game (which even makes the game more satisfying). I've seen that success myself whether by including a walk on my lunch, by waking up early to get my writing quota met in NaNoWriMo, and by reordering what I do so that I accomplish a thing that needed doing prior to sinking into a comfy spot to stay. I guess I'll be sharing the link if I find the video. 😆 It seems to have been a very on point discussion that I related to in a number of ways.   Earlier shift for me today, but I took tomorrow off - according to the internet, tomorrow is Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and I put in the request for it exactly two weeks prior, which was cutting it close, but that's when I found out. My boss is young enough she hasn't seen the film, so she doesn't understand my taking off the day, but I assured her at least I gave her the notice to change the schedule and didn't pull a Ferris and fake being sick... 😅 It rained so much yesterday. I hope that means tomorrow will have perfect weather.    Have a great day! Maerad
    • The over paint seems to self correct in a day or so, and while I thought about trying to clean it up, I'm worried that I'd mess up the nails.  Definitely something to consider as I get better at this.    All good tips, and close to what I was doing. Still struggling with giving things homes, as most possible homes are full of clutter, but getting things sorted into groups is helping. Several years back now, I did a rushed move into storage when the entire apartment complex I was living in got condemned by the fire marshal. Everything got thrown into the closest box and I'm still not sorted back out from that! Not that I was well sorted before.   One thing that is really helping me right now is having some small plastic boxes to sort and stack, and eventually give a forever home. Nail polish in one, pens and such in another, ALL THE POST IT NOTES in another...      Sadly, it doesn't look like you can. I get a "play list does not exist" message.  I did find and do one chair yoga that seemed a good starting point, but that was back when my back was really angry and made it worse. Been meaning to give it another run through, but never seem to thing of it when I could actually do it. 
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