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    • Hi, Sal! Here to follow again, though I cannot guarantee that it will not once again morph into silent lurking because staying current on the forums is sometimes just beyond me.   I obviously don't know your mother at all, but I would push back a little on the idea that she is disappointed in you. She might be disappointed that you did not join her and your sister, but that's not the same thing. It could just be that she is your mother and she loves you and she wishes that you were in a better place where you could participate in reminiscing about your dad without it being so intensely painful. Wishing you were in a better place does not equate to wishing you were better person, though. Those are very different, and while again I can't claim to have some magical insight into your mother's feelings, I do think there's at least an even chance that your depression is interpreting things in a way that they were not intended because depression is sneaky like that.   Anyways, your pictures of Bronze are great! Glad you both got to go enjoy some sunshine.
    • There seems to be something about my hair that makes certain women think "I want to turn their hair into french rope"   I couldn't get close enough to the b word for spell check to help, so sure, hair gets roped and when tired, I lye down.
    • Same, and also, it was this structure that attracted me to this place.   PICKING UP HEAVY THINGS FOR THE WIN! This is the Work. Anyone who tells you it's easy is selling something, but I suspect you've been here long enough to know that already. and now I'm thinking I might retool my challenge, or how to frame my next challenge . . . . but I digress. Again.   This is solid. I have no numbers to my reading goal, just want to read more for personal enjoyment (because grad school things are burning out my time as well as my reading life). I just finished Firebreak, and it's a super-quick read, as are Kornher-Stace's others (Archivist Wasp  and Latchkey). I have Flight and Anchor, but haven't read it, and I might give that a whirl. In case you are taking recommendations.  They are avialable on kindle and I'll gladly gift you a copy. Your local library might have a physical edition.) Dang, @RES. I swear we are living a parallel life.   Warriors, can you count? I can dig it!   And, because the Universe is full of serenditpity and loveliness, this has been in my head on a loop for the last 24 hours:   Hey @RES: Wanna BeatSaber?  
    • Hey, 4pm....   Just after posting, i went through the fridge and got the veggies that looked to be turning. Chopped it all up, olive oil, balsamic, seasoning and herbs. Popped into the oven.    Then I took Bronze to the park near by, its a huge field and it isnt that busy in the week days.    Roxy let her off lead a couple of weeks ago and she was good as gold. So if we dont have time to walk her we will take her to the field and play with the ball for 30 mins.    It is really sunny today, and we played football and she got a good run!             I came home, cooked some chicken with lots of herbs and spices, and a little bit of rice. And had a PROPER lunch for once.!!!   Tonight I am making baked potato, salad and tuna.    I have to get some more work done for the next hour, then i think i will relax. I may have a bath this eve, meditate, try to read.....! I also havent knitted for weeks     One day at a time i guess xx
    • Not a kink, merely a "subtly getting you to read the rulebook in hopes of thus influencing you to actually try the game" joke.   Emphasis on the joke bit. I'm not itching to get you into the hobby or anything. It can be my own thing and I wouldn't mind, we have so many others in common ❤️
    • Thank you Sov, I really appreciate that and yes, good to think about it this way ❤️   Love you so much xx
    • Never thought of it as a ritual. But I've learned I need to make sure I have rest of the day off and go out to eat somewhere (or pick up and eat in my car...)  Just because I cannot guarantee how quickly the appointment will go. Perk of medical appointments is I have had to drive to new neighborhoods. So different options..  Just remembered I have a dentist appointment this week that equals delayed treat... There's a roast beef sandwich shop I wanted to try again, so I know where I'm going again.!
    • This sounds like a really really specific kink.
    • Too ham-fisted? 😂   Quick update for Sunday, weighed in at 95,8kg (-0,5). Had some leftover pasta bolognese for lunch. Was full, but then I ordered groceries and my butcher shop offers a free dish of spitroast pork if my order is above a certain amount;I ate the meat, but held back on the fries and flatbread. Got to play D&d with @Jarric and his gf, @WhiteGhost and @Rhovaniel after a few weeks off and it was lots of fun, I'm amazed my (first of three) characters hasn't died yet. They were also kind enough to accommodate my schedule so I could be off early to pick up my dad from the port. He'd been visiting this weekend to go see his sister, as her husband, my uncle, who's been diagnosed with a nasty pancreatic cancer. After shipping his motorcycle back home, I picked him up and we had a coffee, then dinner for Father's Day. Drove him to the airport and got stuck in lots of traffic on the way back, so by the time I got back home I was spent and fell asleep.
    • Thanks, athousandwords!  It really is apt, right? I am sorry you had to deal with drought conditions over the winter. That sounds stressful. 
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