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    • Swimming is delightful. Being finished swimming is exhausting. I will never leave the water again.  
    • Velammal Multi-specialty Hospital in Madurai, established in 2012, offers international standard medical care with 2100 beds and a dedicated team of 450 doctors. https://velammalhospital.com/
    • This week's workouts before I forget (all KB exercises are with 35#):   Monday 10 minute Meditation   Tuesday: 4x12 Incline KB Bench Press 4x12 Seated KB Arnold Press 3x10 KB OHP 3x10 Bent Over Rows 25 Pushups 30 min walk 10 minute Meditation   Wednesday 10 minute Meditation   Thursday: 10x10 KB Swings 3x10 KB Goblet Squats 25 Pushups 3x20 situps 30 min walk 10 minute Meditation
    • Current Challenge    
    • Hey Everyone long time no see!   I decided to jump into a challenge since I have managed to keep up with a few workouts in a row. A lot has changed for me in the last few years since visiting here.   For this challenge I am going to draw on some of my favorite inspiration Dragon Ball! It is time for me to head back to the Kame House for some refresher training.   Time to slap on the Turtle Shell and start pushing some weight again and workout 2X a week at least.       I need practice with telling the anxiety thoughts in my head to shut up for a bit. Meditate 10 mins a day   In my time away I have packed on some pounds. So to reach my goal of going from 215 to 185 I have to stay within my Calorie limit at least 6 days a week.      
    • Good news, shark week seems to be coming to an end. My day off yesterday was spent discomforted by the noise of floors being redone upstairs, though, so I showed up at work rather tired. Or maybe that was from getting home from Humblewood past 11... 🤔   We had an exciting combat in which I landed no hits, but the captain of our escort crit-KO'd the captain of the bandits before he could even set the forest ablaze! We interrogated two bandits who weren't so quick on their feet for a little extra info, but not much new. On the other hand, we intercepted a caravan headed to Alderheart because an entire village at the base of the mountains (to which we are traveling to infiltrate the bandit coalition's base) had been set ablaze. Our mentor was seen being captured, and some of the way up has been scouted in advance for us. We're heading up in disguise as bandits, but Allexander and Ginny will surely stick out like sore thumbs for being birdfolk. Also, the caravan scene had me in tears the whole time as we tried to plant seeds of hope in those who had suffered and lost so much. 😭😭😭   I did a couple cool things today: I initiated the outline process for my third draft, if only just to know it's started and is no longer nothing. I did squats despite my exhaustion because why do arm day with heavy boxes when surprise leg day can be had? I pulled out all my art books and flipped through them... which has me contemplating either a new book for redraws or something I've never done physically: designing layouts that show my progress over time.   Lasagna is in the oven, and Cid is having fun playing RockSmith, so no CR tonight, and that's okay.   P.S. I saw a cute possum yesterday because a neighbor had pulled them from between an AC unit and a fence out of concern. Seemed terrified of us, but didn't run, and was cute. X)
    • It's a screenshot from a boss fight in Shin Megami Tensei V.      Health Bar (physical health) I did a daily dare. Baby steps!   Stamina Bar (Resilience/Emotional Energy) I'm catching up on some VLDL videos, and putting final touches on the set list for this weekend's performance in the biggest music festival of the year on my LOTRO server. Yes, we have bands and music festivals in game. It's awesome.
    • And I do not have the discipline to do a lot of backlog, so I did the side-to-side chops, because the animations of the hops and lunges made my ankles hurt.
    • Indeed.   Today went really well.  I drank like a camel, tended my garden morning an evening and very nearly finished my current WIP.  Need to touch up a few areas in the morning when I have better light, but for all practical purposes, I made a thing.     I also got 2 books from the library today.   TBR: Kingdom of Copper  Empire of Gold (current) The Familiar Sleep No More  A Study in Drowning
    • Yeah I think I'm doing really well this time!
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