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    • Okay 100% understand the 2 ancient  wonders, but also a Pilgrimage or to Germany?    --- Saturday- 1 point because I meditaed to get about 7 hours of sleep... Didn't get to the 20 hours (stopped at 18.5 this week... aka good enough).   I was REALLY tired... had to buy an energy drink. Was able to get a thing I NEEDED to get done, but that's it.    Walked through in furniture store and realized I would be content with an Amazon platform bed (will get it Saturday).  Until I safe up and find what I really want (probably save up for a new bed and such by then).  --- Meal planned simple meals from one if my favorite Tiktoker theplantslant I ended up shooting my grocery budget out of the water due to stocking up on single serving protein snacks.    Been reflecting that I have been putting rules on food, when in reality. I need to look for foods that will sustain me and confirm I won't. Listened to the podcast "In Modernation"  and realized everyone is different, and I can try different protein bars or food combinations and see what makes me feel good.    Had protein waffles this morning with yogurt/maple syrup/ blue berries. And shocked I know I can go 4 hours and feel strong. (And it all tasted better together... nice!) https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKwjUjn/
    • hahahah, my bad.  I meant to type CIV VII    
    • What he said...   What year is this?
    • Go ahead. You do remember that we be piratey here, right? You do you. 😅
    • But then I'd be obligated to do something daily, just to be able to log easily. Probably "one of everything". Or it would make my log more inconsistent. Or even more detailed...
    • What lovely photos. All the light on the water is so pretty and the trees. And of course winne is always adorable.  know how you feel about photos. I tend to hate almost all photos of me at the moment. You guys looks so sweet together though, and its lovely to see one where your both in it. 
    • I'm thinking I might actually do things differently, at least for this challenge and just wanted to run it by you guys to see if it's ok if I join given I am bastardising the rules.    I've been toying with not weighing in this challenge because I find if I plateau or gain weight it gives me a case of the fuckits which runs against everything I am trying to achieve. I already have my spreadsheets set up to calculate hypothetical weight loss based on cals in vs cals out, so can I weigh in hypothetically, based on my progress rather than actual weigh ins, and do an actual weigh in at the end?
    • I feel like we had 2 weeks of summer and then it back pedalled and we have been stuck with cold wind and jumpers ever since. I got a winter scarf  back out of the cupbord the other day! Its just rediculous
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