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    • FWIW, I definitely think 5 of 7 days for updates in the forums is a win, or at least a solid B. Nicely done on the spending!
    • Whoa, this sounds like a great character.
    • Thanks, I think this advice will be helpful. There are a few things that have been in my mind lately. I really like the way your Cleric is using cantrips, but Ranger doesn't have them and only gets a couple of spells. I think I'd like to do something with spells when I get them next level, but I haven't figured out the mechanics of that yet. Completely separate from that, I have some plans and ideas around memorizing music (I've already started one song) that I'd like to incorporate into my challenges to get more consistency and this morning it occurred to me that Bard might fit with that and would also give me access to cantrips to play with. On a mechanical level, having a fairly low charisma bard doesn't seem like the best idea if I was planning to use spells against enemies a lot, but I don't think that will be as much of an issue here as it would in an actual DnD game. It's a new shiny idea, so of course I'm all excited about it, but I definitely need to think and plan more and see where I end up and I really like your advice to look at high level goals.
    • Huh, that's a new one for me. SRU is always up to something cool.
    • Good start to the week Water yes Morning start yes   Workout: I struggled with the squats. It just felt heavy. Then my arms and back felt strong,  and since I hadn't done as well in the squats, I super pushed myself, and then later in the day had all the back DOMS.  Speaking of that,  some of my coats hadn't fit, and I was thought it was because I had put in weight, But, really my waist is just slightly about what it used to be, it's just the number on the scale is bigger. But then I  actually looked at my back in the mirror, and I have back muscles! Turns out some of the sizing was because I actually have muscle now. Trying to be grateful and happy about that. My poor body, I tell it I don't like the way it looks because I have no muscle, and I put on muscle and say I don't like that either.😊
    • I usually also revolve around a few meals myself but chances are my mundane isn't your mundane. The recipes I'm likely to use this challenge will come as Youtube videos, with the ingredients or a link to them usually in the description.   As could be expected, the couscous is delicious. Make couscous, folks! The only other meal with as much magic that I know is slow cooked delicious stew. I'll keep that one in reserve for when I need the emotional support or don't want to afford the risk of my meals being untasty.   3 things I take out of the couscous recipe:   1) as mentioned before, it's delicious. Highly recommended. 2) when the recipe calls for low grade chili pepper, don't use strong 'piment d'Espelette' in the same quantity. 3) when the recipe mentions being for 10 people, that doesn't mean 5 tupperwares for 1 person. Basic maths apply to cooking, champion!   Day   Week   Sunday Monday Tuesday     09/22 09/23 09/24               Success%       63% 67% 71%               Walk       Yes Yes Yes Breakfast           Yes Hygiene routine       Yes Yes Yes Workout           Yes Cleaning             Batch cooking             Financial accounting       Yes Yes Yes Alumni meeting       Yes     Hike             To bed by 10 pm       Yes Yes  
    • I have a bunch of beef in the freezer that needs to be used, so I pulled out a pack of stew beef and sauteed it up with a sauce and some red pepper from the farm share.  I put it in a bowl over the barley I made on Saturday morning, and friends, I was halfway through it before I realized the meat is a little off. UGH. This makes my heart sore.  And also I will need to go through the freezer and dump all the beef, a task I do not love on many fronts.   Also, I'm still hungry and am out of time before the afternoon meetings begin.   Thank goodness for pistachios, milk, and dried fruit.  
    • 😮    Also just saw this: The Stone House for the Public Humanities
    • The fire is burning warm in the hearth and i thought of this. Its autumnal as this time of year is inextricably coloured with evening fires and the smell of wood smoke for me  
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