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    • Cringe.  All of this is so cringe-worthy.  
    • Yes! I’ve been training for this! Down dog is still far from a restful pose but I got a good flow following the video and I may do another set without guidance today or tomorrow.    “Folks, it looks like this is a pretty well-used campsite,” Radost calls back over her shoulder. “Or else the people using it left in a big hurry!” More likely the former, she thinks, since the stone-lined fire pit and melodic hangings imply long occupancy. She stretches up on tiptoe to spin one of the lower-hanging mobiles. After examining how the chimes are constructed, she bends low to look at the cooking vessels. “I’ve seen some like this before somewhere, but I can’t quite place it. Smells like they cooked up something delicious, though!”
    • Celebration nap also sounds great! 😄   I'm exhausted just reading the list.
    • I will bring it up. Thanks!   Thank you for that as well.   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, um.   I don't really remember what I did yesterday. I took a walk, sent someone a message that I hadn't talked to in a while. I'm assuming the other things did not happen.   My alarm woke me from deep sleep, which unfortunately left me drowsy all day. Then, around midnight, things happened. An existing situation involving someone I care about took a very unfortunate turn that now involves me researching lawyers. And therapists. I also learned further details that are very disturbing to me. I helped the person put together a plan of action, sought advice from a trusted source, and just tried to figure out next steps.   I am now waiting for further information, as what happens today is likely to give a good indication of what is to be expected in future. I have never dealt with anything like this before and so I'm still very unsure what to do and how to proceed.   I would really really like for awful things to stop happening please.
    • I figured that's what you meant when you said you weren't happy with the right side. But had you not said that I wouldn't have noticed. It's a gorgeous piece.
    • Ooh did you get those really cool ice formations? I've seen crazy photos but maybe it's not a thing that happens very often.   Stay safe!
    • I get it. I know that you know this, but I'll keep reinforcing that it doesn't make you a bad person. You're doing the right thing. It might not feel like it but you're really protecting your relationship.
    • Wk 3 Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins ❌ ✔️ F S   Deep breathing (video recommended) ❌ H F S    Move my Body ❌ H F S   Eat from Home  ✔️ H F S   Clean Something   ✔️ H F S   Drinking a gallon of Water  ✔️ H F S   Wear Invisalign for 22 hrs  ? H F S   Shiny Sink  ❌ H F S   80% accomplishment on each one gives me 1 hour of guilt free game time... or guilt free binge screen time.  100% for the end of the challenge has me receiving 2 hours per those.    I don't think I updated my "revision" of my Invisalign (they added 18 weeks... when this was going to be my last week in the old plan  ) I have a tracker app to help me keep on track, and uses a level of "mindfulness" for me to keep them in. I'm wanting to rule out bad habits incase I need another revision...    For cleaning as I have just over 2 weeks to make my home company "acceptable". I realize it would be better if I could "clean things"  outside of the endless dishes with my cooking. While also knowing I can stay on top of the dishes pretty easily, but have to add the habit of "clean as I go, and right after I eat".    Yesterday didn't go well. Could have done everything, but could tell the PT appointment was a tough one.. and was still feeling the emotions after work. Did make a homemade meal (the pesto spaghetti and meatballs.. first time I made  successful meatball by and turned out pretty good that I had it for breakfast and lunch). I did do Tapping this morning before getting ready, due to knowing I'm work with someone I don't care for today and could tell my anxiety was higher than usual for work.  My goals for this challenge. Get the goals right when I get home. I'm realizing if I transition to "doing" right away and listening to a podcast or music I can keep going. "For moving my body." I want to restart the Ring Fit. My PT pointed out I've probably been avoiding exercise due to it triggering emotions/muscles that are on strong defense mode. Along with that making my highly sensitive self hating exercise. Walking at work kind of makes it into "Work through this over the alternative of being stuck at a desk all day." But now see why pushups are like "I want to do it until I start working on them...".  So to work on the movement and get some form of body work outside of walking, I'm bringing in Ring Fit to see if it gives me joy!
    • Oh I get you. But is the problem that you're tired and procrastinate going to bed, or that you don't feel tired in the first place?   If you do get tired is it an option to set up an alternative crashing space? Might sound crazy but hear me out. Sleep hygiene is great and important, but sometimes it's much easier to pass out on the sofa watching a movie. I'm not saying it'd be a good habit to form, but in desperate times allowing yourself to pass out as you are might be better than procrastinating and not sleeping at all. Sometimes when I'm overtired and I finally drag myself to the bathroom to get ready it can actually make me stop feeling tired and I procrastinate even further. I'm not exactly sure what this would look like in your specific situation, maybe setting up the last meeting in a warm comfy spot near your desk. The main idea is about allowing yourself to fall asleep when/where you feel tired even if it's not optimal and with a phone next to your face.   To prevent procrastination I sometimes also get ready super early, hours before actual bedtime. Then I don't have to spend two hours in a completely incapacitated state because I really don't want to fall asleep with my contacts in, but I also really don't want to get up to take them out. Sometimes I feel like I have to "catch" the sleep. If I try to go to bed too early or too late it can be problematic. For me it's helpful to be ready for when I notice the tiredness and the sleep window is open. In this sense I don't really believe in a strict bed time. I think it's for the people that do things very consistently. But since I don't eat or train or brain according to schedule it doesn't make sense that my bedtime would or even should be consistent either. Within reason obviously. Which I don't always have.   If you're tired but in thinking mode the thing that sometimes works decently well for me is to write everything down.   If you don't feel tired in the first place the only thing I can think of is to start doing low stimulating activities well before bedtime so you get sufficiently but not too bored. Admittedly this might be an impossibly fine line.  My "strategy" when I'm not tired is to... not go to bed. If I can't stop myself from doing something it's to pull an all-nighter like a complete idiot because I don't even notice the time. And then regretting it the for the next three days. It really sucks. Sleep problems really suck. I can't imagine what it must be like for you, dealing with a lack of sleep so often. 😢   Edit: I also get sleepier in low lights, maybe putting your lights on an automatic dimmer could help?
    • Or, with one added comma, you get what I was thinking you said, which is this:     (While I wouldn't generally go to them for financial advice, they probably would know about purchasing coke at those prices.)
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