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    • Thanks. I have the options, but I haven't had the consistency. I'm trying to work on that but not having a lot of success yet.   Favorite board games.... depends on who I'm playing with. With Hubs I really like Ascension and Splendor. With large and less serious gamer groups I like Bang, Hive Mind, and Code Names. With smaller and more serious nerds I like Valeria, Sentinals, and Pathfinder (card game and RPG). Some recent finds that I'm enjoying are Rauha, Dragonkeepers, and Vast. (We have a pretty ridiculous collection of you can't tell)
    • Spent the night with my cousin, and introduced her to Epic the Musical which a mutual friend of ours got me into. She put my hair into braids, and I hope to keep them that way for a month. We'll see if they last. I also suggested she get my dad's gardening things since she mentioned wanting to start a garden, and he had so many things she could use. If she can't make the trip to get it all, I'll make it for her next weekend.    Cidran had a setback Saturday evening, and we spent all of Sunday afternoon trying to put pieces back together. Not happy about it. Took him to see Inside Out 2, which (as I suspected at the time) had a reassuring message for people being overwhelmed by anxiety.   Have very little appetite but still feel very hungry. I considered do my TGUs, but I am put off by the atmosphere at home, so I journaled instead, which feels more in line with what I needed today.
    • Morning, all!   Friday was super hot, some rain came through in the evening, which did not actually cool things down at all, but did give me the excuse I wanted to not stain. So Friday I Feigned Death. Saturday it was also very hot. Got a little cleaning done in the morning, and it did get a little cooler in the evening so I stained a couple rows. Plus I gave the dog a bath. I also played the piano for a bit for the first time in a while. Couldn't go very long before my forearms said nope, but got to start reconditioning somewhere. And Toll the Dead did some damage to the Vampirate, which was sort of my motivation behind playing, so yay for challenge mechanics actually encouraging good habits. Sunday I went to a piano/violin recital for a girl at my church, and she is very, very good. I was glad I went. Made a nice frittata for dinner.   Finished week 1 with 219 points. Did very well with Light, got several Mending points, used all my spell slots and Channel Divinity, plus got 2 workouts and 1 social outing in.  Not bad at all, though I am going to have to start killing Vampirates to make my goal this challenge.   This week is a busy one, which I know I say a lot, but this one really is packed. On the good side, next week should be a slow week, so I just need to power through this one and then I can catch my breath. So, here we go:   Monday - workout at lunch. Weather has cooled off, thankfully, so after work I'm hoping to pick raspberries and maybe, depending on how long berry picking takes, groom my mustang as well. I have class tonight, and also should rearrange stuff in my old barn to make room for hay. Tuesday - Will be using my lunch break to interview for the position in Aging. Meeting my friend at his barn after work to pick up a load of hay, since he's trying to clear out all of last year's hay to make room for this year's. Wednesday - workout at lunch. Helping my neighbor after work. Thursday - Classwork or errands at lunch. Dinner with my sister. Friday - workout at lunch. Church banquet in the evening. Saturday - I've been invited to a graduation party, but that won't be until the afternoon ?? - not to self, check time on invitation - so in the morning I'm hoping to get barn work done. Sunday - Church in the morning, with a reception after to wrap up the 200 anniversary festivities. Volunteering at the community dinner in the evening.   Phew, that's a lot. But some of it, like dinner with my sister, is chill and fun. Also I have a group project due this week, but my partner has been on vacation so I'm not sure yet when we're going to meet up on Zoom to record the presentation. I'm hoping to do it on Thursday during my lunchbreak, but I don't know what her schedule is, so I'm not sure if that will work. Could do it either Wed or Fri during lunch, I'd just end up with 2 workouts instead of 3, which is fine. Or could do it Wed after helping my neighbor, although I'm usually pretty tired then, or do it at my sister's and just duck into her office for the 20-30 minutes recording should take. (It's only a 10-15 minute presentation, but you figure we'll do a little chatting before and after.)   I'm also tweaking how I do some of my spells. For ones like Create/Destroy Water that involve daily things, instead of adjusting the DC and rolling at the end of the week, I'm going to do it more like a skill check where I make a roll at the end of every day, with the DC based on how well or poorly I did on that goal, and I need to get 3 successes before 3 failures to earn those points for the week. This change mostly brought about because rolling dice more often is more fun.   All righty, deep breath, let's do this!  
    • Mine was also pretty old - think my mom may have gotten it as a wedding gift? Sadly, it became too threadbare and has moved on to the great bedchamber in the sky, but it was a really nice one.   Glad to hear that your knee isn't too terribly injured. I know it's frustrating to have limited walks, but you want to stay on top of this stuff so it doesn't get worse. Prepare to be gently hassled about doing your stretches regularly.
    • My favourite type of decluttering is the type where people give me more stuff     This sounds excellent - fruit is underrated.     That's an amazing amount to do in 6 months - awesome stuff!     I think you'll get the hang of it, it seems ok to me (though I know nothing about playing accordion). The worst bit for me is that they've put the repeat line halfway through a bar!
    • I don't know what this is, but it sounds incredible. 
    • Brilliant `rookie and Winnie!!!!! ❤️ xx
    • Your father's silly. Al didn't invent global warming; he invented the internet.
    • I was too bold in posting that s’shot, my macros plummeted after remembering there was strawberry pie in the fridge! It was really good pie though  And i took the black dogs for an extra, post-dinner walk powered by pie.   oof, today will be busy. the good news is that the heat wave seems finally to have broken and the day is blue sky and crisp. Also perusing the program site for the conference I’m attending this week and it looks pretty great!   Today then: shower, get cute Dogwalk prep lunches (sheet pan chicken, should have been done y’day) 😬  breakfast, track, brush teeth walk to school morning meeting 1030 am gym, liftings lunch, track update membership for professional society prof society meeting 2 pm  write cover letter for Slippery Paper submit Slippery Paper!!! dance around in joy or otherwise take a beat to celebrate the above finalize talk (slides) for conference mentally sketch out first few minutes of the talk editorial pomodoro, 2 new suggested reviewers Walk home, pick up milk on the way Early bed, I’m really tired!!
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