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    • I feel this. Parenting is hard and it's harder to look around and see people who aren't interested in doing the work or protecting their own children. 😞 I'm happy there are people like you in the larger village of children-exist-in-this-world-that-you're-part-of who are providing safe spaces for those kids.      Yay for Liam! Boo for commutes... At least you haven't moved yet? 😬   Hope your back feels better! 
    • Let's see.... Walking, I did so yesterday and today. Litterbox update. So a kitty pee'd and pooped on the "old" litter mat that I'd left down overnight after I pulled the old box - it was exactly where that box was - so if they're hesitant of the other one, I kind of expected it. At least it's ALL tile in that room. So that got cleaned and the mat has been tossed (it's great for snagging litter on paws, getting fully clean.... not so much - and it was old so if I feel we need another one later, I'll replace it). Last night one of the kitties pooped on the dog bed (I suspect Saxo). So that's been addressed and I'll try to get it washed today. Along with other laundry. Teal'c had a seizure (last was about 6 weeks ago). He was on my desk and hubby was awake watching anime and heard him hit the floor. Not much was out of place on the desk but it took a bit to clean him up. Poor guy was shaken - but it's all cleaned up, he ate a couple of pieces of kibble, drank some water, had a bit of wet food and according to the new Litter Robot, went to the bathroom. This morning he's acting pretty normal so as usual more stressful for us in the long run than him.
    • The NSVs are far more important than any number on a scale - and even more important than that is the consistency and dedication you keep putting in. You deserve your celebration; the scale will catch up!
    • Giving myself a timeline for this afternoon   After work: go home (4pm) Feed cats Quick shower Eat salad Go to library Games start at 5:30 Between 7 and 7:30, start looking for a good moment to leave / break between games Go home Chop veggies to cook in the morning
    • Plan for yesterday New Habits Honor they bedroom and keep it holy🟡 Una ensalada todos los dias AM brush✔️ PM brush floss Shower   Mission Critical     Normal Stuff If doom scrolling, stand up and stretch my legs✔️ Foot lotion✔️ Praise music✔️ Work✔️ AM Spanish✔️ Bottle of water✔️ Time outside❌       Read You are Here and/or practice mindfulness while outside PM Spanish✔️   Bonus Points Fold clothes✔️ Dishes Tidy kitchen     Plan for today New Habits Honor they bedroom and keep it holy Una ensalada todos los dias AM brush✔️ PM brush floss Shower   Mission Critical Take out trash and recycling✔️ Go through refrigerator✔️ Clean up around chair✔️ Game night at library     Normal Stuff If doom scrolling, stand up and stretch my legs Foot lotion✔️ Praise music Work AM Spanish Bottle of water Time outside       Read You are Here and/or practice mindfulness while outside PM Spanish   Bonus Points Dishes Tidy kitchen prep to cook tomorrow morning
    • (Olga with Monica Loughman Ballet, Dublin. Photo by Keith Dixon) Good day again. Was worried i would crash after yesterday was so very buisy, but im actually fine (insert shock here).  went for a lovely swim this morning. Just a sliver of beach but with an outgoing tide we risked it. Water was refreshing and so clear. One of those lovely days where the sea and sky where so very blue.    went for a spot of lunch at a local cafe and now back chilling out in the shade. Today is very hot and cloudless with very little breeze.    folk evening was good. Ended up on a stool, which normally means 2.5 hrs of extreme discomfort. Doing all those Planks is clearly paying off though as it was fine. Very Good to know  
    • Adding another vote for murderbot!    I go through several month long phases in which I’m unable to read anything. Sometimes it’s stress/fatigue related, but sometimes it’s a mystery. I just roll with it and when I feel ready to read again I start with something easy, maybe something I’ve already read, a graphic novel, short stories or novella or a kids/YA book.
    • Honestly, probably not. I get the impression it’s aimed at neurotypical people who get into a midlife crisis/mild depression for the first time in their life and wonder why they’re not happy anymore. And you can find everything online anyway.   Fair! Even if I realised it in retrospect it’s tricky in the moment when it keeps shifting form.
    • Yay for shameless stealing, more bugs for everyone! 😄   this is indeed crazy, kudos to you!   How is the KB training going these days?
    • oh look more balancing   balance hold 🐝 30 sec each side
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