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    • "Enhance your home's curb appeal with elegant wood columns for exteriors Discover design ideas, installation tips, and maintenance advice for durable and stylish outdoor columns."
    • Since walking is my only physical activity at this point in time, I decided to look back on my data since I started tracking (May 11th), convert steps into distance walked and do what one does not simply do...   Notable milestones thus far for you LotR nerds: May 11: Left Bag End May 15: The hobbits camp along Stock Road May 17: A Black Rider (Nazgul) appears. The hobbits escape notice by hiding May 19: The hobbits have another close call run-in with a Black Rider. Elves appear to chase it off. May 21: Camp at Wood End. The next day, the hobbits cross Stock-brook. May 25: Arrival at Crickhollow and rest for the night. May 29: Rescued by Tom Bombadil. Night spent at his home. June 3: Lost at the Barrow-downs and captured by Barrow-wights of Angmar. June 7: Reach Bree. Meet Strider. Spend the night at the Prancing Pony. June 11: Camp in Chetwood. June 13: Camp in Eastern Chetwood. June 18: Camp in western part of the Midgewater Marshes. June 20: Camp in eastern part of the Midgewater Marshes. See flashes of light in the east during the night (Gandalf on Weathertop). June 23: Camp by a stream. June 24: Can see crumbled ruins on the Weather Hills ahead.
    • Had a team building event on Tuesday. An "urban hunt" where we were all divided into teams of 3-4, and had to run around the town center doing quizzes about things you can find at the specific locations in the game. Since the game was just over an hour and a half long, and we had to run all over the town center, I amassed a solid number of steps. Afterwards we went for all-you-can-eat ribs, and played a couple of games of bowling. Fun was had for all. And we got to know a bunch of colleagues from the other subteams within the department that we don't collaborate with on a daily basis.   Yesterday I had a phlebotomy (because of my iron overload). Not at the Red Cross for donation, but at my doctor's. The Red Cross had disallowed me because my hemoglobin levels were too low. They want 130 g/l, and I had measured 129... 😏 My dad runs into the same issue on occasion as well. Might be genetically on the low side. But since I have hemochromatosis (iron overload), I need 6 phlobotomies each year as therapy. The Red Cross recommends only 4 per year for donation, so given my frequency it's kinda normal that my hemoglobin would be even lower then. 😇   Went and bought a new laptop in the afternoon, so Tennis Elbow 4 is back on the menu. Cleared out most of the bloatware, installed the minimum of programmes that I use on a regular basis, and got Tennis Elbow 4 installed and modded. Copied my savegames over, and lo-and-behold: I only have to replay the last set of the game! 😅   Watched football in the evening. Belgium played one of the worst and boring matches of the tournament so far (which makes for two days in a row after England's match on Tuesday). And then our players were surprised at being whistled at in discontent by the supporters. As if they don't realize that it was a poor match where they didn't even *try* to win. And instead of admitting that it was a poor match, they go "but we qualified for the next stage" - in a tournament group where they had to make an active effort *not* to qualify... 🙄     Anyway, I played some Hogwarts Legacy afterwards, and finally reached the map chamber. More stressful than anticipated because spiders. I've been suffering a MASSIVE case of "just one more quest" this week. Haven't gotten close to respecting my sleep curfew at all. And since I haven't played darts either, I'm not even qualifying for "ALL THE THINGS!" so that log is red as well. Also no workouts. Just eating well and getting plenty of steps in. At least that's still good... 😅   Week 2   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 5h02 Steps               Avg. steps 14.9K Distance 23.11 km Workouts 0 Days with (mini-)workouts 0.0 ALL THE THINGS!                     Got an email from the Alcatraz organisation. Their app is live, which means I have access to the actual timetable for the festival. Time to see where the overlap *really* is, and which bands I'll be able to see and where I'll have to make a choice.   Here's a band that sounds really interesting: Green Lung Formed in 2017 and started in really small venues, so I'm guessing they're all young musicians. The Black Sabbath vibe is strong within them, though, and not just because the singer sounds a bit like Ozzy Osbourne. The have a number of excellent songs and I will definitely check these guys out!   Green Lung - Reaper's Scythe
    • I'm on the exact same boat 🤜🤛   Thanks for your thoughts on Stray. It's been on my wishlisht since it came out, been waiting for a price drop (and to get through the many other games already on my backlog) but now that I invested in a gaming controller, I'm looking even more forward to some laid back gaming, minus the more tense levels you mentioned.
    • Oh nooo   Can you get something to soothe it??
    • Oh no! Oh that sounds horrible 😧. Hope theres something you can do for it to make it feel better 
    • Challenge Day 10: Wednesday, June 26th   Nutrition Weight: 93,4kg (-2,2 kg). Most impressive. Let's see if I stick around those numbers or take a little bump up again. Fasting: I had two sandwiches with leftover pork and they kept me going so good, I wasn't even hungry by dinner time so I skipped it. Adjusting for that gives me a 2 hour eating window and 22 hours of fasting. Tracking: The above is also reflected in my daily caloric consumption, which was a little under 1200.  Walked over 7.000 steps and drank 6 glasses (1,5L) of water.   Sleep Another 5,5 hours of sleep.   Non-tracked things: Did my daily Duolingo, more classes than usual too. Listened to album of the day, plus the next one to save me time. It's good to be one album ahead in case anything happens. Other than that, I realized as soon as I come home, I need at least 2 hours of vegging, doing absolutely nothing, before I'm functional to do anything, even if that's a minor household chore or just chilling with videogames. It's annoying that, of the little free time I have, I gotta burn up a couple of precious hours like that, but I'm trying to be kind to myself. Don't need to be super productive doing things all the time. If my mind and body needs this, after several hours of work and heat, so be it. I'll count it as self care.
    • I'm sorry to hear James isn't well, but not so secretly glad it means you get a bit more of a break. Recover to the best of your ability, Friend.   
    • I think this is a fabulous goal, Sal! Those photos are stunning, too.    Slow and steady was what worked for me. Adding time as my stamina went up. Elevation is hard to come by where I'm at, it's pretty flat here, so I'd probably do a fair bit of stairs to challenge myself in preparation for the elevation changes! 
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